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初三教案 第545期

 初三17-18年第18期总第545期Life skills are dying out  (P2)

Match the words with their meanings.
to make or become different
Skills and methods that allow us to produce goods and services
more necessary than anything else
to use, pay, have, etc. with others
generally known, see, or experienced; common
While reading
1. Why does Hughes often wear the same clothes for many days?
A. Because he likes to play jokes on others.
B. Because he doesn’t know how to wash them.
C. Because he doesn’t have other clothes to change into.
D. Because he has developed it as a habit
2. Which of the following is NOT a finding from YouGov’s study?
A. Many young people in the UK don’t have basic life skills.
B. Younger generations in the UK don’t have better life skills than older ones.
C. Eleven percent of British youngsters don’t know how to iron clothes.
D. Many American youngsters are losing their basic life skills.
3. What could be the main reason for this problem?
A. Parents’ love for their children.  
B. Too much homework every day.
C. Technology in the digital age.
D. The convenient use of GPS.
4. According to The Mirror, young people today _____.
A. don’t need to learn basic life skills
B. can’t carry out basic everyday tasks
C. are developing new basic life skills
D. are good at setting up WiFi networks
Words in use
Translate phrases:
Which basic life skills do you have?
Which basic life skills do you think are the most important? Why?
Remembering a great poet (P3)
 Have you read the poem Nostalgia?
 What do you think about it?
 Read Nostalgia together.
While reading
1. Yu Guangzhong was known as a famous _____.
A. poet
B. actor
C. play writer
D. novelist  
2. Which of the following describes Nostalgia correctly?
A. It is Yu Guangzhong’s best essay.
B. It is about his childhood memories.
C. It was written in Nanjing in 1971.
D. It is still loved at home and abroad.
3. What does Paragraph 7 tell us?
A. Siegfried Sassoon was also a famous poet.
B. Yu Guangzhong was a good translator.
C. Siegfried Sassoon’s poems are powerful.
D. Yu Guangzhong loved poetry a lot.
4. Why did Yu Guangzhong write for his whole life?
A. Because he found writing to be easy and interesting.
B. Because writing could bring him a lot of money.
C. Because he loved the Chinese language very much.
D. Because his mother told him to do so.
Words in use
He  ______________(被视为) the best teacher in his school.
Why do you __________(坚持) watching scary movies?
Think about it.
Have you ever left home or left someone you
love for a long time? How did you deal with it?
Salted fish can cause cancer  (P4)
Do you like eating salted fish?
Do you believe salted fish can cause cancer?
What other foods do you think can cause cancer?
While reading
1. Why is salted fish popular in south China?
A. Because it is a common food in south China.
B. Because it is chewy and adds flavor to other dishes.
C. Because people in south China don’t have vegetables.
D. Because fish is easy to find and cook.
2. Salted fish may cause cancer when _____.
A. it is cooked with salt
B. the salt in it turns into nitrites
C. people eat too much of it
D. it is eaten with certain foods
3. What suggestions does Huang Yufang give to salted fish fans?
A. Stop eating salted fish from now on.
B. Eat a small amount of the salted fish every day.
C. Eat more fruit and vegetables to get more vitamin C.
D. Go to see the doctor if you don’t feel well.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. Food itself can’t make people get cancer.
B. People who have a balanced diet will not get cancer.
C. One doesn’t need to avoid eating cancer-causing food.
D. People should find a better place to live.
Words in use
What can we do to prevent cancer?
What would you include in a balanced diet?
1. B. 从文中第一段第二句 “…because he doesn’t know how to use a washing machine. ”可以得知休斯经常穿相同的衣服,是因为不会用洗衣机洗衣服。故答案选 B 
2. D.由文章第二段 “YouGov, a UK market research firm, ”可以看出这是一家英国市场调查公司,进行的是英国年轻人基本生存技能的调查,没有提及美国年轻一代。故答案为 D 
3. C. 从文章第五段第一句 “Technology may be the main reason for this.” 可以得知科技的进步可能是青年一代缺乏基本生活技能的主要原因。故答案为 C 
4. C. 从文章的第六段第二句 “The Mirror noted that as their lives have changed, the major life skills that they are good at have changed as well.” 可以得知因为生活方式的改变,现今的年轻人擅长的生活技能也发生了变化,培养出了新的生活技能。故答案为 C
1. A. 从文章第一句 “He was a poet known for the nostalgia he describes in his work.” 可以得知余光中一位著名的诗人。故答案为 A
2. D. 从第四段第一句“Nostalgia is Yu’s masterpiece in which he expresses his homesickness for the Chinese mainland. ” 和第五段第一句 “Published in 1971, the poem remains highly popular among Chinese speakers worldwide.”可知乡愁这首诗是描述对故乡的思念之情,出版于1971年,深受中国人和海外华裔的喜爱。故答案为 D 
3. B. 文章第七段阐述:余光中翻译萨松的诗,被视为准确又有影响力的翻译,还广为流传着著名的诗句“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”,可以得知余光中同时是一位优秀的翻译家。故答案为B 
4. C. 文章的最后一段 “The reason why I stick to writing till today comes down to my passion for the Chinese language,” 说明余光中坚持习作是出于对中国语言的热爱。故答案为 C
1. B. 文章第一段第二句“It is chewy and adds a salty flavor to other dishes.” 可看出“腌鱼不仅有嚼劲,而且能给其他菜增添风味,因此深受南方人的喜爱。因此选B
2. C.  文章第四段“It (cancer) has to do with how often you eat certain foods and how much of them you eat.”可知癌症和人们是否经常吃特定食物和吃这些食物的量有关。 因此如果吃大量的腌鱼有可能致癌。因此选C 
3. C.  文章第四段“If you really like eating salted fish, you can eat a small amount once or twice a month. Meanwhile, you should also eat more fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C (维他命C), as this can help to prevent the formation of nitrites..”  说明如果非常喜欢吃腌鱼,可以一个月少量吃一至两次,同时,吃水果蔬菜来获取维他命C,阻止亚硝酸盐的形成。故选C.
4. A. 文章最后一段“Cancer is caused by many different factors. “ ” As long as one has a balanced diet, one doesn’t need to avoid cancer-causing foods entirely,” 可知致癌因素有很多,单是食物本身并不能使人患癌。如果饮食合理均衡,不用完全避免某些食物。故选A 
Life skills are dying out  (P2)
Match the words with their meanings.
While reading
1. Why does Hughes often wear the same clothes for many days?
A. Because he likes to play jokes on others.
B. Because he doesn’t know how to wash them.
C. Because he doesn’t have other clothes to change into.
D. Because he has developed it as a habit
2. Which of the following is NOT a finding from YouGov’s study?
A. Many young people in the UK don’t have basic life skills.
B. Younger generations in the UK don’t have better life skills than older ones.
C. Eleven percent of British youngsters don’t know how to iron clothes.
D. Many American youngsters are losing their basic life skills.
3. What could be the main reason for this problem?
A. Parents’ love for their children.  
B. Too much homework every day.
C. Technology in the digital age.
D. The convenient use of GPS.
4. According to The Mirror, young people today _____.
A. don’t need to learn basic life skills
B. can’t carry out basic everyday tasks
C. are developing new basic life skills
D. are good at setting up WiFi networks
Words in use
Translate phrases:
Which basic life skills do you have?
Which basic life skills do you think are the most important? Why?
Remembering a great poet (P3)
 Have you read the poem Nostalgia?
 What do you think about it?
 Read Nostalgia together.
While reading
1. Yu Guangzhong was known as a famous _____.
A. poet
B. actor
C. play writer
D. novelist  
2. Which of the following describes Nostalgia correctly?
A. It is Yu Guangzhong’s best essay.
B. It is about his childhood memories.
C. It was written in Nanjing in 1971.
D. It is still loved at home and abroad.
3. What does Paragraph 7 tell us?
A. Siegfried Sassoon was also a famous poet.
B. Yu Guangzhong was a good translator.
C. Siegfried Sassoon’s poems are powerful.
D. Yu Guangzhong loved poetry a lot.
4. Why did Yu Guangzhong write for his whole life?
A. Because he found writing to be easy and interesting.
B. Because writing could bring him a lot of money.
C. Because he loved the Chinese language very much.
D. Because his mother told him to do so.
Words in use
He  ______________(被视为) the best teacher in his school.
Why do you __________(坚持) watching scary movies?
Think about it.
Have you ever left home or left someone you
love for a long time? How did you deal with it?
Salted fish can cause cancer  (P4)
Do you like eating salted fish?
Do you believe salted fish can cause cancer?
What other foods do you think can cause cancer?
While reading
1. Why is salted fish popular in south China?
A. Because it is a common food in south China.
B. Because it is chewy and adds flavor to other dishes.
C. Because people in south China don’t have vegetables.
D. Because fish is easy to find and cook.
2. Salted fish may cause cancer when _____.
A. it is cooked with salt
B. the salt in it turns into nitrites
C. people eat too much of it
D. it is eaten with certain foods
3. What suggestions does Huang Yufang give to salted fish fans?
A. Stop eating salted fish from now on.
B. Eat a small amount of the salted fish every day.
C. Eat more fruit and vegetables to get more vitamin C.
D. Go to see the doctor if you don’t feel well.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. Food itself can’t make people get cancer.
B. People who have a balanced diet will not get cancer.
C. One doesn’t need to avoid eating cancer-causing food.
D. People should find a better place to live.
Words in use
What can we do to prevent cancer?
What would you include in a balanced diet?
1. B. 从文中第一段第二句 “…because he doesn’t know how to use a washing machine. ”可以得知休斯经常穿相同的衣服,是因为不会用洗衣机洗衣服。故答案选 B 
2. D.由文章第二段 “YouGov, a UK market research firm, ”可以看出这是一家英国市场调查公司,进行的是英国年轻人基本生存技能的调查,没有提及美国年轻一代。故答案为 D 
3. C. 从文章第五段第一句 “Technology may be the main reason for this.” 可以得知科技的进步可能是青年一代缺乏基本生活技能的主要原因。故答案为 C 
4. C. 从文章的第六段第二句 “The Mirror noted that as their lives have changed, the major life skills that they are good at have changed as well.” 可以得知因为生活方式的改变,现今的年轻人擅长的生活技能也发生了变化,培养出了新的生活技能。故答案为 C
1. A. 从文章第一句 “He was a poet known for the nostalgia he describes in his work.” 可以得知余光中一位著名的诗人。故答案为 A
2. D. 从第四段第一句“Nostalgia is Yu’s masterpiece in which he expresses his homesickness for the Chinese mainland. ” 和第五段第一句 “Published in 1971, the poem remains highly popular among Chinese speakers worldwide.”可知乡愁这首诗是描述对故乡的思念之情,出版于1971年,深受中国人和海外华裔的喜爱。故答案为 D 
3. B. 文章第七段阐述:余光中翻译萨松的诗,被视为准确又有影响力的翻译,还广为流传着著名的诗句“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”,可以得知余光中同时是一位优秀的翻译家。故答案为B 
4. C. 文章的最后一段 “The reason why I stick to writing till today comes down to my passion for the Chinese language,” 说明余光中坚持习作是出于对中国语言的热爱。故答案为 C
1. B. 文章第一段第二句“It is chewy and adds a salty flavor to other dishes.” 可看出“腌鱼不仅有嚼劲,而且能给其他菜增添风味,因此深受南方人的喜爱。因此选B
2. C.  文章第四段“It (cancer) has to do with how often you eat certain foods and how much of them you eat.”可知癌症和人们是否经常吃特定食物和吃这些食物的量有关。 因此如果吃大量的腌鱼有可能致癌。因此选C 
3. C.  文章第四段“If you really like eating salted fish, you can eat a small amount once or twice a month. Meanwhile, you should also eat more fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C (维他命C), as this can help to prevent the formation of nitrites..”  说明如果非常喜欢吃腌鱼,可以一个月少量吃一至两次,同时,吃水果蔬菜来获取维他命C,阻止亚硝酸盐的形成。故选C.
4. A. 文章最后一段“Cancer is caused by many different factors. “ ” As long as one has a balanced diet, one doesn’t need to avoid cancer-causing foods entirely,” 可知致癌因素有很多,单是食物本身并不能使人患癌。如果饮食合理均衡,不用完全避免某些食物。故选A 


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