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初二教案 第501期

Issue 501 For Junior 2

北京101中学 刘云松


Value of e-waste P(2)

I. Brain storming

What electronic products can you think of?

What electronic products can you think of?


II. Lead in

When electronic products are broken or you want a new one, what are they called?


How do you usually deal with your e-waste?


III. While reading

1. Look at the title. What do you think the article is about?

E-waste can be valuable if we deal with it in a proper way. 

2. What can we tell from the second paragraph?

A. People around the world produce 41.8 million tons of e-waste every year.

B. People recycled a lot of e-waste each year.

C. Both the US and China are big wasters.

D. People threw away 6.5 million tons of e-waste in 2014.

3. According to David Malone, e-waste can be ____.

A. either reused or thrown away

B. reused and can help save resources

C. harmful to people’s health

D. valuable in many ways

4. Which way to help reduce e-waste is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. Buy long lasting electronic equipment.

B. Give unwanted electronics to charities.

C. Take computers and phones to companies offering recycling programs.

D. Sell old electronics to someone who can still use it.


IV. Post reading

Please draw the mind map of the article:


Taking tests on websites P(3)

I. Warm up

Do you often have quizzes at school?

How about tests?

How often do you take tests each semester?

How do you feel before and after tests?


II. While reading

Which is the correct order after Chinese students take a test?

     ①. The teachers will announce the top grades and names.

     ②. They divide students into different classrooms for future tests.

     ③. They call a meeting for parents to discuss students’ grades.

     ④. They give out the paper tests to students.

A. ①③②④    B. ③②①④    C. ④①③②  D. ③①②④

2. What is always a motivation for Chinese students to study hard?

   A. Scores.

   B. Competition.

   C. Their level.

   D. Pressure.

3. From Paragraph 4, we learn that_______.

   A. teachers can keep students from cheating by using a website detector. 

   B. students can use iPads to take some classes online.

   C. parents can check their child’s grades on the school website.

   D. teachers send students’ transcripts almost every day to their parents.

4. What can we learn from the story?

   A. Chinese students don’t believe scores to be a big thing.

   B. American students know how much they need to prove themselves.

   C. American students see their grades as a private matter.

   D. American students don’t know other class mate’s grades.

5. What’s the story mainly about?

   A. Taking tests on websites is new.

   B. Students don’t want to be left behind.

   C. Only students can see their grades.

   D. Different ways to take exams between China and the US.


III. Post-reading

Discuss with your partner:

What do you think of Chinese and American ways of taking exams?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?


How to get rid of a song in your head? P(5)

I. Lead in

Have you had a similar experience?

You're driving to work, listening to your favorite radio station, when on comes Britney Spears' Baby One More Time. By the time you pull into your office parking lot, you have, "Oh baby, baby" running through your head. 

Have you had a similar experience?

You hum it at your desk. You sing it on your way to the restroom. You tap it out on the table during your morning meeting. When five o'clock finally rolls around, your coworkers are shooting you the evil eye and you're ready to pull your hair out. 

Some songs just get stuck in your head, whether you like them or not. Read the article and find out what this phenomenon (现象) is called.

An earworm or brainworm.


II. While reading

Answer the questions:

1. What’s the secret to getting rid of an earworms?

To chew gum.

2. How long were the volunteers asked to do the experiment?

Three minutes.

3. How many groups did the scientists divide the volunteers into? 


4. How much did chewing gum reduce people thinking of a song?

A third.

5. What’s the article mainly about?

What an earworm is and how to get rid of it.


True or False

1. People haven’t studied earworms before.

2. Scientists did an experiment with 98 volunteers.

3. Tapping your finger can force the brain regions to be active.

4. When you are listening to a certain song, you should exercise.


III. Fill in the blanks with proper words:

reduce, get rid of, force, support, include, active

1. It’s difficult to ________some old habits.

2. People should eat less fat to ______the risk of heart disease.

3. When I feel down, he always tries to _______me.

4. She has taken an ______part in all kinds of contests. 

5. Don't _______ your ideas on others. 

6. A good general diet should ______ plenty of fresh vegetables.


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