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高二教案 第717期

Send messages through clothing (P1)
山东省烟台第二中学 赵娜娜
I. Warming up  
How can you stand out by wearing a T-shirt?
You could consider adding a slogan (标语) T-shirt to your wardrobe.
·Headlines and hashtags (标签)
New York magazine came up with a creative idea to increase its revenues (收入) by turning headlines from its popular fashion section into slogan T-shirts.
·Popular quotes
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
·Advocating campaigns
We should all be feminists (女权主义者)

II. Understanding-fast reading
Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the passage.
Slogan T-shirts have been used as a way of expressing oneself since the 1960s, but have regained popular recently.

III. Understanding-detailed reading
Read the passage thoroughly, answer the following questions.
1. What’s the origin of slogan T-shirts?
 British designer Katherine Hamnett first brought slogan T-shirts to the wider world in the 1980s. “The slogan T-shirt was something to give you a voice ... that you could wear on your chest and could be read from 200 yards (about 183 meters) away,” Katherine Hamnett recently told the BBC.

2. How did people in the 19th century send political messages before slogan T-shirts?
In the 19th century before women had the vote, they would use umbrellas that _________their ________candidate.

3. What is special about slogan items in self-expression?
Slogan items have become a way to get across messages without the need to scream and shout. Slogan items provide an identity platform. “People recognize and embrace (接受) these pieces and it identifies (辨别) them as part of a group,” Natalie Kingham told Elle.

IV. Understanding-sentences
Understanding the following phrases and sentences
1. increase its revenues
  advertising revenue 广告收入
Strikes have cost £20 million in lost revenues.

2. popular fashion section
the smoking section (= where you can smoke ) 吸烟区

3. Practical
Practice   practical

4. came along
1) be coming along to be developing or making progress
Your English is coming along really well. 你的英语进步很快。
2) appear or arrive
Take any job opportunity that comes along. 抓住出现的每个就业机会

5. preferred candidate
Prefer/ preferred/ preference

6. get across
 succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information 解释清楚,传达
The message isn’t getting across. 这个意思没有被人们理解
Come across

7. identity  n.
1) someone’s identity is their name or who they are身份
The identity of the killer is still unknown. 凶手的身份仍未查明。
2) the qualities and attitudes that a person or group of people have, that make them different from other people〔区别人或群体的〕特性
Our strong sense of national identity has been shaped by our history. 我们的历史使我们形成了强烈的民族认同感。

8. identify v. recognize and correctly name someone or something  认出,识别〔某人或某物〕

V. Post-reading
What slogan would you put on a T-shirt? Explain why.


Different ways to behave in British high schools (P4)
江苏省邗江中学  董金标

I. Free talk
Have you even been punished at school, and why?
What do you think of the punishment you have received? Are your school's discipline or rules, in your opinion,  too strict?  

II. Prediction
By looking at the title “Rules of behavior in UK schools”, can you predict what this text mainly talks about?

III. Skimming
Read the text and make a summary of it.
The text mainly tells us how UK schools discipline and punish students and how Freya protested against her punishment.

IV. Chewing and digesting
Read Freya’s case and answer the following questions.
1. Why did Freya receive 11 detentions?
Because she broke school rules, such as having fizzy drinks in class and coming into school through a fire door. 

2. Why did Freya protest against the punishment she received?
Because she thinks that repeated detentions disrupted her right to an education under Scottish law and made it difficult for her to learn. 

3. What effects did Freya have on school discipline in Scotland?
Hundreds of schools in Scotland were told not to use detention as a punishment because of her legal action.

4. Do you think the headmaster and her teachers should sign a letter to promise to respect her civil rights? Why or why not?
Yes. With Freya making the news, schools may face huge pressure from the public or even some civil rights organizations. It’s also necessary for the school to come up with a better way to discipline students.
No. Because in that case, it will be hard for schools to discipline their students in the future.

5. What do you think of parents signing an agreement to ensure their children accept school discipline and rules, as well as accepting the responsibility for their children's behavior?
Even with parents signing an agreement, students may violate the schools’ discipline and rules. A better solution must come from a mutual understanding between schools and families through equal and effective dialogues aimed at increasing kids' awareness of obeying  discipline and rules.

V. Post reading
Critical thinking:
What do you think of your school's disciplines and rules? Are there any rules that don’t make sense? Why do you think so?

VI. Language focus
Observe this sentence
1. … Freya MacDonald, a 15-year-old pupil from Scotland, made the news when she refused to accept her school's punishment....
make the news: be considered to be important enough to be in the news 
Twenty years ago, environmental issues rarely made the news.

2. … Many UK schools now give parents a home/school contract, explaining their discipline and rules. ....
explaining their discipline and rules. 现在分词作伴随状语,表示主动。
The lawyer listened with full attention, ________ (尽力不)to miss any points. 

VII. Homework
Write a letter to your headmaster to suggest some improvements to the school’s disciplines and rules.


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