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初一教案 第592期


By Tang Hongmei


Cities to host future Olympics (P2)


I. Pre-reading

The Olympic Games take place every four years.

How many former host cities can you list? 

Do you know how a host city is chosen?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. The 2028 Olympic Games will take place in _____.

A. Tokyo

B. Atlanta

C. Los Angeles

D. Paris


2. What special thing did the IOC do this time?

A. It chose two host cities at the same time.

B. It told the news on Xinhua.

C. It chose the 2024 host city earlier.

D. It gave Paris a special chance.


3. The Atlanta Olympics happened in _____.

A. 1924B. 1996

C. 1916D. 1896


4. The Games won’t cost Paris and Los Angeles too much money because _____.

A. the events won’t be as big as before 

B. the two cities will help each other host the games

C. the two cities already have most of the facilities 

D. 90 percent of the Games will take place in other cities


III. Words in use


1. I am a h_____ of a TV program. 

2. What time do you r_____ from school every day? 

3. I have no a_____ to this question.

4. B____ sides of the paper were colorful and beautiful.


IV. Post-reading

Host cities need to prepare a lot for the Olympic Games, such as building sports stadiums and providing good public transportation. In your opinion, what is a host city’s most important job?



Chatting online without typing a word (P4)


I. Pre-reading

Do you use memes when you chat online with friends?

Which kind of memes do you like best? 

Why do people like to use memes?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. Which of the following can’t be memes?

A. Popular online pictures.

B. GIFs of famous people.

C. TV and film scenes.

D. Some exaggerated sounds.


2. Which meme can you use to express your anger?

A. Huang Zitao, running and saying, “I will not easily go die.”

B. Dee Hsu, rolling her eyes.

C. Zhou Jie, shouting angrily. 

D. Yao Ming, laughing.


3. These people’s pictures are made into memes because _____.

A. they are famous all over the world

B. they are funny in real life

C. they have exaggerated facial expressions

D. their pictures are easy to find


4. Why do people like to use the memes?

A. Because memes are hard to understand.

B. Because memes make the information funny.

C. Because memes are easy to choose from.

D. Because most of the meme users are lazy. 


III. Words in use


1. 我喜欢与朋友一起聊天。

     I like to  ________a friend.

2. 我对甲壳虫乐队百听不厌。

    I never get _______ listening to the Beatles.  

3. 从另一方面来说,这个想法深深触动了他。

    _____________, the idea touched him deeply.


IV. Post-reading

Memes can make communication easy and fun. 

Would you like to make your own memes?

What type of memes would you like to make?




Naming typhoons (P6)


I. Pre-reading

In summer, the word “typhoon” often appears in the weather reports of Asian countries. Typhoons have names. Do you know who names them and how?


II. While reading

 Choose the answer:

1. What do we know about typhoons? 

A. They usually happen on the land. 

B. Typhoons bring strong wind without rain. 

C. Typhoons do no harm to people’s lives. 

D. Typhoons have certain names since 2000.


2. Which country didn’t give Typhoons’ names?

A. China.

B. Japan.

C. The US. 

D. South Korea.


3. How many names are there all together for typhoons?

A. 10

B. 14

C. 140

D. 2000


4. What does the story mainly talk about?

A. What typhoons are and how they happen.

B. How typhoons got their names.

C. What kind of names are popular in the world.

D. What the WMO’s job is. 



III. Words in use


1. You never can tell what life is going to______ (带来) you.

2. I have done nothing to ______ (伤害) anyone.

3. Please put the sentences in ____ (顺序).

4. How many _______ (成员) does the club have?


IV. Post-reading

Typhoon names come from the animals, plants, places and food of each country. If you have a chance to name a typhoon, then what would you call it? Why?





II. 1. C。根据文中第二段的第一句内容 “Los Angeles will be the next in 2028” 可知,2028年奥运会将在 Los Angeles 召开。

2. A。根据第二段结尾句 “This is the first time that IOC has chosen two host cities at the same time” 可知,这是奥委会第一次同时为两届奥运会选择了主办城市。

3. B。根据第四段结尾 “the event returns to the country since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics” 可知,亚特兰大是1996年召开的。

4. C。文中最后一段 “The two cities already have more than 90 percent of the facilities for the Games” 可知,这两座城市已经拥有了超过90%的赛事设施,大大降低了成本。

III. 1. host   2. return   3. answer  4. Both



II. 1. D. 根据文中第一段的第二句 “Memes can be pictures or GIFs. They are usually of stars, TV and film scenes” 可知,ABC 均为表情包的一种。

2. C。根据倒数第4句 “memes can give people information in an easy, funny way” 可知,表情包用简单直接的方式进行表达,C 中用生气的喊叫表情直接表述生气。

3. C。根据文意可知 ABD 未提及,而由文中 “These people have exaggerated facial expressions” 可知,这些人有夸张的面部表情,C 正确。

4. B。由文中结尾处 “Users make  memes of them for fun. On the other hand, memes can give people information in an easy, funny way” 可知,表情包使得信息的交流容易、有趣。

III. 1. chat with2. tired of3. On the other hand



II. 1. D。根据第一段 “…take place in the Pacific Ocean. They bring strong wind and rain. They harm people’s lives” 可知,ABC 表述错误;第二段 “In 2000, the WMO made a list of 140 typhoon names from its 14 members” 可知2000年,世界气象组织列出了来自亚太地区14个成员国的140个台风的名字。

2. C。根据第2段 “…its 14 members in the Asia Pacific area ... Members include China, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea” 可知,ABD参与了命名,所以选 C。

3. C。根据第2段 “the WMO made a list of 140 typhoon names” 可知,世界气象组织列出了140个名字 。

4. B。根据内容可知,文章介绍了世界气象组织如何为台风采录名字、选择名字的。

III. 1. bring  2. harm  3. order  4. members

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