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初一教案 第552期

Road rules stop scooters (P2)


1. Do you know how to ride a scooter?
2. Have you ridden a scooter before?
3. Do you think it’s a good idea to ride a scooter to school? Why or why not?

While Reading

1. How does the electric scooter work?
A.  The rider needs to use a remote to control the scooter.
B.  The rider’s computer controls the scooter.
C.  The rider needs to lean forward and backward to move it.
D.  The rider’s cell phone controls the scooter.

2. Where can’t you ride a scooter on a public road?
A. Tianjin.
B. Beijing.
C. Nanjing.
D. Hong Kong.

3. People cannot ride scooters on public roads because _________.
a. they will have to pay 10 yuan if they get caught riding it
b. it’s not very safe when they ride the scooters on public roads
c. many of the scooters can’t stop quickly
d. there is no parking space for the scooters
A. acd    B. bcd     C. abc    D. abd



1. Why does the policeman say scooters could be dangerous?
2. What would happen if someone rides a scooter on the public road in Beijing now?

Do you support or oppose the idea of riding a scooter on public roads?
 support oppose
Reason 1:  
Reason 2:  
Reason 3:  

Feeling hungry? Try these night snacks (P4-5)


1. Do you like snacks?
2. What’s your favorite snack?
3. What’s in your favorite snack?
4. Where can you get your favorite snack?

While reading

1. When does ye xiao usually start and end during a day?
A.From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
B.From 8 p.m. to 2 p.m.
C.From 8 a.m. to 2 a.m.
D.From 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.

2. Which of the following match is TRUE?
A. Barbeque—the south part of China.
B. Spicy crayfish—Henan.
C. Tasty desserts—Guangdong.
D. Barbeque—Taiwan.

3. Which is the best reason for people having ye xiao?
A. Ye xiao is much cheaper than hotel food.
B. Ye xiao is more than just food; it’s a way of life.
C. Ye xiao is for people who often get hungry at night.
D. Southern Chine has longer days, so they have to eat ye xiao.

4. What is the main idea of this text?
A. To attract more people to Taiwan night markets.
B. To explain the meaning of ye xiao.
C. To introduce a part of Chinese culture.
D. To show what people do at a night market.


Different ye xiao in different places:
North part of China 
Taiwan night market 




Super inventor (P6)

1. Do you know any famous inventors?
2. Have you invented anything by yourself?
3. What do you think is the best invention?

While reading

1. Which country is Super Soaker made in?
A. China.    B. Russia.    C. The US.    D. The UK.

2. Many African Americans couldn't enter university during the 1960s because _________.
A. many parents couldn't afford the high university cost
B. they didn't get good grades in the entrance exam
C. not many people could go to university during war time
D. racial discrimination against black people was a big issue then

3. Which of the following is Lonnie Johnson’s work as an inventor?
a. The first stealth bomber.
b. A water gun.
c. Space probes.
d. A robot.
A. ab    B. bc    C. ac    D. bd

4. What is the main idea of this text?
A. It’s OK to give up on yourself.
B. Don’t try hard at school.
C. Hold on to your dream and make it come true.
D. The way people think of you is not important.


1. What is your dream?
2. What have you done to make your dream come true?
3. If someone says your dream is not important, what will you say to him/her?





1. 答案为C。本题是一道细节理解题。 从文章第一段第三、四句Riders lean their bodies forward and the scooter will go faster. And it stops when the rider leans backwards.可以得知人站在滑板车上时,身体前倾为前进,后倾为刹车。所以答案为C。
2. 答案为B。本题是一道细节理解题。从文章第二段 However, now people cannot ride electric scooters on public roads in Shanghai and Beijing any more.可以得知在北京和上海这两个城市目前都禁止滑板车上公共道路了。故答案为B。
3. 解析:答案为C。本题是一道细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句If they get caught, they will have to pay 10 yuan. 可以得知a可选,b和c均在第三段的第一、二句有所体现。故答案为C。


1. 答案为D。本题是一道细节理解题。从文章第二段第二句 It usually starts from 8 p.m. and lasts until 2 a.m.可以得知夜宵从晚八点开始,到凌晨两点结束。故答案为D。
2. 答案为C。本题是一道细节理解题。 从文章的第三段可以得知,barbeque 是中国北方的传统夜宵,Spicy crayfish 多见于湖南地区,Tasty desserts 在广东最有名。 故答案为C。
3. 答案为B。本题是一道综合理解题。 从文章最后一段But ye xiao is not just about food. People eat with friends, chat and hang out. All these things make ye xiao a way of life. 可以得知D的表述是最全面的。故答案为B。
4. 答案为C。本题是一道主旨归纳题。 从本文的结构来看,先介绍中国不同地区的传统夜宵,接着着重介绍了台湾夜市文化,然后通过对美食作家的采访道出夜宵文化不仅仅是在一个“吃”字上,更重要的是通过夜宵活动能与家人、友人相伴,升华为一种生活方式,成为中国文化不可或缺的一部分。故答案为C。


1. 答案为C。本题是一道细节理解题。 从文章第一段第二句 A Super Soaker is a popular water gun from the US. 可以得知Super Soaker水枪产自美国。故答案为C。
2. 答案为D。本题是一道细节理解题。 从文章第二段第三句 But during the 1960s, many African Americans couldn’t go to university because of racial discrimination. 可以得知,美国社会在上世纪60年代对黑人有种族歧视,因而Lonnie失去了读大学的宝贵机会,故答案为D。
3. 答案为D。本题是一道细节理解题。 文章第一段提到Lonnie发明的水枪,第三段提到他在高中时期发明出的一款机器人。故答案为D。
4. 答案为C。本题是一道主旨归纳题。文章前半部分说的是Lonnie早年因为种种原因没能接受良好的高等教育,但从未因此消沉,而是始终怀揣梦想,不断学习,进行一些发明,最终实现了梦想。故答案为C。

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