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初三教案 第541期

Just say no to smoking (P2)
Using emojis when we chat with others online has become common.
Which one do you usually use to show that you are happy, sad, surprised or enjoying yourself?

While reading
1. What changes has the “smoking emoji” had?
  A. It has just appeared on Sina Weibo and QQ.
  B. The cigarette has been removed or replaced.
  C. It can’t be used on Sina Weibo.
  D. A green leaf replaced the dark sunglasses

2. Paragraphs 3 and 4 were written to tell us _____.
  A. the emoji was not popular among young people
  B. who has given the order to make such changes
  C. why changes has happened to the smoking emoji
  D. smoking is not fashionable or cool

3. Which of the following is TRUE about smoking in China?
  A. More than half of men smoke.
  B. People don’t smoke until they are 20.
  C. Smoking is being controlled.
  D. One-third of smokers die from cancer.

4. To stop young people from smoking, _____ in China.
  A. young people are not allowed to use emoji
  B. tobacco products can’t be advertised in mass media
  C. smoking is not allowed in any places
  D. young people are given a certain vaccine

Words in use
remove … from  把……从……中移除,
replace … with    用…… 替换……
Eg. Because they didn’t have enough space, they had to ______ several guests ____ the list.
   Charlie is expecting to _____ his desktop ____ a laptop.

We all know that smoking is harmful to both smokers and those around them.
Can you think of some other ways that will stop young people from smoking?

Where does sitcom laughter come from? (P4)
1.What do you know about these TV shows?
2.Do you know where the laughter in them comes from?

While reading
Choose the answer:
1. Who invented canned laughter?
A. A filmmaker.
B. An editor.
C. An engineer.
D. A doctor.

2. Which of the following is NOT included in canned laughter?
A. Giggles.
B. Smiles.
C. Loud laughter.
D. Children's laughter.

3. What do we know about canned laughter?
A. It was first made in the US.
B. It helped the audience laugh at the actors.
C. It was built in a can.
D. It was popular in the 1980s.

4. What's the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A. Canned laughter has been popular for 10 years.
B. Canned laughter sounds very silly.
C. Canned laughter may be less popular today.
D. Famous sitcoms never use canned laughter

Word in use
familiar,   invent,   believable
1. Her explanation certainly sounded ________.
2. Many people are ______ with the sitcom Home with Kids.
3. He ______ the first electric clock.

Do you prefer canned laughter or real laughter?

Our world in danger (P6)
Do you know anything about dinosaurs?
What has made them disappear from Earth?

While reading
1. The first paragraph tells us that _____.
  A. Earth is our only home
  B. Our life is relaxing and wonderful
  C. We haven’t taken good care of the Earth
  D. Scientists have warned us about some diseases

2. Which environmental problem is the most serious?
A. Changes in the world’s temperature.
  B. Fresh water becomes less and less.
  C. Ocean pollution has been serious.
  D. The human population is increasing.

3. During the sixth mass distinction, _____.
  A. humans won’t be influenced
  B. two-thirds of animals will disappear
  C. the black rhino will survive
  D. the world’s wildlife will be in great danger

4. According to the story, what should we do?
  A. Stop using chemicals
  B. Slow down our development
  C. Wait for positive changes
  D. Take action immediately

Words in use
Fill in the blanks with words in the story.
1. Your ______ don’t scare me.
2. Can you imagine turning noise _____ into energy?
3. A water shortage is causing _____ troubles in this village.
4. Some of the changes are happening _______.

Choose one way to protect the Earth and make a poster to encourage more students to join you.  

1. B。由文章第二段描述可知,微博删除了表情中的香烟,而QQ则把香烟的图标替换掉了,所以可知答案B正确。
2. C。文章第三段解释了这个改变是北京市控烟协会要求的,而本段最后一句说明原因是社交媒体有大量的年轻人用户,原来的表情有误导的可能。文章第四段则更明确地解释了,吸烟不应该是表现悠闲的意象,而这容易使年轻人形成吸烟就代表时尚和酷的印象。
3. A。由文章第五段第一句 “In China, about two-thirds of men smoke”,可知在中国,超过一半的男人都吸烟,所以,A正确。其中,大部分人是在20岁之后30岁之前这段时间开始吸烟的,但不等于说20岁之前就没有人吸烟,所以B错误。C 中totally太绝对。本段最后一句是假设情况,并不是真实的,所以D错误。
4. B。文章第六段说到近些年来,中国在预防年轻人吸烟方面所做的努力。其中 “since September 2015, advertising tobacco products in mass media or public places in China has been banned” 一句可证明B正确。A本身表述错误,C禁烟目前只在公共场所,而非任何地方。D 曲解了最后一段中的表述,原句是一种比喻,并不是真的有疫苗。

1. C. 第二段第2句 “According to the BBC, during the 1950s a US sound engineer named Charley Douglass invented canned laughter.”可知。
2. B. 由第二段第3句 “He recorded different kinds of laughter, including giggles (咯咯笑), laughing out loud and children’s laughter.”可知。
3. A. 由第二段第2句 “According to the BBC, during the 1950s a US sound engineer named Charley Douglass invented canned laughter.”可知,罐头笑声首次出现在美国。
4. C. 第四段主要讲述了罐头笑声流行了十年之久,但是现在人们觉得罐头笑声比较愚蠢,真实的笑声更加可信,许多有名的情景喜剧都在使用真实的笑声。

1. C。文章第一段讲到我们依赖地球提供的资源生存,却不曾意识到地球已经“病了”,就是说,我们一直自认理所应当地享受地球的馈赠,但没有好好地保护地球。
2. A。文章第三段第一句 “Among those environmental challenges, climate change sits at the top.” 明确指出,在所有的环境问题里,气候变化是居于首位的。段落中还进行了进一步的例证,并指出了后果。
3. D。文章第五段中 “More than two-thirds of the world’s wildlife could be gone by the end of the decade if action isn’t taken soon,”一句,说到在第六次生物大灭绝时,如果不采取措施,世界上三分之二的野生动植物将在十年内消失。所以,D正确。
4. D。最后一段有明确的表述,我们的努力曾经使得臭氧层空洞缩小,所以,只要我们有决心立即行动起来,我们就能使地球环境朝好的方向发展。

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