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高二教案 第648期

Buildings still stand test of time (P2)

沈阳第二中学 常虹

I. Lead-in

lShort discussion:

•Did you go traveling during the National Day holiday? 

•Where did you go? 

•What did you see?

•How do you feel about your holiday? 


lLook at some examples of great architecture in China. 

Can you recognize them?

1. The Great Hall of the People


2. The Monument to the People’s Heroes


3. The Bund


4. The Saint Sofia Cathedral 


5. The Marco Polo Square


II. While reading



1. What do the pictures above have in common? 

They are great ________ designs that were built in the last century.

2. What happened to many of the architectural masterpieces of the 20th century?

They have been _______ and are __________.

Key: modern; destroyed; disappearing



1. How many kinds of buildings in the list are mentioned in the article? What are they? 

Key: Three. Famous landmarks, famous Western-style architecture and old buildings found on college campuses. 


2.Why did Shan Jixiang say many of the included structures are alive?

Key: They have many stories to tell and have seen historical events.

3. What makes Ma Guoyong feel heartbroken?

Key: The buildings architects have designed are like daughters to them. They married off their beloved “daughters”, but then discovered the heartbreaking fact that they are not being taken care of.


III. Language work


Phrasal verbs with “pass”

1. If someone passed ______, it means that they died. This way, the word "die" can be avoided because it might upset or offend people.  

2. Pass ______ means to go or move past.

3. If you pass _______, you faint or collapse.

4. If you pass something ________ someone, you give it to them so that they can have it instead of you.

5. To pass _______ means to give or teach something to people who are younger than you or live after you. 

Key: away; by; out; on to; down


Fill in the blanks with the word’s correct form

A national list of ________(architecture) masterpieces was released in Beijing on Sept 29 _______ (remind) people of _________ (disappear) heritage, reported China Daily. Despite China’s recent efforts to protect its traditional architecture,  a lot of it ___________(destroy), partly because there is not enough public ________ (aware). For example, the Jü’er Hutong Courtyard Housing Project, which won the 1992 United Nations World Habitat Award, has lost its _______(origin) features because it was not _______(build) properly.

Key: architectural; to remind; disappearing; has been destroyed; awareness; original; rebuilt.


IV. Post-reading

Discuss in groups:

1. Do you know of any great modern buildings in your hometown that have been destroyed? Share what you know with your classmates.

2. Can you think of any ways to raise public awareness of protecting historical architecture? Write them down in a list.


V. Homework

Write a short passage about the benefits of protecting historical architecture.





Young writer joins site (P3)

沈阳市第二中学  常虹


I. Warm-up

•Can you name some of your favorite dishes that you can eat around your campus?

•Have you ever heard of Spoon University? Can you guess what you can learn at this “university”?


II. While reading



Read the article and answer the following questions. 

•What is Spoon University (SU)?

Key: Spoon University was started in 2014 at Northwestern University in Illinois, US. It aims to help young people learn how to eat well - whether they cook for themselves in off-campus housing or eat in restaurants and cafeterias on their campuses. 


•Who started it?

Key: The startup was created by two then-college students. 


•Who is Lauren Peller?

Key: Lauren Peller ,17, is studying at Half Hollow Hills High School East in Dix Hills, New York. She’s a high school senior and editor-in-chief of her high school newspaper.


•What is the relationship between Peller and SU?

Key: She has taken on the role of editorial director of the new high school section of the US’ Spoon University foodie website.


Read the article again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 

1.Teachers at Spoon University teach you how to cook.

2.Peller was admitted to Spoon University.

3.Peller got to know Spoon University by watching a movie Evan showed her.

4.College sections are different depending on which school it is.

5.The most difficult thing for the college sections is getting 15 articles a month.



Put the following sentences in the order in which they happened

a. Peller emailed the chief executive of Spoon U in order to work for it. 

b. Spoon University’s nationwide high school section started.

c. Peller learned about Spoon University.

d. Two then-college students founded SU.

e. Peller helped to establish a system for recruiting (招收) high school writers

Key: d c a e b


III. Language focus

Write out the expressions mentioned in the article according to the explanation

1. ____________  : accept as a challenge

2. _____________: work out

3. _____________: be part of, or connected with, sth

4._____________: depend or count on sb/sth to a                                                                   large degree   

5. _________: receive money because of labor or work

6. ______________________: have a lot of work to do or a lot of things to deal with.

Key: take on; come up with; get involved in; rely heavily on; get paid; have enough on one’s plate


IV. Post-reading

Discussion: (Choose a topic)

1.Describe one dish you would like to learn the recipe for and why.

2.What kind of person do you think Peller is? Use details in the article to back up your opinion.

3.If you were to interview Peller, what questions would you ask her?


V. Homework

Sign up for http://spoonuniversity.com/ . 

Find information that you are interested in.


Happy to check up (P6)

山东省烟台第二中学   赵娟


I. Lead-in

lTwo-minute discussion: 

What do you usually do to show that you care about other people like your parents or friends? 

lHere is a quotation from a letter Kai-Fu Lee wrote to his daughter. 

In this simple sentence is her hope that you will become independent in the way you take care of yourself – that you will remember to take your medicine, that you will get enough sleep, that you will have a balanced diet, that you will get some exercise, and that you will go see a doctor whenever you don't feel good. An ancient Chinese proverb says that the most important thing to do to be nice to your parents is to take care of yourself.


The letter is full of parental care and love for children. 

lNow read the article and find out who is (are) showing care to an elderly person. 

Who is (are) showing care to an elderly person?

The policeman definitely is. What about the author?


II. Fast reading 


1. How did the policeman look out for the author’s mother-in-law? 

He fitted alarms for all her windows and doors, gave her his private cellphone number and told her to phone him any time of day or night if she is frightened.

He patrols her street and also asked other officers to patrol her street.

He told her she is admirable for a woman in her 80s to cheer her up. 

2. Is the author a caring person? How can we show this with lines from the article? 

Yes, she is. She called to check up on her and waited for 10 minutes to make sure things were OK.

She is a good listener and listened to the old lady’s story.

She told the old lady a joke about her supposed vanity that made her laugh. 


III. Careful reading 

When I called my mother-in-law this morning to _____ _____ ____ her, she was really _____ and told me a friend had called, but she did not ______ her “friend”. Later, it _____ _____ that her friend was a policeman who had come to her house when someone ______ ____ _____ ___ a few weeks ago. He came back when he was ________ and fitted alarms for her. 

Today’s visit was _____ ____ her know that he patrols (巡逻) her street and checks up on her. He told her not to be ______ , which was so ______ for her. He has told her she is _______ for a woman in her 80s and that she keeps her house ___ ____ ____. What a ______ friend! At the end of the day, most of us are just people _____ ____ ____ other people.

Key: check up on; cheerful; identify; turns out; attempted to break in; off-duty; to let; concerned; reassuring; admirable; in great order; caring; look out for


IV. Language focus

检查,了解(某人的)情况   check up on 

片刻之后                   a short while later 

原来是…                   it turns out that… 

试图破门而入               attempt to break in

下了班                     be off-duty 

担心,担忧…               be concerned about 

80多岁                     in one’s 80s 

使….保持井井有条           keep …in great order 

虚荣的表现                 displays of vanity 

归根结底,总而言之         at the end of the day 

照料,留心                 look out for 


V. Grammar Focus

He’s probably thinking if he’d been there 10 minutes later she would have her high heels on!




If I were you, I would have gone to the theatre last night.

If you had followed my advice, you would be better off now.

If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now.


VI. Activity:


Watch the news about empty nest elderly and answer the questions: (empty nester; empty nest elderly 空巢老人)  


Questions for discussion:

1. What are the causes of empty nest elderly?

2. Who is responsible for taking care of the empty nest elderly?






















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