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初三教案 第560期


Culture in your classroom (I)
Do you often read ancient Chinese poems or stories?
Why do you think we still read ancient Chinese poetry?
While reading
1. Which of the following is TRUE about the new curriculum standards?
A. They came out last year.
B. There will be no change for students.
C. They focus more on culture worldwide.
D. They will help students develop cultural confidence.
2. The new standards require high school students to _____.
A. be able to recite 72 ancient poems or articles
B. introduce classic works to their classmates
C. spend two hours a day learning about traditional Chinese culture
D. take extra classes on Chinese calligraphy and painting
3. According to Fu Yan, _____.
A. learning the Chinese language is a good thing
B. students are too young to learn about classics
C. students need to develop their own thoughts
D. the classics could help students with their personal growth
4. What is the main idea of the story?
A. High school students like learning about traditional Chinese culture.
B. The new curriculum standards focus more on traditional Chinese culture.
C. China is making efforts to become an educational power.
D. People’s interest in traditional Chinese culture is growing.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
The students __________ (设计出) a better method of learning English.
He finds it hard to _____ (集中) his thoughts ____ one thing for more than 5 minutes.
She _________ (增强) my confidence.
Besides what is mentioned in the story, what other aspects of traditional Chinese culture do you know about?
Reducing the burden for students (II)
After finishing your homework, what do you usually do after school?
Do you have enough time to sleep every day?
While reading
1. From the first two paragraphs, we know that _____.
A. students now have more homework than before
B. some students take after-school classes
C. many adults don’t get enough sleep nowadays
D. this year’s Government Work Report didn’t mention education
2. _____ students took part in off-campus training in 2016, according to a report by the Chinese Society of Education.
A. 180 millionB. 180 billion
C. 137 millionD. 137 billion
3. According to Lü Yugang, action might be taken to close training schools _____.
A. that are not approved (正式认可) by the MOE
B. that punish students physically
C. that have no professional qualifications
D. that charge high tuition (学费)
4. What is the story mainly about?
A. Risks of off-campus training classes.
B. Reducing students’ workloads.
C. The 2018 Government Work Report.
D. Guidelines created by the 13th National People’s Congress.
Words in use
My a________ wasn’t really on the game.
The success depends on our e________.
Giving up smoking r ______ the risk of heart disease.
Have a think:
What do you think about after-school classes?
Can you offer some suggestions for relaxing after school?
Meeting marks step in right direction (III)
Do you know the history of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK, 朝鲜) and the Republic of Korea (ROK, 韩国)?
Have you heard of Panmunjom (板门店) ?
While reading
1. Which of the following events was NOT planned for the official welcoming ceremony?
A. The two leaders met each other in Panmunjom.
B. The two leaders shook hands and smiled at each other.
C. Moon invited Kim to cross the border into the DPRK side.
D. Kim invited Moon to cross the border into the DPRK side.
2. The Korean Peninsula was divided into two from _____.
A. 1950        B. 1951        C. 1952     D. 1953
3. With the joint declaration, the two leaders agreed that _____.
A. they would stop fighting and would never fight again
B. there is only one country in the Korean Peninsula
C. the 1953 armistice was still useful to both countries
D. the two countries would be nuclear-free
4. What can we infer from the story?
A. The war between these two countries has already ended.
B. The two leaders will visit China in the next year.
C. Much still needs to be done for the formal ending of the Korean War.
D. The signing of the joint declaration was not good for world peace.
Words in use
Administratively, the  country is _________ into 50 states.
He ________ his team for their performance.
You must _____________ my orders.
What do you think of the historic peace talk?
Celebrating Karl Marx’s birth (IV)
Do you know Karl Marx?
What contributions has Marx made to mankind?
While reading
1. Which of the following is NOT true about Karl Marx?
A. He was born 200 years ago.
B. He developed his own theories.
C. He is respected worldwide.
D. He was once a history teacher.
2. Why did Marx come up with Communism?
A. Because he wanted to be a great philosopher.
B. Because he needed to improve his social status.
C. Because he wanted to make society more fair.
D. Because he wanted to create his own scientific theory.
3. When was The Communist Manifesto published?
A. In 1818.
B. In 1848.
C. In 1867.
D. In 1883.
4. What can we infer from the story?
A. Marx’s theories are still useful today.
B. Germany was a Communist country.
C. People lived a poor life in the 19th century.
D. The Communist Manifesto is a long book.
Words in use
1. 他躺在床上,回顾了这一天所发生的事情。
 Lying in bed, he ________ the day’s happenings.
2. 这本书现在是一部公认的经典著作。
 The book is now ________ as a classic.
3. 我将不遗余力地帮助你。
I'll _____ no effort to help you.
After reading this story, can you tell us why people still remember Karl Marx today?
1. D。从文中第三段最后一句The standards help students build cultural confidence可以得知一月教育部制定的这份新课程标准可以帮助学生树立文化自信。故答案选D。
2. A。 由文章第四段第一句The new standards call for students to be able to recite (背诵) 72 ancient poems or articles.可以看出这个新的课程标准要求高中生能够背诵72篇古诗或古文。故答案为A 。
3. D。从文章最后一段最后一句as their life experience builds up, they may develop their own thoughts about the wisdom (智慧) of the classics, which could be a driving force for their growth.可以得知随着学生们生活经验的积累,他们可能会对古人经典智慧有更深入的理解,这会成为他们成长的动力。故答案为D。
4. B。从文章的第二段最后一句One of the biggest changes will be a greater focus on traditional Chinese culture.可以得知文章的主旨是新课标更注重中华优秀传统文化教育。故答案为B。  
1. B。 从第一段第三句After that, some of you may take after-school classes可以得知许多学生放学后除了要完成学校的作业还要参加各种课外辅导班。故答案为B。
2. C。从文章第四段最后一句More than 137 million of them were taking part in extracurricular classes or off-campus (在校园外的) training.可以得知超过一亿三千万学生在参加校外的课外活动。故答案为C。
3. C。从文章第六段第一句The guidelines are aimed at training schools which have no professional qualifications (资格) or pose (造成) safety risks,可以得知教育部将整治无证无照校外培训机构。故答案为C。
4. B。 文章倒数第二段最后一句话。reducing workloads for students should be a priority (优先考虑的事). 说明文章主旨是国家出台多项政策来减轻学生过重课业负担。故答案为B。
1. D。文中第三段第一句提到After walking across the MDL into the ROK side, Kim invited Moon to cross the border into the DPRK side.可以得知在穿过朝鲜进入韩国后,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩邀请韩国总统文在寅越过边境进入朝鲜。故答案为D。
2. D。从文章中第三段倒数第二句In 1953, the war ended in an armistice (休战协议) and the country was divided into two.可以得知1953年休战协议签订后,朝鲜半岛被分成两个国家。故答案为D。
3. D。从文章倒数第三段第一句With this document, the two leaders agreed on a common goal of realizing a nuclear-free (无核的) Korean Peninsula.可以得知两国领导人就支持半岛无核化达成一致,签署并发表《为促进朝鲜半岛和平、繁荣、统一的板门店宣言》。故答案为D。
4. C。从文章倒数第二段To realize this goal, the two Koreas have agreed to have talks with the United States and China in order to replace (代替) the Korean armistice with a peace agreement. 可以得知为了实现韩朝战争的正式结束,韩朝两国已经同意与美国和中国进行会谈,目的是用和平协议来取代休战协议。故答案为C。
1. D。从文中第三段第一句Marx was a German philosopher (哲学家), economist, historian, journalist and revolutionary (革命家).可以得知马克思是一位德国的哲学家、经济学家、历史学家、记者、革命家。故答案选D。
2. C。 由文章第五段第一句Marx came up with this idea after seeing the poor living and working conditions of European workers in the 19th century.第四段倒数第二句Everyone in this society should have equal social status (地位), rights and freedoms.可以得知马克思在看到19世纪欧洲工人的生活和工作条件后,他提出了共产主义思想:这个社会的每个人都应该享有平等的社会地位,权力和自由。故答案为C 。
3. B。从文章倒数第二段第一句One example is his book The Communist Manifesto (《共产党宣言》), published in 1848.可以得知《共产党宣言》是在1848年出版。故答案为B。
4. A。从文章的倒数第三段Now that 150 years have passed, the world is still pretty much how Marx described it.最后一段第一句In the future, Marxism will continue to lead the development of the CPC and China.可以得知既然已经过去150年了,世界仍然是马克思所描述的样子,将来马克思主义将继续引领中国共产党和中国的发展。故答案为A。  

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