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初二教案 第502期

Issue 502 For Junior 2

鍖椾含甯傚お骞宠矾涓 浜庣孩


Raising the right type of chicken p(3)

I. Warm up

1. Do you keep any pets?

2. What are they like?

3. Why do you like raising them?


II. Fast reading

1. Where is Gracie Goodpasture from?

2. What prize did she get in 2015?


III. While reading

Read and choose:

1. When did Gracie Goodpasture start breeding chickens?

A. In the year 2015.

B. When she was in Grade 3.

C. When she was in Grade 5.

D. When she was 14 years old.

2. Goodpasture got the Angel Award from the NSA because ____.

A. she was a science lover 

B. she had the healthiest chicken

C. she raised the perfect chickens

D. she was good at building robots

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?

A. Goodpasture wants to build her own farm.

B. Humans should live with animals peacefully.

C. Goodpasture plans to learn more about poultry science.

D. People who have particular interests can win the Angel Award.


IV. Post-reading

What do you think of Goodpasture's hobby?

If you were Goodpasture, what would you do in the future?


Our universe: is it the only one in space? P(5)

I. Warm up

Do you know Zayn Malik?

Do you know Stephen Hawking?

What might happen if Zayn met Hawking?


II. While reading

Read and choose:

1. Why is Zayn Malik mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. To tell us he is a memeber of One Direction.

B. To express the sadness of many music fans.

C. To lead into the topic of the multiverse theory.

D. To compare him with the physicist Hawking.

2. Hawking believes in parallel universes because of ______.

A. his interest in fantasy and fiction novels

B. the rules of probability in space

C. his successful experiments of the universe

D. the close contact with life forms in other planets

3. From the article, we learn that ____.

A. scientists are still unsure if the multiverse theory is true.

B. people can live on other planets one day

C. there are many Earth-like planets in space

D. other possible life forms live far away 


III. Post-reading

Get to know the solar system.

Do you believe in  multiple universes? Why or why not?

How can we contact with other possible life forms?


Girl with a rose tests kindness p(6)

I. Warm up

Do you know what roses stand for?


II. While reading

Read and choose:

1. Who was Steve waiting for?

A. His girlfriend.

B. His pen pal.

C. His mother.

D. His classmate.

2. The word "recognize" means____.

A. make out

B. work out

C. carry out

D. check out

3. How could Steve find Miss Maynell?

A. By having a math test.

B. By her pretty appearance.

C. By the red rose on her coat.

D. By having a dinner with her.

4. What can we infer from the story?

A. Miss Maynell didn't want to meet Steve.

B. Steve hoped Miss Maynell was beautiful.

C. Miss Maynell wanted to invite Steve to dinner.

D. Steve didn't judge a friend by her apperance.


III. Post-reading

What can you get from the story?

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