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初二教案 第511期

Issue 511 For Junior 2

福建省石狮市中英文实验学校 孙丽平



Meeting people in a new place P(3)

I. Pre-reading (discussion)

1. Do you feel lonely when you are in a new place?

2. How do you find new friends?


II. While reading

Comprehension check 

1. Choose the answer:

1. The writer went abroad to ____.

A. look for some new friends

B. study in a new school

C. live with her parents  

D. learn a new language   

2. From Paragraph 2, we know that Jenny ________.

A. comes from Korea

B. is in a different class

C. is in the Chinese group

D. knew the writer very well

3. How do you find friends in a new place?

A. Don't be shy to talk to people.  

B. Be friendly and welcoming. 

C. Share things with new friends.

D. All of the above. 

4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. It's not good to speak the native language.

B. It's hard to learn a foreign language.

C. More friends make life abroad less lonely.

D. Making friends is the most important thing abroad.



III. Post-reading

1. What do you think of "the Chinese group"?

2. What can you learn from the writer?



Testing out a new basic taste P(5)

I. Pre-reading (discussion)

1. Do you like eating fatty meat?

2. What are basic tastes?


II. While Reading

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1. How many basic tastes are there by 2002? What are they?

There are five basic tastes. They are sour, sweet, salty, bitter and umami.

2.What is the sixth basic taste?

It's fat.

3. Why did Richard Mattes run the test?

Because he wanted to study whether people can taste the difference between fat and other tastes.

4. How does fat taste?

It's close to that of rancid food but it's pleasant in small concentrations.


Comprehension check 

Choose the answer:

1. What was the result of Mattes’ test?

A. Every tester thought fat is a basic taste.

B. It was hard to separate fatty from the group.

C. Testers liked the fat taste most.

D. Most testers could tell the fat taste from other tastes.

2. Which of the following about the fat taste is NOT true?

A. It can activate certain receptors in our mouth.

B. Its flavor is close to that of rancid food.

C. It is widely used as seasoning in cooking.

D. Its taste can be nice if it is in small concentrations.

Key: DC


III. Post-reading

1. Do you agree fat is a taste? 

2. How can the taste of fat change our life?



Smiles help others smile P(6)

I. Pre-reading (discussion)

1. Did you smile today?

2. What would you do if you met a man with a bad temper?


II. While Reading

Comprehension check 

1. People thought that Mr Dawson was a(n) _____ person.

A. honest

B. kind

C. welcoming

D. unfriendly

2. What did Janet think of Mr. Dawson after getting an apple from him? 

A. She thought he was strange. 

B. She thought he was poor.

C. She thought he was friendly.

D. She thought he was lonely.

3. What did Amy do when she first walked past Mr. Dawson's house? 

A. She was too afraid to talk to him. 

B. She pretended he smiled at her.

C. She talked to him a lot.

D. She got lots of apples from him.

4. The article mainly tells us that _____.

A. smiles keep people healthy

B. smiles make people look young

C. having a smile is a polite behavior

D. smiles can help others smile.



III. Post-reading

1. What is the importance of a smile?

2. What can you learn from the story? 


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