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初一教案 第618期


By Tang Hongmei
A special day (P2)
I. Pre-reading
What do your parents do?
What do you know about their jobs?
Have you ever been to the places they work? Do you want to go to your parents’ workplace for one day?
II. While Reading
Choose the answer:
1. What can children in the US do on the fourth Thursday in April?
A. They can give gifts to their teachers.
B. They can give thanks to their parents.
C. They can visit their parents’ workplace.
D. They can bring their parents to school.
2. Who did US President Donald Trump welcome on April 26?
A. Journalists.
B. Workers at the White House.
C. Students from a public school.
D. The children of journalists and workers at the White House.
3. The kids did all of the following at the Oval Office EXCEPT _____.
A. They took photos with President Trump.
B. They took part in a mock press briefing.
C. They worked as White House press secretaries.
D. They asked about Trump’s favorite animal.
4. What did Trump think of the kids’ questions?
A. They were silly.
B. They were good.
C. They were more like jokes than questions.
D. They were difficult to answer.
III. Words in use
Fill in the blanks with the proper form:
1. My  parents won’t ______(allow) me to swim in the river.
2. April is the _____ (four) month of a year.
3. It is free for ______(child) under 5 years of age to enter the park.
4. It ____(take) us two hours to finish the task.
IV. Post-reading
In many schools, there is also a special day when parents are welcomed to visit the school. Do you know about the campus open day and what parents usually do on that day?
Starting with a dance (P3)
I. Pre-reading
What is prom?
What do children wear when they take part in the school prom?
II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. In Australia, school formals usually take place _____.
A. at the end of the year
B. at the start of the year
C. at the end of each semester
D. at the start of each semester
2. For the formal, girls are more interested in _____.
A. young men
B. eating dessert
C. getting dressed up
D. comparing themselves to other girls
3. The author thinks the formal is _____.
A. a waste of time
B. like a fairy tale
C. a way to make new friends
D. a way to show herself off
4. What is the story mainly about?
A. What school formals are like in Australia.
B. The author’s terrible experience at the formal.
C. How students dress themselves in Australia.
D. Why high schools have formals in Australia.
III. Words in use
1. Instead of being called travelers, they are  _________(以……著称) tourists.
2. The actress _________ (打扮好) and went on the stage.
3. In fact, the two are almost impossible to ________  (区分).
4. It’s ________(浪费) time to talk with you.
IV. Post-reading
Do you have special and meaningful activities in your school every year? What are they?
Would you like to introduce one to us?
Scent of a planet (P6)
I. Pre-reading
As we know, there are eight planets in our solar system. Do you know their names?  
Does every planet have gas around it?
II. While reading Choose the answer:
1. Which description of Uranus is NOT true?
A. It is not in our solar system.
B. Its color is blue-green.
C. It’s very cold.
D. Its air is very smelly.
2. What did scientists find out about Uranus?
A. Uranus doesn’t have clouds.
B. There are many rotten eggs on Uranus.
C. There is hydrogen sulfide around Uranus.
D. Uranus doesn’t have air.
3. Why is it hard for scientists to study Uranus’ air?
A. Because the planet is far away from Earth.
B. Because Hawaii is not a good place to do scientific research.
C. Because it is not easy to study infrared images.
D. Because Uranus’ air is hard to see.
III. Words in use
   I can't _________ why he gave up his job.  
   We repaired the bike _____________ as he did.  
    She lives very _________ our school.  
IV. Post-reading
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and is the largest ice giant. The natural environment there is probably not suitable for life. Try to find out what other planets could be suitable for life.
II. 1. C。根据第一段Parents can take their children to work for one day可知,在这一天父母可以带着孩子去工作,孩子参观父母的工作场所,以了解父母的工作情况和工作的重要性,所以正确答案是C。
2. D。根据文中第二段This year, on April 26, US President Donald Trump welcomed several children to the White House. They were the children of journalists and workers at the White House可知,当天来白宫的孩子是在白宫工作的记者和工作人员的子女,所以正确答案是D。
3. C。根据文中第三段可知孩子们在白宫的具体活动:和总统拍照,模拟新闻发布会向白宫新闻发言人提问,问询总统最喜欢的动物、总统是否喜欢糖果,C选项做白宫新闻发言人不在其中,所以正确答案是C。
4. B。根据文中最后一段可知,总统与孩子们的父母就孩子们的提问开玩笑,说这是最好的问题,可见其对孩子们的喜欢,所以正确答案是B。
III. 1. allow   2. fourth   3. children   4. took
II. 1. B。根据第一段The school formal takes place at the start of the year可知,舞会的举办时间是在年初,所以正确答案是B。
2. C。根据文中For young ladies, the formal is about the dress和文中陈述可知,女孩子们为了舞会很重视自己的着装打扮 ,所以正确答案是C。
3. B。根据文中第三段I think it can be like a fairy tale可知,作者的观点是觉得舞会像童话似的,所以正确答案是B。
4. A。根据文中可知,本文介绍了澳大利亚学校舞会的基本情况,所以正确答案是A。
III. 1. known as    2. dressed up   3. tell apart  4. a waste of
II. 1. A。根据文中第一段It is one of the eight planets in our solar system可知,天王星是太阳系八大行星之一,A选项与文中相反,所以正确答案是A。
2. C。根据第二段…the clouds above Uranus smell like rotten eggs. That’s because there is hydrogen sulfide in the air around the planet可知,天王星周围的大气中有硫化氢成分,所以天王星的云层有臭鸡蛋气味,正确答案是C。
3. A。根据文中第三段It used to be hard for scientists to figure out what makes up Uranus’ air. The planet is very far away from Earth可知,因为距离遥远, 增添了研究难度,所以正确答案是A。
III. 1. figure out  2. in the same way   3. far away from

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