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高三教案 第586期

Moving one hour forward (P4-5)
邵博雅 天津四十三中 
I. Warming up
What do you know about daylight saving time?
Why do you think daylight saving time is used?

II. Skimming
What is the article mainly about?
It mainly describes the daylight saving time system, its origin and the debate around it.

III. Scanning
Read the article and answer the following questions:
1. What is daylight saving time?
It is kind of a society-imposed jet lag. Under this system, time skips forward an hour each March, and in the fall, clocks are turned an hour back.
Clue: Para 2, the second sentence; para 3
2. Why was daylight saving time started originally?
It was started to save energy.
Clue: Para 7, the first sentence
3. The word misconception could be changed to misunderstanding.
4. What does the last sentence say about the future of daylight saving time?
Daylight saving time won’t be abolished in the near future.

IV. Structure
1.Under this system, time skips …, at the expense of everyone’s sleep.
at the expense of 在损害……的情况下,以……为代价
Translate: 他完成了工作,但损害了健康。
He finished the job at the expense of his health.
2. In World War I, governments were concerned about saving fuel,…
be concerned about 关心; 挂念
Translate: 他唯一关心的就是他的成绩。
The only thing he was concerned about was his grades.

V. Discussion
1. Do you think we should use daylight saving time in China? Why or why not?
2. What should we do to save energy?
Ø Turn off our lights before leaving our homes
Ø Try to use solar energy
Ø Be efficient in our work

Training in your mind (P5)
林素钦 莆田五中
I. Warming up
Do you think it is possible to practice playing the piano if you don’t have one? How?

II. Skimming
The article is mainly written to ___.
A. give readers suggestions on how to improve their sports skills
B. introduce the reader to a variety of techniques that can be used to improve certain skills
C. share some information about visualization and its benefits and limits
D. tell readers how to create an inner how-to guide for a special skill in their minds

III. Scanning
According to the article, why can visualization work?
When you’re imagining an action, your brain sends signals to your muscles that are too weak to make the muscles move but might help train the body to perform. It might also create an inner how-to guide for a special skill in your mind.
Why does the article begin with the example of Arthur Rubinstein?
To show that it is possible to practice playing the piano in your mind.
What was the result of the 2012 study?
With the same training, both groups ended up doing better.
What advantages does visualization have?
It allows you to practice anywhere, it is safe and you can practice for longer periods of time.

IV. True or false
1.Arthur Rubinstein uses visualization because he can’t afford a piano.  F
2.When we imagine an action, our brain sends signals to help train the body to perform. T
3.Golfers always end up doing worse after training. F
4.Whenever and wherever we are, we can practice visualization easily. F
5.Olympic-level athletes find it hard to visualize. T
6.Not everyone is fit to do mental training. T

V. Vocabulary
Match the following words with their explanations.
1.overall: On the whole, generally
2.amateur: Not professional
3.pianist: A person who plays the piano
4.visualization: Imagining practicing an action

Stories still remembered (P6)
李欣荣 南昌市铁路第一中学 
I. Word bank
porch n.门廊;走廊
scrolled adj.具有涡卷装饰的;弯曲的
thread through 使穿过,使穿进
indicate vt.表明,象征
centerpiece n.中心
wrap vt./vi. 包裹,缠绕,包起来
craft vt. 打造,精心制作
with an eye to着眼于...…,考虑到......
durability n. 耐久性;坚固
an empty nester 空巢老人
polio n.小儿麻痹症,脊髓灰质炎
recurring adj.复发的,循环的
malaria n. 疟疾
acknowledge vt.承认,答谢,报偿

II. Pre-reading
Have you ever visited an old house? Share your experiences and feelings with us.

III. While reading
Read the article quickly and choose the best answer to the following question.
The author wrote the article in a(n) ___ tone.

Read the article again and answer the following questions:
1.What adjectives could be used to describe the house?
Aging, beautiful, durable.
2. What makes the porch special to the family?
The porch is the centerpiece of the home and many stories have been shared on the porch.
3. What is the youngest girl in the family doing?
She is inside teaching some of the younger ones about past games.
4. What did the father use to do on Sunday afternoons?
He used to play football with the kids.
5. When did the mother fall ill?
She was hit with polio after the birth her second child and before her next three.
6. How did the old couple feel about their suffering?
They were optimistic and never complained.

IV. Post-reading
Writing: What do you think you will remember about your family for a long time? Write down some family stories that have a special meaning to you.

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