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高二教案 第626期


New series shows Dickens characters’ lives (P4-5)
南昌市外国语学校  朱庆鹏

I. Word bank
•sketch        n.素描
•haunt         v.纠缠
•warn          v./n.警告
•miserable     adj.悲惨的
•memorable     adj.难忘的
•chain         n.连串
•adaptation       n.改编
•scrooge          n.吝啬鬼
•carol            n.圣诞颂歌
•series           n.连续剧

II. Know your root
•---Apt  fit, ability,适应,能力
•aptitude n.才能,资质    adapt  v. 适应
•adept  adj.精于…的 n. 专家
•inapt  adj. 不恰当的     aptly  adv. 适当地
•---Miser   wretched,可怜的
•miserable adj. 悲惨的;卑鄙的
•misery  n. 痛苦;不幸 
•commiserate  v.怜悯,同情

III. Lead in
Who was Charles Dickens?
He was an English writer and social critic who created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and was regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.

Which English writer do you like the best?
William Shakespeare
An English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's most important dramatist.
Lord Byron
An English poet and a leading figure in the Romantic movement; joined the Greek War of Independence fighting the Ottoman Empire, which meant that many Greeks thought of him as a national hero.
Jane Austen
An English novelist whose realism, social commentary and plots have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics.

IV. Skimming
What is the passage about?
It is about a new TV series that shows Dickens characters’ lives.

V. Scanning
Which characters are in the Dickens’ Dream painting?
Scrooge and Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol.

VI. Detailed reading
Who is Jacob Marley?
He is a ghost who returns to haunt Scrooge and warns Scrooge that he will be miserable and friendless in his old age.

According to the article, which attracts Dickens’ fans more, story or characters?
They love the characters more.

What did the BBC do to Dickens’ characters in Dickensian?
They produced new stories about the characters in Dickens’ stories.

What do Harry Potter fans like to do according to the last paragraph?
They like to create their own stories based on the books.

VI. Usage tip
... and yet there are so many more to discover in the pages of his novels.
We have made some progress, yet we still have a long way to go. 我们虽然取得了些进步,但还是远远不够的
That job is yet more demanding. 那个工作甚至更加费力。
Yet有时可与并列连词and或but连用,构成习语and yet和but yet,且两者大致同义(均相当于表转折的but):
I gave him ten dollars (and) yet he was not satisfied. 我给了他十镑但他仍不满足。

How giants feed Earth (P5)
南昌市铁路第一中学  李欣荣
I. Word Bank
 poop           n. 粪便;   vt.使精疲力尽
 disgust        n. 恶心;厌恶  vt. 使厌恶
 ecologist      n.生态学家
 mammoth        n. 猛犸象;长毛象
 phosphorus     n. 磷
 organisms      n. 生物体;微生物
 plankton       n. 浮游生物
 shrink         v. 收缩;畏缩
 dramatically   adv. 急剧地;戏剧性地

II. Pre-reading      Discussion
If you mention the word "poop", you may feel sick, but poop can be beneficial and even important. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

III. Fast reading
In which field has giant animals’ waste played an important role?
In keeping the planet fertile.

IV.  Careful Reading
1. Why were the huge amounts of their droppings useful? 
Because they contained a lot of leftover nutrients.

2. Why is nutrient recycling very important for ecosystems? 
Without it, plants don’t grow well.

V. Language Study
1. An international team led by Christopher Doughty, an ecologist at Oxford University in UK, noted that giant animals’ poop has played a more vital role in keeping the planet fertile than scientists ever knew.
句中An international team 的谓语是noted led by Christopher Doughty过去分词作定语;an ecologist at Oxford University in UK是同位语。

2. If whales had not eaten them, these nutrients “might otherwise have been locked up in the bottoms of the oceans for thousands of years,”...
这是一个虚拟语气,过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。从句用had done,主句用would/might/could/should+have done。 例如:
If I had gotten there earlier, I would/could have met her. 如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。 
If he had taken my advice, he would not have made that mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。

Goodbye to teeth (P6)
山东泰安东平高级中学 蔚晓华
I. Lead-in
Do you know how many teeth a normal person has?
28-32 teeth
Do you know what wisdom teeth are? Can you point to them in your mouth?

II. Fast reading
How many wisdom teeth does a person normally have according to the passage?
Do you believe your wisdom teeth make you smarter?

III. Careful reading
1. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The writer hopes to turn into a vampire.
B. The writer’s parents believe that her smarts come from her extra teeth and not her hard work.
C. The writer is anxious to remove the extra teeth and be normal.
D. The writer talked about having extra teeth and watched people's reactions.

2. The extra teeth are also a good excuse for me being tongue-tied. I can now blame it on my overcrowded mouth rather than my slow brain.
Which of these choices has a similar meaning to the word in bold?
A. talkative  B. unable to speak  C. tight-mouthed  D. loose-tongued

3. Which adjective best describes the tone of the passage?
A. tragic   B. painful   C. humorous   D. embarrassed 

4. Use your own words to describe the writer's feelings according to the passage:
•when I had a dull pain in the back of my mouth, I thought …
•when I heard that I had seven wisdom teeth, my first reaction …
•After the laughter stopped, I …
•Focusing on the positive, one of the great things about having extra teeth is …
•The extra teeth are also a good excuse for me being tongue-tied. I can now blame it on …
• with wisdom teeth come the intellect (跟智力相关的) jokes, I've also thought about …
•About having surgery, I am … I'm also…

IV. Language study
1. This all started a few months ago, when I had a dull pain in the back of my mouth, around where one of my wisdom teeth was supposed to be coming in.
“Around where”: Ellipsis for “around the place/area where” in informal English
I have recently found out about several cafes around where I live.
I looked toward the door through which she had entered.

2. However, during the next few weeks, the pain became more intense (强烈的), spreading to my teeth, gums and jaw.
She spread out her arms to welcome us.
The shade spread across the yard.
The birds are spreading their wings and flying in the sky. 伸展
The lady is spreading some cream on her face. 涂抹
The disease spread quickly to nearby areas. 传播 蔓延
The news of our victory spread quickly. 流传 散布
The flag spread out in the wind. 展开
She spread our lunch out on the blanket. 铺开,摆开

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