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初三教案 第542期

China goods go abroad (P2)
Have you ever traveled abroad? Did you find products there that were made in China?
What do you think about these products?

While reading
1. The author wrote the first two paragraphs to show that _____.
A. Mobikes are also popular in other countries
B. technology has changed people’s lives
C. Chinese people live in every corner of the world
D. Chinese products are going global

2. What do Chinese restaurants do to meet foreigners’ tastes?
A. They cut the prices of the dishes.
B. They provide big pieces of meat with bones.
C. They make some changes to the dishes.
D. They only buy meat and vegetables from China.

3. According to Reuters, _____.
A. Chinese food is popular in Western countries
B. some Chinese brands are popular in the world
C. many US drones are designed and made in China 
D. western people do not trust Chinese brands

4. How many news agencies (机构) are mentioned in the story?
A. Two.   B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.

Words in use
Translate phrases:

China’s growing global presence is both an opportunity and a challenge.
What can we do to take advantage of this opportunity and meet this challenge?


Celebrating a joyful anniversary (P4)
Do you have any special experiences you want to remember forever?
Do you have an anniversary with anyone?
How do you celebrate this anniversary?

While reading
1. When did Elizabeth II and Prince Philip get married?
A. In 1937.
B. In 1947.
C. In 1950
D. In 1970.

2. According to the length of marriage, the right order for these anniversaries from the shortest to the longest is _____.
  a. platinum anniversary  b. diamond anniversary
c. paper anniversary   d. gold anniversary
A. a-b-c-d  B. a-c-b-d  C. c-d-a-b  D. c-d-b-a

3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Different countries follow the same celebrating rules.
B. A couple will receive a clock for their 10th anniversary in the US.
C. Canada’s governor-general may give wishes on a couple’s 50th anniversary.
D. The US president congratulates people on their marriage every fifth year.

4. The story mainly talks about _____.
A. the love story between Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
B. wedding anniversaries in different countries
C. gifts given and received on weddings
D. roles of world leaders in celebrating wedding anniversaries

Words in use
1. 这对夫妇已经结婚10年了。
2. 他会以某种方式庆祝生日。
3. 刀用来切菜。


Think about it.
When is your parents’ wedding anniversary?  
Make a plan to help your parents celebrate their wedding anniversary! 

This bear won’t give up (P6)
Have you ever watched the movie Paddington?
What is the movie about?

While reading
1. The first paragraph tells us that _____.
A. it’s always a risk to make movies
B. audiences don’t like Paddington
C. Paddington 2 was popular in 2014
D. Paddington 2 may be a good sequel

2. Paddington wants to give Lucy _____ for her birthday.
A. a brown bear
B. a book
C. a card
D. some money

3. Which of the following describes Paddington correctly?
A. To make more friends, he asks to stay in prison
B. He enjoys staying in strange situations.
C. He always has a positive attitude.
D. He often falls over when walking on the street.

4. The movie Paddington 2 _____.
A. is based on the Paddington books
B. praises Paddington for his love of books
C. connects the bear with the city for the first time
D. shows audiences cultural icons in Peru

Words in use
Complete the sentences.
He is right. I totally __________ (同意) him.
We should ____________(尽最大努力) to make things right.
_______________ (不要放弃). We can make it!
When he woke up, he ________________________(发现自己处于危险情境之中).

Think about it:
Have you ever gone through a difficult time?
How did you overcome this difficulty? Share your experience.


1. D. 文章第一段阐述在街上可以听到中国人说话,看到中国餐馆,中国智能手机在促销。而第二段又提及这个场景是发生在英国曼彻斯特。第二段结尾句Chinese products have been going global. 这说明中国商品正与国际接轨。呼应标题。故答案选D。

2. C.  由文章第三段第二句话 “To meet local people’s tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes.” 可知,为了迎合当地人的口味需求,中国餐馆对菜肴做了一些改变。故答案为 C。

3. B. 从文章第六段可以得知,根据路透社报道,在欧洲许多城市,商店出售着中国品牌的电器和电子产品。说明中国产品在世界变得越来越受欢迎。故答案为 B。

4. B. 文章共提及 Reuters,China Daily, CNN三家新闻机构。故答案为 B。

1. B. 从文章第一段最后一句“the two have been married for 70 years!”可以得知,英国女王和她的丈夫已经结婚70年了,今年是2017年,所以他们于1947年结婚的。故答案为 B。

2. D. 从文章第二段可知,在结婚70年为“铂金婚”,结婚60年为“钻石婚”,结婚50 年为“金婚”,结婚1年为“纸婚”所以按照时间由短至长,以此为纸婚,金婚,钻石婚,铂金婚。故答案为 D。

3. C. 从文章第三段可知,每个国家有不同的方式来庆祝结婚纪念日。通常在美国,过纸婚的夫妇会收到时钟作为庆祝的礼物,过金婚的夫妇会受到总统的庆贺,并且之后每一年都会受到总统的祝福。而在加拿大,夫妇过金婚,则会收到来自总督的庆贺。故答案为C。

4. B. 文章的第三段第一句 “People in different countries have their own ways of celebrating wedding anniversaries. ” 可知,本文主要谈论不同国家的结婚纪念日。故答案为B。

1. D. 由文章第一段最后一句“But Paddington 2, the sequel to 2014’s Paddington, does not disappoint.” 可知,帕丁顿熊2不会让人失望,会是一部好的续集。故答案选D。

2. B. 由文章第三段第一句“In Paddington 2, Paddington decides to save up some money to buy a very special book for his Aunt Lucy’s 100th birthday.”可知,帕丁顿熊决定省钱给他的姑姑买一本书作为100岁生日礼物。故答案选B。

3. C. 文章第五段第一句“But he always stays positive and does his best to make things right. ”可知,帕丁顿熊经常保持着乐观积极的态度,并尽力把事情办好。故答案选C。

4. A. 由文章第五段第二句““Bears always fall on their feet” is a line from the Paddington books, which the movies are based on.”可知帕丁顿熊电影都是以书为剧本拍摄的。故答案选A。




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