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高二教案 第649期

Video shows others how to deal with bullies (P3)
山东省烟台第二中学   赵娟
I. Lead-in
Watch the video clip and answer these questions:
1. What is bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
2. What types of bullying are there?
Types of bullying
physical bullying
emotional /psychological bullying 
verbal bullying 
sexual bullying
Some background knowledge:
Cyberbullying is bullying that uses electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails; rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites; and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites or fake profiles.
Statistics about bullying
◊   According to the American Psychological  Association, "40% to 80% of school-age   
     children experience bullying at some point during their school careers. 
◊   At least 1 in 3 adolescent students in Canada has reported being bullied.
◊   47% of Canadian parents report having a child who is a victim of bullying.
II. Fast reading 
1. What did Jonah Maxwell do to fight against bullying?
He wrote and directed a six-minute 30-second anti-bullying film with friends from school.
2. Has his video been a success online? What evidence is given in the article?
Yes, it has been. The video has gone viral online and teachers in the United States and abroad have started showing the video in schools.
III. Careful reading
According to Maxwell, what should you do if you are being bullied or you are bullying someone else?
If it’s happened to you, you have to tell someone. If you are doing it, just think about this: It’s just as easy to be nice as it is to be mean and manners and respect cost nothing.
IV. Translation
1. This social media has given bullying a new life far beyond fights in the school lunchroom or hallways.
What more can we say about the country’s national parks beyond US author Wallace Stegner’s phrase, “the best idea we ever had”? (Teens 第二期)
2. The bullying sometimes never stops if there is social media involved – you don’t leave it behind you at the school gates. 
I don’t want to get involved in a lengthy argument about who is to blame.
Be actively/deeply/heavily involved in …积极参与…
3. It’s scary for me to think what kids go through, but what is worse is that the kids don’t feel they should or can tell. 
V. Language focus
1. Seventh-grader Jonah Maxwell has become a local ________ (名人) after an anti-bullying (反欺凌) video he made ________ (走红) online. 
2. Their faces cannot be seen in order to _______________ bullies insulting (辱骂) others on social media. 
3. Somebody gets bumped (碰撞) and the books fall all over the floor. The victim ___________(尴尬的).
4. The youngster said he wants people to “_________” and tell someone if they are_________. “Tell someone – it’s too hard to __________ something like this alone,” he said.
5. Jonah’s message clearly _______ it doesn’t have to be this way.
6. If it changes one person’s life it will have _____________ in our lives. 
1.Celebrity; went viral; 2.take back power from; 3. gets embarrassed ; 4. speak up; being bullied; go through ; 5. states; 6. made a difference 
VI. After-reading activity
How you respond can make an impact on bullying over time. Find out what you can do to stop it on the spot and support the kids involved.
*Stop Bullying on the Spot
*Find Out What Happened
*Support the Kids Involved
*Be More Than a Bystander
Iceland shows off nature (P4)
江苏锡山高级中学   陈虹秀
I. Pre-reading discussion
What do you know about the country of Iceland? 
(Can you say anything about its location, history, culture, or economy?)
volcanoes      glaciers / icebergs   northern lights  
II. Detailed questions
1. What natural wonders does Iceland have?
Volcanoes, glaciers and the northern lights.
2. When is the best time to see northern light? Why?
From October to March.
3.  Why does the writer say that Iceland offers inspiration?
Iceland is a country which has a history of famous writers and literary works. 
4. In your opinion, what did what Haraldur Jonsson said really mean?
People in Iceland are interested in literature because they want their lives to be rich despite living in cold, ever-changing weather. 
5. What does the author mean by saying “But as a travel destination, Iceland is on top of the world.” in Para. 1?
Iceland is very popular or attractive as a travel destination. 
on top of the world: in a happy position of advantage.  Eg:With these figures and their other recent successes, the company is sitting on top of the world. 
III. Structure of the passage 
Theme; wonders; volcanoes; northern lights; inspiration; Remarks/Words
Use this structure to retell the article.
Avoiding Pressure (P6)
南昌市外国语学校  朱庆鹏
I. Word bank
motto                   n.  座右铭
cutthroat                  adj. 残酷的
irritable                        adj.  易怒的
conform to                遵从
extracurricular              adj. 课外的
efficient                   adj. 有效率的
II. Know your root
out- ——  exceed, excessive  超过,过度
•outdo v. 胜过,战胜   outwit v. 以机智取胜
•outsize adj. 过大的   outbreak n. 爆发
extra- ——  outside, beyond, very 超出,非常
•extraordinary  adj. 非凡的
•extravagant  adj. 奢侈的 浪费的
III. Lead in
Students taking the SAT
What do you know about the SAT?
Scholastic Assessment Test
Held by College Board
Known for being the college entrance examination in America
How do you study hard?
Set yourself a goal that is both ambitious and viable. 
Do exercise! Do exercise! Do exercise!
Get enough rest at home!
IV. Skimming
What do you know about Leah Kashar, the student who is preparing for the SAT?
Leah worked very hard. However, continuously working on minor things made her feel overwhelmed.
V. Scanning
Leah became irritable and reticent around others. What other problems under pressure are mentioned in the article?
She couldn’t focus or figure out who she was. She didn’t have the confidence to believe that her own passions and unique skills were what would make her stand out to colleges. 
VI. Detailed reading
1. Where did Leah‘s pressure come from?
From the other high school students. 
2. Why did Leah’s peers start sleeping less than before?
Because time sleeping was time she didn’t spend studying. 
3. What was Leah‘s new motto?
“ …if I wasn’t in every single honor level class, I wasn’t doing enough.”
4. What is important if you want to stand out to colleges?
Students’ own passions and unique skills. 
5. What did Leah get from being individual?
Not only was it better for her happiness, but it also made her more effective and efficient when she studied.
VI. Language work
1. I let myself get swept up in the pressure.
sweep up, 意为“打扫干净”
swept up in sth 则意为“陷入”
如: Mr. Rush got swept up in condemning the cheating. R先生卷入了作弊的谴责之中。
2. To me, individuality means having the confidence to decide who I am and who I want to be...
To me 此处意为“对于我来说”,有时可替换为“personally speaking”来增加语句多样性。
To me虽然可以接在后面,但放在句首有时更符合英文用法,避免头重脚轻。

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