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高三教案 第562期

Punished for help? (P2)
I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
If you saw an old man fall in the street, just a few steps away from you, would you go and help him? Why or why not?

II. Reading
Read the article and answer the following questions.
1. Why did Peng Yu make headlines in 2007?
Because he took an elderly woman who he claimed had been hit by another person to the hospital, but he was later accused of having hit her and the court decided that Peng was liable.

2. What caused Yuan Dachen to seek help online on Sept 8?
She claimed that she had helped an injured elderly woman on the street. But the woman’s family demanded that she take full responsibility for the accident.

3. What does Ye Lin think is the best way to solve cases like Peng Yu’s and Yuan Dachen’s?
He thinks this kind of case should follow the principle of “the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim”. The burden of proof means the collection of proof or evidence. In civil cases, “if you accuse someone of causing you harm or losses, you should collect proof to back your claim. If you cannot do that, the law will not be able to support your claim,” Ye said.

4. Why is it vital for the country to put a better social security net in place to prevent such cases?
Because, as China Youth Daily noted, some elderly people have chosen to blackmail their helpers because they do not have health insurance to cover their treatment.

III. Language study
1. The concern hasn’t come out of nowhere.
句意为:这种担忧并非空穴来风。短语come out of nowhere表示“突然冒出来,不知道从哪来的”。

2.  However, to prevent such cases in the first place, the country needs to put a better social security net in place.
句中不定式短语to prevent …用作目的状语,短语put sth in place意为“使……准备就绪,实施到位”。例如:
The ban on travelers with illnesses was put in place 20 years ago.

IV. Further thinking
Discuss the following question with your partner.
What else do you think should be done to prevent the dilemma of whether to help an elderly person who falls in the street?

Middle personalities (P4)
I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
 What is your personality type?
 Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
 What are the typical traits of introverts and extroverts respectively?
 Do you find yourself sharing some traits of both introverts and extroverts?

II. Reading
Read the article and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. Differences between introverts and extroverts.
B. Characteristics and advantages of ambiverts.
C. Why ambiverts have gotten more attention recently.
D. How personality traits change people’s behavior.
2. According to the article, ambiverts ____.
A. prefer being the center of attention to being alone
B. usually work hard and are successful in their careers
C. tend to connect with more people than introverts
D. want to keep their thoughts to themselves all the time
3. The underlined word “bilingual” in Paragraph 6 probably means ____.
A. always ready to help those in need
B. able to adapt to a new environment well
C. able to speak two languages equally well
D. good at drawing attention from the crowd
4. How many people in the US are ambiverts according to Adam M. Grant?
A. About 20 percent of people.
B. About 40 percent of people.
C. About half of people.
D. About two-thirds of people.
5. What advantage does Grant think ambiverts have over introverts and extroverts?
A. They know what gives them energy.
B. They have more balanced personalities.
C. They seem more enthusiastic and confident.
D. They can deal with a given situation better.

1. B。本文主要讲的是中间性格者的性格特征以及他们的潜在优势,所以答案为B。
2. C。从第3-5段描述的三种性格人的不同特点可以看出,内向的人更喜欢独处,保留自己的想法,而外向的人则更喜欢社交,享受众人的关注,而中间性格的人则兼具这两类人的特点,喜欢有人陪伴也享受独处,结合第六段的“They have a wider range of skills and can connect with a wider range of people”可以推知C为正确答案。
3. C。由本段后面的“in the same way someone who speaks English and Spanish can”可推知这里是把中间性格者的特点与能说两种语言的人类比,拥有更多的技能,也能结交更多的朋友,所以C为正确答案。
4. D。由倒数第三段的“In fact, roughly two-thirds of people in the US are ambiverts, according to a personality survey done by Adam M. Grant”可知D为正确答案。
5. B。由倒数第二段可知Grant认为中间性格者吸收了内向的人与外向的人的优点,既能热情地劝服人,也能耐心聆听他人,并避免过于自信与激动,所以可知B为正确答案。

III. Language study
1. According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, experts say there’s a middle ground between the two personality types – people who they call “ambiverts (中间性格者)”.
a middle ground 中间立场,妥协
Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。

2. As a result, they can move between being social and being alone with greater ease than either extroverts or introverts.
With great ease 轻而易举
They might have solved all the problems with great ease.  他们也许已经轻而易举地解决了所有问题。

Enjoy exercise (P6)
I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
 Do you enjoy exercise?
 How do you feel when you are exercising?

II. Reading
Read the article and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. The author probably mentions the joggers at the beginning to show that they _____.
A. are absent-minded  
B. are enjoying exercising
C. should be optimistic 
D. should be running on the treadmill

2. What does the author think is one of the problems of our age?
A. The fast pace of life means people have no time for leisure.
B. Computers occupy too much of our time and no time is left for sports.
C. People have stopped thinking about what makes sports valuable. 
D. Our time is measured by productivity, which leaves no room for peace of mind.

3. In the author’s opinion, yoga ____.
A. helps people focus on the moment
B. can work different muscle groups too
C. does not push one’s body hard enough
D. is time-consuming and should improve
4. What is the article mainly about?
A. Differences between jogging and yoga. 
B. Unity of body and mind.
C. Balance between sports and limits.    
D. Unity of joy and exercise.

1. A。根据前四段,可知作者认为文章开头的那些慢跑者,不是在exercising,而是working out,其区别是exercising时候我们身心合一,都在体会当下,而不是心思在别处,担心将来或者为过去所累。所以A正确。
2. D。文章从体育中有些人们身心分离—心不在焉的情况,继续谈到了另一种身心分离:使用电脑,让人把身体又扔到了一边的情况,甚至还有打破身体整体一致,通过各种器械,只锻炼身体某些部分。进而,作者说明快节奏的社会生活中,时间被分割成一个个小块,闲暇时间也不例外,而且都要填的满满的,只追求效率、产出(productivity),所以造成了一种crazy movement,也不能一次只做一件事,并且做好它。
3. A。从对瑜伽呼吸,作者感受当下,忘记一切,甚至时间的存在的表述,可以确定A正确。B作者并不认同,用了engineering and technological control表达对身体的控制,认为精细的算计更是割裂身心一致,连身体整体都不考虑的做法,所以B错误。从第二段It should be about pushing the body…以及第四段It is about being present, balancing effort with giving in.说明还有第一段对那些身体紧张的慢跑者的描述都可看出,作者认为好的锻炼—以瑜伽为典型例子—是达到一种平衡,而不是光努力,所以C错误。
4. B。作者以各种方式反复强调身心合一,所以B正确。

III. Language study
1. Her remark is so telling of our age.
分析:柯林斯英语词典的解释为:If sth is telling, it shows the true nature of a person or situation,所以telling指“反映或显露真实情况的”。

2. Like just about everyone else, I have been treading the mill in an endless run of activity.
分析:本句整体运用了引申意义,对应上文中的各种没有真正放松的crazy movement,以及作者对该时代的总结:人们把时间(包括闲暇)分成小块,然后用某种活动占满每一小块。tread the mill是把跑步机(treadmill)引申成了动词词组,a run of表示“持续的”,activity 则是“a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done”。

Translate the following sentences into English with the given words.
1.我在这里是办公事而不是度假。(as opposed to)
I am here on business as opposed to a holiday.
2. 我们打算回家调养感冒。(nurse)
We’re planning to go home and nurse our colds.
3. 编辑说那篇文章写得很好。(remark)
The editor remarked that the article was well written.
4. 没有人确切知道还有多少人仍住在露营地。(precisely)
Nobody knows precisely how many people are still living in the camp.

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