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高二教案 第706期

本期配套教案共2页:  1  2

Illness isn’t weakness (P1)
邯郸市第一中学 王永仙
I. Warming up  
Do you like basketball?
Do you know Kevin Love?
What do you know about him?
II. Pre-reading
Nowadays, people are becoming more and more concerned about mental health. What would you do if you didn’t feel mentally well?
III. While-reading
Read the article and answer the following question.
1. What does it mean?
“It is OK not to be OK”?
We shouldn’t feel bad about suffering from illness or having something wrong with us.
2. What keeps people from speaking up about their mental health challenges?
The fear that many people see them as a weakness.
3. Why did Love find it difficult to share his problems?
He didn’t want his Cavaliers teammates to think that he was unreliable.
4. What inspired Love to speak out about his problem? 
He was inspired to talk about his situation by Toronto Raptors shooting guard (得分后卫) DeMar DeRozan, who had also opened up about his mental health issues.
5.  According to Love, how should you overcome mental illness ?
You have to let some of that stuff bleed out in order to fully recover from it.
IV. Sentence analyzing
1. In the article, the 29-year-old revealed how he suffered from his first panic attack on Nov 5 in a game against the Atlanta Hawks and why he was so worried about sharing his story with the public.
解析:1. how 和why引导宾语从句,作revealed的宾语。
2. suffered from意为承受,遭受。

2. For Love, it was a journey of empowerment to accept and address his mental illness and share his experience with millions of people who face the same problems.
解析: 1. it为形式主语,真正的主语为to accept and address his mental illness and share his experience with millions of people。
2. who引导定语从句,修饰先行词millions of people。
V. Post-reading
Discussion and Debate
Discuss the opinions in groups of four. Then, share your thoughts with the class.
Many people see illness as weakness.
What’s your opinion?

Be your future self now (Page 6)
山东泰安东平高级中学 蔚晓华
I. Pre-reading
How not to be a procrastinator
1. What problems do procrastinators face?
They have higher levels of stress and lower well-being.
2. Is there a way to deal with procrastination? What is it?
Yes, there is. It is to be more connected to your future self.
3. What makes people take action sooner?
A. Being told a certain event is happening in X years
B. Being told a certain event is happening in (X/365) years
4.Why were participants more likely to complete a task given in June with a December deadline instead of July with a January deadline?
Because December was within the same calendar year and not “next year”, even though they had the same time in both examples.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
How not to be a procrastinator .
II. Careful-reading
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. People “act as if they prefer their ____ self’s needs and desires to those of their ____ self.
2. They made “Present Me” think about a far-off event as a number of _____ away, not months or _____.
3. The researchers found those in the “days” condition planned to start saving _____ times sooner than those in the “years” condition.
III. Language points
1. It’s a common problem. 这是一个常见的问题。
2 But a new study has found a way to deal with this problem。
Deal with 与…交易,应付
3. they prefer their current self’s needs and desires to those of their future self.他们更喜欢现在的自己的需求和欲望,而不喜欢将来的自己。
prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过喜欢B
4. …when considered in days rather than months…在被以天为单位考虑而不是以月为单位来考虑的时候…
consider 考虑;认为
Fill in the blanks with the following words
common, deal with, prefer, consider 
1.Being careless is a _____ problem when people are driving.
2.We should _____ others’ feelings more when we are speaking.
3.Our teachers have told us how to ________ these kind of questions.
4.Most students in our class ____ pop music to classic music.

Teach yourself to live happily (PII) (April special)
江苏省南菁高级中学  李现宝
I. Warming up  
1. What is happiness to you?
1) being able to do what I’m interested in;
2) being surrounded with true friends;
3) going on a holiday with my parents;
4) making progress in my studies;
5) living in a family full of love;

2. What do you usually do to live happily?
II. Reading
1. Why are some many students signing up for the Psychology and the Good life course?
They are not happy, and agree that being happy is an ability and they need to learn how to do it.
2. Why are students unhappy, according to Laurie Santos and Alannah Maynez ?
Laurie Santos:
1.Students had a difficult time in high school.
2.They had to surround themselves with endless tests, competitions, and “hobbies”.
Alannah Maynez:
A lot of us are anxious, stressed and numb.
They need to stay focused and they are tired of numbing their emotions.
3. There are more than 100 universities starting such courses and these courses are so popular with students, what does the author think of this phenomenon?
·It is sad, because so many students are unhappy and they need to learn to  “self-help” to find happiness.
·It is good, because students are willing to admit a problem,  instead of pretending that everything is fine.
4. Fill in the blanks based on the article.





1.If only
3.set a record  
4.signed up for 
6.surrounded with
8.focus/concentrate on 
10. self-help 
12.never too early
5. What are the writing skills used in the article? 
1) Quotation (引用).
2) Examples.
3) The beginning echoes with the end (首尾呼应)
III. Post-reading
1. Further thinking:
Albert Schweitzer, the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize winner, once said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”
Do you agree with what he said? Why or why not?
2. What do you think can help people to live happily?
1) Lower your expectations. 
2) Do some sports in your spare time.
3) Start your day with hopes.
4) Be thankful about what you have.
5) Stop comparing, which kills your trust and confidence.
IV. Writing
1.   用约30个单词写出上文概要;
2.   每个人对幸福的理解都不同,请谈谈你对幸福的看法以及怎样才能获得幸福。
Para.1: Write a summary
Para.2: Your understanding of happiness and how to stay happy.
Writing requirements:
Well organized structure (topic sentence)
Use transitions to reach coherence
No grammatical mistakes (better safe than sorry)
Diversified vocabulary and varied sentence structures 
Transitions and topic sentences for reference:
when it comes to …; for one thing ..., for another …; take  .. for instance; for example; on one hand…,
on the other hand …; on the contrary; however;
in contrast;
in conclusion; in a word; to sum up;
as a result of …;   therefore; as a consequence of …
as far as I’m concerned; in my opinion;
from my point of view;
    Yale’s positive psychology course set a record of being the most popular in the Ivy League school’s history. Its popularity shows how unhappy students are and being happy is an ability.
    But what exactly is happiness? Well, it means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be something as simple as having enough cash to buy a movie ticket. For another, it’s about achieving success in something, such meeting a goal. In my opinion, happiness is being satisfied with what we have and always being able to find beauty in our daily life.
   So to stay happy, all we need to do is adjust our attitude toward life. First, we should always be thankful for what we have. A thankful heart will stop us from complaining about what we don’t have and those who concentrate on what they don’t have will never be happy. Second, it’s a good idea to lower our expectations and avoid comparing ourselves with others. In this way, we’ll feel less disappointed, anxious and stressed. Another way to feel good is to stay optimistic. Keeping a diary in which we write about the best possible future for ourselves will keep our happiness alive.
    A small change in our attitude could make a big difference to our happiness. I believe if we stay thankful, satisfied and optimistic, we have no reason not to be happy.
V. Appreciation
·Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort. 
                                           -------Franklin Roosevelt       
·Happiness is a butterfly, which ,when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
                            ------N. Hawthorn, American writer

本期配套教案共2页:  1  2

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