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初一教案 第609期


北航实验学校   姜瑶
Arrival of spring brings insects, flowers and trees back to life (P4)
I. Pre-reading
Which season is your favorite?
When is the start of spring in your hometown?
What kind of things do you like to do during spring? Fly kites? Go hiking?
II. While Reading
Fill in the table:

Jingzhe: one of the 24 solar terms
What time
On 1.________ this year.
“The awakening of insects”: Spring thunderstorms wake up insects from their 2.________.
What will happen starting on this day?
* Baby crickets will 3.____.
* Butterflies will bring pollen to 4.____.
* Snakes will 5.____ outside.
* Grass will come out of the soil.
* Willow leaves begin to turn 6._____.
* The weather is getting 7._____.
* The farmers will 8._____.
* The air becomes 9.____.
What to eat
* People like to eat 10._____at this time.

III. Words in use
I must _____ my parents’ advice seriously.    
2. 据说蜂蜜可以缓解嗓子酸痛。
It’s said that honey is good if you have a sore _____.
3. Bill的到来使大家都大吃一惊.
Bill’s ____ surprised everyone there.
IV. Post-reading
Can you name all of the 24 solar terms?
Do you know any Western star signs?
Are there any similarities between the two?
Protect your health, protect the planet (P5)
I. Pre-reading
Do you like jogging?
Is there any difference between running and jogging?
Do you like picking up trash while jogging?
II. While reading
1. What trend does this story talk about?
A. Making new words.
B. Running with gloves.
C. Picking up trash while running.
D. Throwing away trash in bags.
2. Where did the trend come from?
A. Switzerland.
B. The United States.
C. Sweden.
D. Spain.
3. What is the best part of this new trend?
A. More people are wearing gloves while running.
B. Runners take their own bags, so there will be no trash.
C. It’s good for the environment, as well as for people’s health.
D. It tells people to stop using public trash bins.
4. The last paragraph mainly tells us that _____.
A. plogging gives you a chance to make friends
B. bending down while plogging is also good exercise
C. you should run to school with your friends
D. it is important to keep the environment clean      
III. Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
  [pick up  bend down   come from      go outside]
1. In Japan, bowing means to _________ to show respect.
2. Mom told Anna not to _________ at night.
3. I _______ my kid after work every day.
4. The smell __________ the kitchen interested me.
IV. Post-reading
Benefits of exercise:
Exercise means a healthier heart.
Being physically active can help you deal with stress, anxiety and even depression (抑郁).
Daily exercise can help you maintain your weight.
Weight-bearing exercise, such as running, is especially good for promoting bone density (骨密度).
What else do you think exercise can bring?
This rabbit likes to play tricks (P8)
I. Pre-reading
Can you name some famous rabbits from cartoons and movies?
Which one is your favorite?
II. While readingChoose the answer:
1. Who is the author of Peter Rabbit?
A. Beatrix Potter.
B. McGregor.
C. Bea.
D. Beatrix Peter.
2. Mr McGregor doesn’t like Peter because _____.
A. he doesn’t like Peter’s blue jacket
B. Peter often eats his vegetables
C. Peter never catches rabbits for him
D. Peter cannot watch over his garden
3. What does the phrase “see through” mean in Paragraph 3?
A. 看见
B. 看穿
C. 忽视
D. 认识
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. The movie Peter Rabbit just came to China.
B. Mr McGregor really likes Bea.
C. Mr McGregor is going to tell Bea the truth.
D. Peter Rabbit is a famous book.
III. Words in use
1. Nobody can _____ (忍受) his bad temper except his best friend.
2. Mike’s parents can always ________ (识穿) all his tricks.
3. Mo Yan’s new book will ________ (出版) this year.
4. The sly (狡猾的) fox ________ (假装) not to be at home.
IV. Post-reading
Have you read any of the Peter Rabbit books?
Do you want to watch the new movie?
II. 1. March 5    2. winter sleep 3. come out from their eggs
4. flowers     5. look for food6. green
7. warmer     8. start to plow9. drier           10. pears
III. 1. take   2. throat   3. arrival
II. 1. C。根据第2段It means picking up trash while running.可知,此项活动将运动和捡拾垃圾相结合。
2. C。根据第1段Plogging is a new exercise trend from Sweden.可知,此项运动起源于瑞典。
3. C。根据第3段This new trend brings environmental protection and healthy living together.可知,此项运动对环境保护和身体健康都有好处。
4. B。根据倒数第1段可知,第一句为主旨句,故本段主要是告知读者慢跑捡垃圾时的弯腰也是一项极好的运动。
III. 1. bend down  2. go outside  3. pick up  4. coming from
II. 1. C。从前两段的描述可知,狗是人类最好的朋友,狗比猫聪明,神经元的多少决定了大脑的聪明程度,而C项未提及。
2. A。第三段的首句Dogs can learn to count.是段落的中心句,点出狗会数数这是特性。
3. D。本文主要介绍了狗的三个特性:会数数,知道时间的流逝,以及狗有情感。
III. 1. smarter   2. passing   3. waiting

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