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高三教案 第589期

Chains not all tasteful (P4)
I.        Introduction
1.       Pictures of Yum Brands
2.       Yum brands in China as part of the fast food boom
02-08-2012 10:26 BJT (百胜餐饮在中国市场的繁荣)
3.       Group work
What do you think of foreign fast food chain restaurants? Please give reasons as to why you do/don’t like them.

II.     Fast Reading
What is the difference between how people see chain restaurants in China and the UK, according to the author?
Answer:In China, chain restaurants – especially the big multinational ones – are seen as cool, gourmet (美食) and fashionable. In the UK, by contrast, they people usually go to them when they have no other option.

III. Sentence Replacement
Independent cafes and restaurants are becoming as popular as they used to be.
Answer: Independent cafes and restaurants are making a comeback on the fashion scene.

IV.   Understanding
What is your understanding of the sentence “But numbers do not add up to good taste” in paragraph 7?
Answer: Though there are chain stores all over the UK, it is not seen as smart or fashionable to eat in one.

V.       Language learning
伴着浪漫的音乐享受烛光晚餐 enjoy a candlelit (烛光) meal accompanied by romantic music
被茶水呛着 choke on my tea
身份的象征 a status symbol
卷土重来 make a comeback
在时尚界 on the fashion scene
发现一家咖世家咖啡店 spot a Costa Coffee
承认 have a confession
后退,撤回到 retreat to
把…描述成 describe … as

Understanding emojis (P5)
中国人民大学附属中学  宋玖青
I. Warm up
Can you read the following messages aloud?
When you are sending text messages, you may use these little icons (图标). Do you know what they are called?

II. Pre-reading
Look at the following emojis and share what you think they mean.
Pray? High five?
      Cry?  Burst into laughter?
Smile? Fake smile?
Sometimes, different interpretations may cause misunderstandings.

III. While reading
Read the article and answer the following questions. 
1. Why can emojis cause misunderstand-dings?
There are two main reasons. One is technology. The other is that people also sometimes see different things when they see the same emoji.
2.According to Miller, what is the final goal of understanding the effects of emoji use?
The final goal is to make life better for humans.

Close reading:
Read the article again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 
1.For all emojis sent between two platforms, the average difference in emotional rating was greater than two points.  F
2.On average, sending emojis within the same platform may cause fewer misunderstandings than sending them between different platforms.  T
3.The effect of cross-cultural interpretations on the understanding of emojis has already been studied. F

In groups of four, find out the procedures the researchers went through and the findings from the experiment, then fill in the chart.
 Procedures  Findings
1 Participants were asked to react emotionally to five of the 22 most popular human-appearing emojis.  There is quite a bit of potential for miscommunication.
2 304 people in different pairings were asked to rank emojis on a scale of -5 to +5 for emotional response.  For nine of the 22 emojis tested, the average difference in emotional rating between two platforms was greater than two points.
  On different platforms, people describe emojis differently.
  A good deal of the miscommunications may come from different interpretations of the exact same emoji - either on different platforms or within the same one. The sender and receiver may differ in reactions to the same emoji.

IV. Post-reading
Discussion & Debate:
Do you like to use emojis when sending messages? Why or why not?
List your reasons to defend your viewpoint.

V. Homework
Write a message using as many emojis as you can and send it to your friend, then ask him/her to interpret the message. Take a screenshot of your conversation and share it with us in tomorrow’s class.

Finally at school (P6)
I. Making a prediction
Can you predict what the article is mainly about based on the headline “Finally at school”?

II. Fast reading
Read the article quickly and check if your prediction was correct.
Possible answer: The article is mainly about the author’s experiences of education – she was forced to drop out when she was young but was lucky enough to have a chance to continue her education when she was a mom and she eventually received her diploma.
Pay attention to the pun “I was late for school” in the last paragraph. A pun is a form of wordplay that suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical (修辞上的) effect.
双关 (pun)
文章最后的“I was late for school”用到了双关的修辞手法。双关,表面上是一个意思,而实际上却暗含另一个意思,这种暗含的意思才是句子真正的目的所在。这里呼应文章开头的部分说“I was late for school”,字面意思是“我上学迟到了”,暗含的意思是直到老年我才完成学业拿到了文凭。又如:A cannonball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. 一发炮弹打断了他的腿,所以他缴械投降了(arms可指手臂或者武器)。

III. Specific reading
Read the article and choose the best answer for each of the following questions:
1. The author dropped out of school when she was a teenager because ____.
A. she couldn’t afford to go to school
B. she took little interest in schoolwork
C. she wanted to help her parents run their business
D. she was often late for school and afraid of not receiving a diploma
2. What led the author to decide to continue her studies at a night school?
A. She wished to keep her daughter company at night school.
B. The secretary at the night school kept pushing her.
C. She thought it would be a fun experiment.
D. It occurred to her that she could finally realize her dream.
3. The underlined word “thrived” probably means ____.
A. got annoyed           
B. made little progress
C. performed well     
D. were completely satisfied  
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A. At first, the author found it awkward to study at the same school as her daughter.
B. The author didn’t get along well with her classmates at first.
C. The author and Linda often encouraged each other when either of them felt low.
D. The author eventually received her diploma and became a professional speaker. 
1. A。由第六段的“But at 15, I had to drop out because my parents couldn’t afford tuition.”可知答案为A。
2. B。由文中的Linda was busy filling out enrollment (入学) forms when the secretary said: “Mrs Schantz, why don’t you come back to school?” I laughed: “There’s no way! I’m 55!” But he persisted, and before I knew what I had done, I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts (工艺).可以推知B项为正确答案。
3. C。作者带着试试看的心情报的夜校学习班,但是令她惊讶的是,她和Linda在夜校学习____。多年中断学习了,按照常理学习效果不会好,从To my surprise可以推知学习效果出乎作者意料之外,应该是在这里稳步发展,所以答案为C。D项有点言过其实,因为从下文看,作者一开始也遭遇过一些问题,比如感到尴尬,偶尔也会感到沮丧。
4. C。由倒数第三段可推知C项为正确答案。

IV. Post-reading
What can you learn from the author’s learning experience?

Quotes about learning:
1. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. ― Henry Ford
2. The education of a man is never completed until he dies. ― Robert E. Lee


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