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初一教案 第595期


By Tang Hongmei


Students learn in Chinese (P2)


I. Pre-reading

What foreign languages are you learning?

Which is more important when you are learning a foreign language: the language itself or the culture behind it?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. What have we learned about the Kensington Wade Primary School?

A. It is the first English-Chinese primary school in the UK.

B. Students can’t use English in this school.

C. All of the courses in the Chinese classroom are taught in Chinese.

D. The school only has 15 students.


2. How many people around the world have started learning Chinese since 2004, according to the story?

A. 30 million.

B. 70 million.

C. 100 million.

D. 130 million.


3. At Kensington Wade, students _____.

A. can’t learn Chinese language.

B. can learn about Chinese culture.

C. study martial arts taught by English teachers.

D. study English calligraphy but not Chinese calligraphy.


4. What words does the story use to describe the Chinese language?

A. first, biggest

B. more, most

C. popular, useful

D. future, better


III. Words in use


1. He listened carefully, but ____ (听到) nothing.

2. On Chinas National Day, there are national flags _________ (到处).

3. Last year, the company made a lot of money about eight ____ (百万) .

4. She speaks no Chinese and is unfamiliar with Chinese _____ (文化).

IV. Post-reading

Culture is very important when we’re trying to learn about different countries. What would you talk about if you had to give a speech on Chinese culture?



Used shoes help US girl raise money (P3)


I. Pre-reading

Have you ever had a part-time job or earned money on your own? How hard was it?

What would you do if you had 1 million yuan?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What will Lasater do with the shoes?

A. She will wear them herself.

B. She will give the shoes to poor people.

C. She will sell them to other countries.

D. She will open a shoe store for dogs.


2. What problem does Lasater have?

A. She can’t walk.

B. She can’t speak.

C. She can’t see clearly.

D. She often has headaches.


3. How much money does Lasater still need to raise?

A. $17,000

B. $8,575

C. $6,000

D. $11,000


4. What’s the main idea of the story?

A. Lasater loves shoes very much.

B. Lasater found a way to raise money.

C. How a young girl can make money.

D. How to live with a service dog.


III. Words in use


1. 我不得不支付自行车维修费用。

     I have to ________ repairs to my bike.

2. 成百上千的人在战争中失去了家园。

    ________ people lost their homes in the war.  

3. 你觉得这双鞋怎么样?

    How do you like this _______shoes?


IV. Post-reading

Lasater is so smart and brave. We all hope she can raise enough money soon and be healthy and happy.

Do you have any ideas that could help her?



Schools go solar (P6)


I. Pre-reading

Solar power is renewable, which means that it will never run out.

Even more importantly, solar power produces little or no waste.

Does your school have solar power?


II. While readingChoose the answer:

1. From reading paragraph 2, we know that _____.

A. the Solar Foundation is the best organization in the US

B. solar power is not as popular as people thought

C. more organizations are promoting the use of solar power

D. more schools are using solar power


2. Solar panels can change _____ into electrical power.

A. sunlight

B. electricity

C. coal

D. air and water


3. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Solar panels are too expensive to buy.

B. Some US schools don’t have much money.

C. Solar panels are expensive but worth the cost.

D. Students can learn to save energy through solar power.



III. Words in use

Fill in the blanks:

1. Bruce jumped up to c______ the flying basketball.

2. I had to stop or I would t______ a machine.

3. Can I b____ two books at a time, sir?

4. He couldn’t find any way to s_____ money.


IV. Post-reading

Solar panels can absorb sunlight and change it into electricity. How does this process work?





II. 1. A。根据In a classroomyou wont hear a word of English可知,学习中文只是其中的一个教室的情况,B错;从Half of its courses are in Chinese可知,一半的课程是中文的而非全部课程,C错;the school enrolled its first 15 students可知招收了第一拨的十五名学生而非全校只有十五名学生,D错;The school is the first English-Chinese primary school in Europe是欧洲的第一所这样的学校,那也是英国的第一所,所以选A

2. C。根据第3Around 30 million people across the world studied Chinese in 2004. Now the number is 100 million.可知,从2004年开始到现在,学习中文的人数已达到了100million.

3. B。根据第四段 students arent just learning Chinese language. Theyre also learning Chinese culture. Students can study martial arts and calligraphy可知,学生不仅学习汉语语言Chinese language,同时学习中国文化Chinese culture、功夫和中文书法等,B正确。

4. C。文中第三段…Chinese language is becoming more and more popularBritish parents also think Chinese is the most useful language for the future”可知对中文的描述词为popularuseful

III. 1. heard2. everywhere3. million4. culture



II. 1. C。根据文中第三段She collects new and used shoes. She then sells those shoes overseas可知,她把鞋子卖到海外也就是其它国家other countries

2. D。根据第二段…disease, which often gives her headaches. She cant walk or talk for too long可知,她所患的疾病使她常常头痛headaches,不能走太多路说太多话,而非不能走路和说话。

3. D。根据she has to pay $17,000The shoes have helped her raise $6,000可知,医疗费用为$17,000,现在她已经赚到了$6,000,那么她还需要赚$11,000

4. B。文中讲述了Lasater为了治病通过卖鞋子到海外赚钱的故事,只有B符合文意。

III. 1. pay for  2.  Hundreds of   3. pair of



II. 1. D。根据文中fewer than 1,000 US schools used solar power in 2008. But by 2014, the number went up to 3,727可知,用太阳能的学校08年不足1000,14年已经有3727所,所以越来越多的学校用太阳能。

2. A。根据第三段The panels catch the power of sunlight and turn it into electricity可知,太阳能板能够将太阳能sunlight转化为电能。

3. C。根据最后一段可知,很多学校需要借钱来支付太阳能板昂贵的费用,可是他们还是选择使用,因为随着时间的推移,它可以节省能源成本,同时还能帮助学生了解电力和环境,是值得的。

III. 1. catch  2. turn into   3. borrow   4. save

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