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初三教案 第554期


No more ‘gaokao’ bonus (P2)
Are you good at math, music or physics?
Is it enough to just get good grades in one subject if you want to go to a good university?
While reading
1. According to the Ministry of Education, talented students will _____.
A. receive less bonus points on the gaokao
B. not be allowed to take part in competitions
C. not get any bonus points on the gaokao
D. get bonus points on the gaokao if they win international competitions
2. Why was the bonus point policy created in 2000?
A. To make the gaokao fairer for everyone.
B. To develop students’ physical and mental talents.
C. To help students get into college more easily.
D. To stop students from cheating on exams.
3. What does the underlined word “obtain” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. 获得
B. 放弃
C. 发放
D. 增加
4. How else can students be rewarded for their special talents?  
A. Get bonus money from their schools.
B. Receive some special certificates from certain universities.
C. Take part in independent college admission processes.
D. Get 60 bonus points from top universities.
Words in use
 Don’t listen to him. He is known for his d_________.
 The school r ________ him with a prize for his excellent academic performance.
 I a_____ to four universities and was admitted by all of them.
Have a think:
What do you think of the new bonus point policy?
Will the new policy change the way you study?
Making a hard choice (P3)
Have you read the novel Me Before You?
What do you think of this novel?
Can you imagine what your life might be like after someone you love has died?
While reading
1. Who is probably the main character in the book After You?
A. Jojo Moyes.
B. Louisa Clark.
C. William Traynor.
D. Louisa Clark's new boss.
2. What do we know from Paragraph 2?
A. Louisa starts a better life.
B. William Traynor is still alive.
C. Louisa can't get over Will’s death.
D. Louisa likes her new boss.
3. The last two sentences in Paragraph 3 were written to _____.
A. introduce the author Jojo Moyes
B. explain who Louisa meets
C. tell readers what happens to Louisa
D. attract interest from readers
4. Why did Jojo Moyes write After You?
A. To give the characters in Me Before You a future.
B. To tell more stories about herself.
C. To show her writing abilities.
D. To make a living by selling books.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
 After all, when I choose one direction in life, I lose the _________ (可能性) of another.
 He was ___________ (心碎的)at the thought of leaving the house.
 All of us have feelings and ________ (情绪的) reactions to certain things in life.
Life is full of choices. What do you do when faced with a tough decision?
Learning to love reading (P5)
Do you read books when you take public transportation?
Do you prefer to read e-books or regular books? Why?
While reading
1. From Paragraph 1, what do we know about people in the US?
A. Most people take public transportation to work.
B. Students have homework to do on their way to school.
C. Many of them have the habit of reading.
D. They read books that are left behind on public transportation.
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Chinese people's attitudes toward reading have changed.
B. Chinese people prefer e-books to regular books.
C. Chinese people don’t read in their spare time.
D. More books were published in 2016 than in 2017.
3. Why is reading less popular in China, according to the author?
A. Chinese people prefer to watch plays instead of reading.
B. It’s hard to choose what to read.
C. Chinese people already read enough books during their childhoods.
D. People’s childhood experiences may influence their reading habits.
4. According to the author, reading books can _____.
A. help you learn more about yourself
B. take too much of your time
C. make your imagination more powerful
D. change your view of the world
Words in use
    A new version of the game for Apple computers will be _________ in February.
    Which do you _______, milk or coffee?
The door was locked, so it's no ______ you couldn't open it. 
Books are the ladder of human progress.” What do you think about this saying?
1. C。从文中第二段第一句On March 21, the Ministry of Education announced it will stop giving bonus points to talented student…可以得知教育部将全面取消体育特长生、学科竞赛等全国性高考加分项目。故答案选C。
2. B。 由文章第三段第一句The bonus point policy was created in 2000 to encourage students to develop both physical and mental talents.可以看出2000年出台的高考加分政策是为了鼓励学生全面提高体力和脑力的综合素质。答案为B。
3. A。从文章第三段最后一句For example, some students used fake certificates (证书) to get the points.可以得知有些学生通过不诚实的手段甚至是伪造的获奖证书来获取加分。故可推测词义答案为A。
4. C。从文章的倒数第二段第二句They can take part in independent college admission processes.可以得知一些高校通过自主招生政策面向全国自主选拔具有学科特长和创新潜质的优秀学生。故答案为C。   
1. B。 从第一段第三句At the end of book, Will dies and leaves Louisa a large sum of money.可以得知Me before you 这本书的结尾以Will的死而告终,所以续集After you的主角会是Louisa Clark. 故答案为B。
2. C。从文章第二段第二句However, Louisa is too heartbroken and finds it difficult to forget Will.可以得知Louisa因为Will的死太伤心了,她难以忘记Will,无法从中恢复过来。故答案为C。
3. D。从文章第三段最后两句Which will she choose? You’ll have to find out for yourself.可以推测出作者想通过设问Louisa的抉择来吸引读者的兴趣。故答案为D。
4. A。 文章的最后一段Jojo Moyes wrote After You because she wanted to give her characters from Me Before You a future.说明作者写续篇的目的是为了给第一部中的角色们一个未来。故答案为A。
1. C。文中第一段第一、二句提到Taking public transportation in the US, you can often see people reading books on their way to school or work. Many people there keep reading as a lifelong (终身的) habit.在美国经常看到人们在回家或上学的路上乘坐交通工具时读书,许多人把阅读视为终身的习惯。故答案为C。
2. B。从文章中第二段最后两句Chinese people still read a lot. They simply prefer e-books over regular books.可以得知中国人也经常在空闲时读书,只不过跟普通书相比更喜欢电子书。故答案为B。
3. D。从文章第四段第一句Perhaps the difference starts from childhood.和第四、五句Chinese students definitely have to read more and do more homework than US students. So it’s no wonder that they might not want to read much in their spare time. 可以得知中国孩子们的不那么热爱阅读的原因是跟美国学生相比孩子们在学生时期学校的功课中就有很多阅读作业,这导致他们在空余时间不爱自主阅读,从而影响了孩子们阅读习惯的养成。故答案为D。
4. D。从文章最后一段第二、三句话Reading can open doors to places, people and ideas that you cannot begin to imagine. Even just a single book has the power to change your own personal beliefs and attitudes.可以得知阅读可以开启你无法想象的地方的大门,甚至一本书就能改变你的个人信仰和态度。故答案为D。

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