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初三教案 第525期

Speak for themselves (P2)

1. How do people from different countries communicate if they have different native languages?
2. How do you people communicate well if they speak different dialects?

While reading
Choose the answer:
1. A "translator" helps Zhang Shiwang _____.
A. learn communication skills
B. translate his dialect into Mandarin
C. translate others' words into his dialect
D. understand other people's dialects

2. What is the recent plan about?
A. Farmers across China should speak Mandarin.
B. Mandarin is set as the standard spoken Chinese.
C. It's hoped that 80 percent of Chinese can speak Mandarin by 2020.
D. Speaking Mandarin will be a must for everyone by 2020.

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the plan?
A. New teachers must meet Mandarin speaking standards.
B. Civil servants should speak Mandarin.
C. The country will offer special training lessons to certain people.
D. Speaking Mandarin means that you must speak like broadcasters.
Words in use
1. They speak s_____ English for business.
2. These athletes go to t_____ to improve their strength every afternoon.
3. The writer e______ his love for his motherland in his novels.
4. Wide reading will i_____ your vocabulary.
5. It is quite hard to have a t______ with you whenever you travel abroad.

Some people think that dialects are not only tools to communicate, but also messengers of their respective culture, so that they should be acceptable in public in daily use. Whereas other people hold the view that mandarin is the standard language of our country, which is widely used by over 70 percent of the population. As a result, it is mandarin that is acceptable in public places, not any other languages.
What’s your opinion? Explain your reasons.

Learning life skills (P3)

1. About home economics: it’s also called domestic science, now known as family and consumer sciences (FCS). It is about the economics and management of the home and community. The field deals with the relationship between individuals, families, and communities, and the environment in which they live.

2. Do you want to take home economics class at school? Why or why not?

While reading
Choose the answer:
1. From the story, we know that the two students in the first paragraph are having a _____ class.
A. science     
B. cooking
C. biology 
D. home economics

2. From the class, students can learn the following EXCEPT _____. 
A. folding clothes well in a short time
B. using money well
C. taking care of a child
D. using a wooden spoon to cut the butter

3. What does Rhonda Mayer think of the class "home ec"?
A. It is boring to teach the course.
B. It is very helpful for students.
C. It is a course mainly for future housewives.
D. All US students should take the course.

Words in use
1. Zhejiang _______as the land of tea in our country. (know)
2. The teacher said, “I _____________ this way for 30 years. It has been well accepted.” (teach)
3.He looked through  the pages quickly, then read
 them again _______. (care)
4. The students spend several hours learning how _____ in class. (cook) 
5. Many schools focus ____ on math, English and science classes than home economics classes.  (much)

Post reading
1. Do you agree that home economics classes are for future housewives? Why or why not?
2. What else do you want to learn at school?

Flies full of ability (P6)

1. How much do you know about flies?
2. What can you predict according to the title?

While reading
Choose the answer:
1. Which of the following about flies is NOT true according to Lessard?
A. They are the dirtiest animals in the world.
B. Over 159,000 species of flies have been found.
C. They make up 10-15 percent of known animals on Earth.
D. It is impossible for humans to get away from them. 

2.  What does the second last paragraph talk about?
A. How chocolate is made from the cocoa plant.
B. Flies are important for cocoa plants and tea trees.
C. Why there are special flies in some countries.
D. People don't know much about flies.

3. Scientists from _____ made biodiesel from black soldier fly larvae.
A. Australia   B. India
C. US                         D. China

4. Scientists found that black soldier fly larvae _____.
A. can be a great feed for livestock
B. are rich in 54 percent protein
C. can help chickens grow healthily 
D. can produce oil to power a car

Words in use
     turn into, more than, play a great role in, get away from, native to
1. The event happened _______ 1000 years ago.  
2. She was very anxious to ___________ the city and back to nature.
3.  Genes _________ in how your body balances calories and energy.  
4. I think I have got to stop or I might ________ a machine. 
5.You can tell from his blue eyes that he isn't ______ China.

1. What have you learned from the story about flies? Do you have different views about them?
2. Search the internet and find more fun facts about flies.


Choose the answer:
1. 解析:B。根据第1段最后一句…the translator helps to translate his words into Mandarin. 故选B。
2. 解析:C。 根据第二段最后一句China is aiming to increase the rate of nationals speaking Mandarin to 80 percent by 2020,…可知近期计划是在把国民说普通话的比例提高到80%,故选C。
3. 解析:D。根据最后一段, …helping more people speak Mandarin does not mean that everyone should speak like broadcasters. 所以D选项说法不正确 ,故选D。

Words in use
1. standard 2. training  3. expressed  4. increase 5. translator

Choose the answer:
1. 解析:D。根据第2段可知学生们上的是“家庭和消费者科学课”,也成为“家政课”a family and consumer (消费者) science class …also known as home economic class. 故选D。
2. 解析:D。根据第3段,我们了解学生在家政课上学很多技能,… food safety, knife skills, folding clothes, setting a table, eating healthily and shopping. They also learn about money management, workplace skills and even childcare. D选项中,孩子用木勺切黄油是不当操作,故答案选D。
3. 解析:B。根据倒数第二段可知,这位老师认为孩子们需要家政课,而很多学校取消了家政课令她担心。答案选B。

Words in use:
1. is known 2. have been teaching 3. carefully 4. to cook 5. more

Choose the answer:
1. 解析:A。根据第1段…But in Bryan Lessard‘s eyes, flies are beautiful insects with great abilities. 可知
2. 解析:B。根据第本段… A tiny kind of fly is the only known pollinator (授粉者) of the flower of the cocoa plant. Flies also pollinate  Australia‘s tea trees…可知苍蝇为可可树、茶树进行花粉授粉,答案选B。
3. 解析:D。根据最后一段Chinese researchers from Wuhan‘s Huazhong Agricultural University have made oil from the black soldier fly larvae and turned the liquid into a form of biodiesel.中国科学家把苍蝇幼虫转化成生物柴油,可知选择D。
4. 解析:A。根据最后一段…turning black soldier fly larvae into a nutritious feed for livestock … ,可知选择A。

Words in use:
1. more than 2. get away from  3. play a great role 4. turn into 5. native to

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