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初三教案 第552期


Instruments come alive (P3)
Do you play any musical instruments?
What would your school do if it had some broken musical instruments?
While reading
1. Why didn’t the schools repair the broken instruments?
A. Because the students will break them again.
B. Because they didn’t have enough money.
C. Because they planned to buy new instruments.
D. Because the students didn’t use them at all.
2. “Symphony for a Broken Orchestra” is a project to _____.
A. figure out which instruments are broken
B. organize a new school symphony orchestra
C. help repair broken instruments for students
D. raise money to buy new instruments for students
3. What do we know from the New York Times report?
A. The project failed because they couldn’t raise enough money.
B. Each person can only adopt one instrument.
C. People can’t find any information about the project online.
D. Much money has been donated to the project.
4. What do we know about Evelyn Mitka?
A. She likes broken instruments.
B. She thinks broken instruments are still useful.
C. She learned that there are other ways to learn music.
D. Her violin was not broken.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. We hope we can make history _________ (活跃起来) for our children.
2. Where can I get my shoes _______(修补)?
3. We also _____________ (接触,提供援助) other countries when they are in need.
Are you interested in adopting broken instruments?
Can you think of other ways to help raise money or repair musical instruments?
A message from history crosses an entire ocean (P5)
Have you ever sent a message in a bottle through WeChat or QQ?
Why might you want to send messages in this way?
Would you reply to messages in bottles from others?
While reading
1. The bottle found in January this year _____.
A. was thrown into the Atlantic Ocean
B. was picked up on the Australian coast
C. had traveled to 132 countries
D. is the oldest bottle in history
2. Why was the bottle thrown into the water in 1886?
A. To contact scientists.
B. To send messages to soldiers.
C. For scientific research.
D. To track ships in the ocean.
3. Why do people like to send messages in bottles?
A. They want to connect with someone.
B. They need to find themselves a home.
C. They want to be part of a popular activity.
D. They hope that others will remember them.
4. What can we infer from the story?
A. Common people can’t send messages in bottles.
B. It’s not safe to keep your secrets in bottles.
C. We can use QQ to send online messages in bottles.
D. A British police officer wrote the song Message in A Bottle.
Words in use
I haven’t seen them for ten years. They r_____ young as they were before.
His mother was r______ to see him happy again.
The sun s_______ light and heat.
Besides sending messages in bottles, what are some other ways to communicate with others who are far away?
Eating ‘cleaner’ meat (P6)
Have you ever heard of lab meat?
Why are scientists making lab meat?
While reading
1. Lab meat is _____.
A. livestock like chickens and cows
B. meat that is made and produced in a lab
C. meat that is washed clean
D. hamburger patties made in a lab
2. Which of the following was the first lab meat?
A. Chicken nuggets.
B. Sausage.
C. Foie gras.
D. A beef burger.
3. Why is clean meat healthier than traditional meat?
A. Because it is produced in clean labs.
B. Because it is made using stem cells.
C. Because producers can put healthy fats into the meat.
D. Because producing clean meat doesn’t give off greenhouse gasses.
4. According to CNN, lab meat _____.
A. will be on restaurant menus by the end of 2018
B. takes more time to produce in a lab
C. tastes just like traditional meat now
D. contains healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids
Words in use
  It _______ the risk of heart disease.
  The performance effectively _________ traditional and modern dance styles.
  Shall we ________ another channel? .
Do you want to try lab meat?
Could lab-grown meat be a solution to the world's food crisis?
1. B。从文中第二段第一句In fact, many public schools in the United States don’t have enough musical instruments because of budget cuts (预算削减).可以得知由于预算削减,美国的许多公立学校没有钱来买或修复坏了的乐器。故答案选B。
2. C。由文章第二段最后一句话Thus, Blackson started a project called “Symphony (交响乐) for a Broken Orchestra (管弦乐团)”, aiming to repair broken instruments for students.可以看出Blackson开始这个项目的目的是为了帮助学生修复破损的乐器。故答案为C 。
3. D。从文章第四段第一句和第二句People can now go online to see profiles of all of the broken instruments and donate money to “adopt ” one or more instruments. The project has raised over $237,000 so far, The New York Times reported.可以得知很多钱都捐给了这个项目。人们可以领养一件或多件乐器,也可以上网查看所有损坏的乐器的资料。故答案为D。
4. C。从文章最后一段第二句She told Dogo News that the performance taught her a lesson. “You can learn music in an untraditional way.”可以得知Evelyn Mitka 了解到还有其他学习音乐的方法,即用非传统的方式学习音乐。故答案为C。  
1. B。 从第一段第二句Around 132 years later in January, the bottle was found on the Australian coast,making it the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world.可以得知大约132年后的今年一月发现的瓶子是在澳大利亚海岸被发现的,它是世界上已知的最古老的漂流瓶。故答案为B。
2. C。从文章第二段第一句The bottle was thrown into the water to track ocean currents (洋流)。可以得知瓶子被抛入水中来追踪洋流。故答案为C。
3. A。从文章第五段第一句The reasons and ways might be different, but the goal is always the same: to reach out and try to connect with someone.可以得知人们喜欢用漂流瓶传递信息是因为他们想接触或联络某个有缘的陌生人。故答案为A。
4. C。文章的第四段There are even online messages in bottles. People can send the messages through WeChat or QQ. 可以得知人们可以通过QQ或微信发送漂流瓶。从第三段第三句话Others write down secrets, hoping that the waves will wash them away. 可知有些人把秘密写进漂流瓶并希望海浪把他们带走。从第五段的最后一句the British band The Police wrote a song called Message in A Bottle that describes this feeling.可以得知这个英国的乐队名称为Police。故答案为C。
1. B。文中第三段第一、二句提到Lab meat is sometimes referred to as “clean meat”. It is made using the stem cells (干细胞) of living livestock. More cells are then grown in a lab for a few weeks. 可得知人造肉是在实验室用动物的干细胞培育出来的肉。故答案为B。
2. D。从文章中第四段第一句The first clean meat was a beef burger that was produced in 2013.可以得知第一例人造肉是2013年生产的牛肉汉堡。故答案为D。
3. C。从文章第五段第二句和第三句Meat producers can control what type of fat (脂肪) goes into the meat. They can produce clean meat that contains healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids (脂肪酸).可以得知肉类生产商可以控制脂肪的类型,将健康的脂肪放入肉中。故答案为C。
4. C。从文章第四段最后一句话Clean meat supporters told CNN that they think it tastes just like traditional meat.可以得知人造肉现在尝起来和传统的肉一样了。故答案为C。

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