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高二教案 第629期

Social change (P3)

I. Pre-reading
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
For many teenagers around the world, social media has now become a big part of their lives.
 Which social media websites or apps do you use most often?
 What do you usually do over social media?
 How has the use of social media changed your life?

II. Reading
Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1. What is the article mainly about?
A. The major problems with social media.
B. The impact of social media on teenagers.
C. How teenagers benefit from social media.
D. Why social media appeals so much to teenagers.
1. B。本文的中心句为“The wide spread of social media has changed nearly all parts of teenagers’ life.”下文从三个方面展开阐述社交媒体对青少年生活的影响,所以答案为B。

2. How does social media change relationships, according to the article?
A. It pushes people to meet their friends more often offline.
B. It encourages people to pay more attention to those around them.
C. It enables users to understand accurately what others are talking about online.
D. It allows people to keep in touch with their friends who live far away more easily.
2. D。从关于“Changing relationships”这一部分的内容可知,社交媒体的使用使得人们面对面交流减少,同时人们在网上交流时,因为不能亲眼看到对方的所做出的反应,所表达的话语涵义可能会有些丢失,所以A、B、C都不对。由文中的“Yet, some people believe social media has made it easier to start relationships with anyone from anywhere.”可推知D为正确答案。

3. Essena O’Neill decided to disconnect herself from social media because ____.
A. she couldn’t put up with cyberbullying on social media
B. she wanted to spend more time with her friends in real life
C. she was bothered by her desire to look faultless on social media
D. she wanted to reduce her exposure to negative information online
3. C。由文中的“The 19-year-old Essena O’Neill announced on the social networking service Instagram that she was quitting social media because it made her obsessed (痴迷) with appearing perfect online.”可知C为正确答案。

4. Which statement about the use of social media would Armin Korsos probably agree with?
A. The use of social media taught him to turn negative comments into motivation.
B. Social media can easily become an addiction, despite its benefits.
C. Social media is mostly a distraction to teenagers, so it is unnecessary for it to exist.
D. If used well, social media can create opportunities for teenagers to develop themselves.
4. D。有最后四段可知,Armin Korsos认为社交媒体是一个很好的平台,可以让青少年更好地向世人展示他们的才华,让人们之间更好地建立联系,但是它也容易让人分心,同时他认为虽然社交媒体也不是一个必不可少的事物,所以选项中只有D为正确答案。

III. Language study
Translate the following sentences.
1. 社交媒体的广泛传播几乎改变了青少年生活的方方面面。
The wide spread of social media has changed nearly all parts of teenagers’ lives.

2. 有些人认为社交媒体使得我们可以更容易地与任何地方的任何人建立起联系。
The rise of social media has changed the way teenagers see themselves.

3. 社交媒体的兴起改变了青少年看待自己的方式。
Some people believe social media has made it easier to start relationships with anyone from anywhere.

4. 负面评价也会严重损害青少年的自尊。
Negative comments also can do great damage to a teenager’s self-esteem.

5. 在这些网站上收到负面评价的青少年不能不感到受伤。
Teenagers who get negative comments on these sites can’t help but feel hurt.

6. 社交媒体能够帮助人们展示自己,让他们以一种前所未有的方式向世人展示自己的才华。
Social media can help people show themselves and their talents to the world in a way that has never been possible before.

Moving with thoughts (P5)
南昌市铁路第一中学  李欣荣

I. Word Bank
telepathy               n. 心灵感应
 currently               adv. 目前;现在
 primitive                adj. 原始的;远古的
 breakthrough         n. 突破
 microfilament         n. (细胞) 微丝
 sensation                 n.感觉;轰动
 flexibility               n. 灵活性;弹性
 spatial                     adj. 空间的
 barely                      adv. 仅仅;勉强地;几乎不
 procedure                n. 程序;手续;步骤
 implant                    v. 种植;移植

II. Pre-reading      Discussion
Do you believe telepathy (心灵感应) is real?
If yes, why? Can you give any examples?

III. Careful reading
1. Why did the scientists at Duke University in the US carry out the experiment?
They managed to link the brain of a monkey to a robotic wheelchair to allow the animal to control it using thought alone.

2. Who will benefit from the experiment ?
People with disabilities who can barely move a muscle.

IV. Language Study
1. ...but in the future it will be anything but.
句中的anything but 意思为:除……之外任何事(物)都……,根本不……绝不;  一点也不;  根本不。例如:
I can give you anything but that.
The problem is anything but easy.

2.The experiment could mean a lot to people with disabilities who can barely move a muscle.
句中的barely  adv.仅仅,勉强,好容易才;  几乎不,几乎没有;  赤裸裸地,无遮蔽地;  公然地,露骨地,公开地
Betty's salary was so low that they could barely make ends meet.
The old men barely talk to each other.
So far the effect has barely been measurable.

3. Someday soon, a simple procedure could give humans implants and allow them powers of movement they wouldn’t otherwise have known.
句中的otherwise  adv.否则;另外;别的方式;adj.别的,另外的;不同的;conj.否则,不然
Unless you are told otherwise, come here at eight tomorrow.
How could it be otherwise?
He's naughty, but he is otherwise a nice boy.

Chase without fear (P6)
南昌市铁路第一中学  李欣荣
I. Word bank
Marshall                   执法官
  offshore                   adj. 海上的;离岸的
  competitive              adj. 竞争的;比赛的
  internship                 n. 实习;实习生
hygiene                    n. 卫生;卫生学
application                n. 应用;申请
mission                     n. 使命;任务
  stressful                    adj. 紧张的;有压力的
  deserve                     v. 应受;应得
  passion                      n. 激情;热情

II. Pre-reading     Discussion
Which jobs do you think are usually done by women?

III. Fast reading
 What can you learn from the article about the author`s mother?
 She was successful in a field that’s traditionally for men.

IV.  Careful Reading
1.How did the author feel when her mom became the state’s first female US Marshall? 

2. What can we learn about the author from the second paragraph? 
She was also recognized for her success in “a man’s world”.

3. When did she find her love for sailing?
In the summer of 2008.

4. Why did a global company support an all-female team? 
Because women bought most of its products.

V.  Language Points
1. I’m often asked how I made the team, not only because I didn’t have much experience, but also because sailing is considered a male sport.
She likes not only music, but also sport.
2)为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。例如:
Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water.

2. We need to focus on our goals and passions, no matter how challenging they may seem.
no matter how =however,引导让步状语从句。类似的有:no matter what;no matter who; no matter where等。例如:
No matter who (=Whoever) knocks, don’t open the door.
No matter what (=Whatever) happened to him, he would not say a word.



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