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初三教案 第512期


Touching book teaches me important life lessons (P3) 



1. Do you like reading books?

2. Is there a book you have read that impressed you the most? Why?


While reading

Choose the answer:  

1. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is NOT true about the book?

A. Henry K. Larsen is a 13-year-old boy.

B. Jesse is Henry K. Larsen’s older brother.

C. Jesse is killed by Scott.

D. Henry’s family moves to a new city after the accident.


2. What does the story’s writer Chen think of the book?

A. The bullying scenes described make readers scared.

B. Teenagers can learn how to get through bullying.

C. Henry’s story makes readers feel unhappy. 

D. It has too many similarities with another book she read.


3. According to the last paragraph, we know that _____.

A. no neighbors went to hospital to see Henry

B. Henry finally opened his heart to his friends

C. Henry kept his brother’s experience a secret forever

D. Henry couldn’t forgive his brother or himself


Words in use



  ordinary, suitable, get through, touch, stop  


1. It is hard to see how people will _________ the cold winter.

2. It has _____ raining. Let's go home.

3. It was no ______ meeting. 

4. I don't have anything ______ to wear for the party. 

5. What he said really _____ my heart. 



Writing task:

Introduce a book to your classmates. Write a piece, using about 200 words. It should include the following points:

(1) Brief introduction of the book including its author, publishing date and main idea, etc. 

(2) Why do you like the book?

(3) What have you learned from the book?


This season’s good and bad gifts (P4)



1. How do you pick out gifts for your friends?

2. What taboos (禁忌) do you know about giving a gift?


While reading

Choose the answer:  

1. What does the underlined word “taboos” in the first paragraph mean?  

A. 符号   B. 规定

C. 禁忌D. 风俗


2. You’d better not give someone a clock as a gift because it means that “_____”.

A. your life is coming to an end

B. you must finish something on time

C. you are an unlucky person

D. you are getting old


3. Which of the following may have the meaning of “separation” as a gift?

a. pears   b. apples   c. an umbrella   d. a watch 

A. ab  B. bc  C. ac  D. ad 


4. You can give your friend a red envelope of _____ yuan to wish that he or she will get rich.  

A. 520

B. 1,314

C. 666

D. 888


Words in use


1. Christmas is ________ (临近).

2. Very few people can _______ (发音) my name correctly.

3. We’re ____________ (考虑买) a new car.

4. She ____________ (记得见过) him leave an hour ago.

5. Nobody had much money at the time and I was no ______ (例外).



Tips on choosing a gift:

1. Make the present an event. Get creative with the packaging! Rather than just handing them a gift in regular wrapping paper, think of the gifting experience as an event, and you want to make sure they enjoy it.

2. Make a list of all the things the person is interested in and things that define who they are. 

3. Ask yourself what that person needs.


Fast flight in the future (P6)



1. How do you usually travel? By train, by car or by plane?

2. What do you think of the three ways of transportation?


While reading

Choose the answer: 

1. What is the biggest difference between the Antipode and other normal planes?

A. It can fly much faster.

B. It can hold many more people.

C. It can fly much higher.

D. It can be much safer.


2. Which of the following about the planes is NOT true?

A. A Boeing 747 can reach a speed of 917 km/h.

B. Air Force One is the fastest plane in the world.

C. The president of the United States usually takes a Boeing 747.

D. The Antipode could be about 24 times faster than Air Force One.


3. What do we know about the Concorde?

a. It used to be the world’s biggest passenger plane.

b. It made loud noises when it was flying. 

c. Its nose got dangerously hot when it flew.

d. It stopped flying after 2000.

A. ab  B. bc  C. cd   D. ad


4. According to the story, we know that _____.

A. a US designer designed the Antipode

B. people now can book a ticket to fly on the Antipode 

C. the Antipode has already been produced

D. the Antipode won’t have the problems that the Concorde had 


Words in use


1. 到那儿要花多长时间?

How long will it ____ me to get there?

2. 她把婴儿背在背上。

She _____ her baby on her back.

3. 为老板煮咖啡不是我份内的事!

My job doesn't _____ making coffee for the boss!

4. 我们得走20公里的路才能到达最近的火车站。

We had 20km to cover to ____ the nearest railway station.

5. 这不是想象,而是现实。

This is not my imagination, but ____.



Interesting Airplane Facts:

•Orville and Wilbur Wright are commonly referred to as the Wright Brothers. They are credited with the first successful airplane design and flight.

•The shape of an airplane wing is called an airfoil (机翼). It is designed to provide lift for the airplane as it is propelled (推进) through the air.

•Some military and experimental aircraft are capable of breaking the sound barrier (障碍) by traveling faster than the speed of sound. 

•The Concorde was a commercial (商业的) aircraft, and one of only two capable of supersonic (超声的) flight. It could travel from Paris to New York in 3.5 hours. Most flights took 8 hours to cover the same distance.

•Airplane travel is safer than ground travel. It is estimated that about 95 percent of those involved in airplane crashes survive. People sitting in the tail end have an estimated 40 percent higher chance of survival if a crash occurs.

•The largest passenger airplane today is the Airbus A380, which can hold 532 seated passengers.





Choose the answer:

1. 答案:C。根据第一段倒数第二句Then Jesse killed himself.可知,Jesse是自杀的,故选C。

2. 答案:B。根据第二段第二句It not only shows us how serious bullying is, but also teaches us how to get through it.可知,作者觉得从这本书中学到了一些关于应对校园欺凌的方法,故选B。

3. 答案:B。根据最后一段第四句I am also surprised that friendship allowed Henry to open his heart and tell his new friend about what happened to his brother.可知,Henry最终向朋友们敞开心扉,故选B。


Words in use:

1. get through  2. stopped  3. ordinary  4. suitable  5. touched 




Choose the answer:

1. 答案:C。联系下文内容可知,文章主要讲了送礼物时候不能送钟,不能送梨,不能送伞等,这些都是送礼物的禁忌,故选C。

2. 答案:A。根据第二段倒数第二句 “your time is up”可知,送钟作为礼物有“送终”之意,故选A。

3. 答案:C。根据文章第三段,梨有“离”之意;伞有“散”之意,所以答案选C。

4. 答案:D。根据最后一段中 … “888” means “wishing you wealth”可知,888是中文“发发发”的谐音,祝愿某人发财时,可用到这个数字,故选D。 


Words in use:

1. drawing near 2. pronounce  3. considering buying  4. remembers seeing  5. exception 




Choose the answer:

1. 答案:A。根据第二段中列举的数字可知,Antipode速度快得惊人,故选A。

2. 答案:C。根据第三段第二句The fastest plane in the world right now is Air Force One that carries the president of the United States.可知,美国总统乘坐的飞机是空军一号,而不是波音747。

3. 答案:B。根据倒数第三段中The Concorde used to be the world’s fastest passenger plane between 1976 and 2003.可知,Concorde曾经是世界上最快的客机,并不一定是最大的,故a不正确;根据本段第二句But the Concorde was very noisy and its nose got dangerously hot when it flew.可知,bc正确,故选B。

4. 答案:D。根据倒数第三段第一句The Antipode’s design includes a special nose that stops it from overheating and having the same problems that the Concorde did.可知,Antipode不会有Concorde的问题,比如飞机的机鼻过热、飞机噪音过大等问题,故选D。


Words in use:

1. take 2. carried 3. include 4. reach 5. reality


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