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高三教案 第587期

Vienna tops city list (P4)
天津市南开中学  王立梅
I. Warming up
If you were given the choice, which city in the world would you most like to live in?
Guess: What is the world’s most livable city in 2016?

II. Reading
Read and answer:
1. What is the main purpose of the article?
To give readers a look into Vienna’s rich history.
2. How many times has Vienna won “the most livable city” award?
Seven times.
3. According to the writer, why are the important organizations based in Vienna?
Because they want to enjoy the reflected glory of the city's rich history.
4. What is the writer's comment on Adolf Hitler?
The writer thinks he is more infamous than famous.
5. Who is Sigmund Freud?
He is the father of psychoanalysis.
6. The phrase “while away the hours” is closest in meaning to “_____”.
A. waste time             B. have a good time
C. kill time                D. have free time

IV. Post-reading
Which is the most livable city in China in 2016?
According to ECA, the most livable city in China is Shanghai.
Writing task:
Now, write an article called “Shanghai tops city list”.
Possible Structure:
Shanghai tops city list
If you were given the choice, which city in China would you most like to live in?
According to ECA international, Shanghai is the most livable city in China in 2016. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The importance of this coastal city comes from the fact that _________________.
It has a formidable reputation for ______________________________.
It is also home to ______________________________________.
Another important part of the city is ____________________________.

Spring brings allergies (P5)
天津市第四十三中学  邵博雅
I.  Warming up
When spring comes, do you often sneeze or cough?
Are you allergic to anything?
What happens when you have an allergy attack?

II. Skimming
The article was mainly written to explain allergies and why they happen.

III. Scanning
Read the article and answer the following questions:
1. How many people have serious allergies in the United States?
More than 50 million.
Clue: Para 4, the first sentence
2. Why are scientists trying their best to find out the causes of allergies?
Because they want to develop new ways of treating allergies.
Clue: Para 6, the first sentence
3. “As plants begin to bloom and their pollen is carried around by the wind, hay fever symptoms blossom as well,” …
The underlined word could be changed to develop.
4. When does an allergy begin?
When the body meets a foreign object (an allergen).
Clue: Para 8, the first sentence

IV. Structure
1. …why different people react to different things, even within the same family.
react to  对…作出反应
Translate: 对牛奶过敏的人可能对奶酪也有不良反应。
People who are allergic to milk are likely to react badly to cheese.
2. I treat a family with eight children, and they’re all allergic to different things, …
be allergic to 对…过敏
Translate: 你一定是对它过敏。
You must be allergic to it.
3. … the body’s immune system reacts as if the object were a germ and,…
as if 似乎,好像 (引导方式状语从句)
Translate: 听起来好像你和汤姆之间产生了隔阂。
It sounds as if you and Tom have grown apart.

V. Discussion
What should you do if you have an allergic attack?
Ø Take medicine.
Ø Use an ice bag if you have a burning feeling on your skin.
Ø Drink plenty of water.
Ø Keep your skin clean and moisturized.
Ø Figure out the causes of the allergies and avoid it happening again.

Meeting Family (P6)
I. Skimming
Read the story quickly and answer the following questions.
1. What is the article mainly about?
It’s mainly about the author’s good impression and acceptance of his daughter’s boyfriend.

2. What qualities of the boyfriend helped him win the author over?
1) He still has a certain amount of easy college charm.
2) He is like family, but nicer and very polite to the author’s family.
3) He reminds the author of his unpleasant memories of being an out-of-town suitor when he was young.
4) He has “that most important quality in serious boyfriends these days”, great math skills.

II. Scanning
Read the article again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. From the author’s description of his daughter’s boyfriend, we learn that _____.
A. he doesn’t like him because he’s an out-of-towner
B. this is the first time the author has met him
C. he thinks he has a charm of his own
D. he still treats him like a perfect stranger
2. Where does the author have roots?
A. Italy.   B. Ireland.
C. Britain.  D. Chicago.
3. What does the underlined sentence “Even brothers have issues with this” mean?
A. Brothers fight with each other over who can be the most welcoming.
B. Brothers also find it hard to welcome their sisters’ suitors.
C. Brothers have different opinions about a lot of things.
D. Brothers want to compete with their dads to be the lead lion of the family.
4. In the last paragraph, the author intends to _____.
A. share his experience of meeting his daughter’s boyfriend with other dads
B. make his attitude toward his daughter’s boyfriend clear
C. show that it’s common for fathers to find fault with their daughters’ boyfriends
D. give examples of things a suitor should pay attention to at first sight of his girlfriend’s father

1. C。从第4段This boyfriend still has a certain amount of easy college charm可知,作者认为女儿男友是一个有自己独特魅力的男孩。
2. B。从第6段only the family was Italian and didn’t really welcome Irish outsiders可知,作者当年到意大利的女朋友家时,自己被待为异乡人——爱尔兰人,所以选B。
3. B。这一句探讨的依然是上一段作者引入的话题,即It’s a complicated issue, welcoming suitors.,选B。
4. C。最后一段讲述了父亲对女儿的爱,认为即使是上帝都配不上自己的女儿,后文用boyfriend catapults更展现出了父亲对女儿男友的反应,而且天下父亲大多如此,所以选C。

III. Language study
Make sentences with the words or phrases given in the brackets.
1. 虽然我没有妹妹, 但我能体谅她的心情。(feel for)
Though I have no younger sister, I still feel for her.
2. 我认为一旦你吃东西有问题的话,你可能终生都会如此。(have issues with)
I think once you have issues with food, you're going to have them for the rest of your life.
3. 电影明星们的私生活不应该被看作是记者们可随意批评的目标。(fair game)
The private lives of film stars should not be considered fair game for newspaper reporters.
4. 他多次与我作对,以至我很生气。(cross)
He crossed me so many times that I became angry.


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