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高三教案 第312期

Finally, the week ends (P1)

Check your understanding:

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. The purpose of the new policy.

C. Changes in schools with the new policy carried out.

B. How people view the new policy.

D. How to popularize the new policy in the country.


2. What do those who doubt about Shandong 's new policy mainly worry about?

A. Senior 3 students will have greater pressure from the college entrance examination.

B. Students are likely to study less hard.

C. Students are not good at arranging activities on weekends.

D. Students may not be used to studying alone.


3. All of the following are changes taking place in Gaoqing No 1 High School since the policy was carried out EXCEPT that _____.

A. students spend more time than ever in the library

B. students are required to study at school on their own on Saturday

C. they get more homework for evening classes and weekends

D. kinds of associations are being established


1. D 。文中第一段提到了这项新政策是为了加强素质教育;文中多出提到了执行周末不上课的新规定后学生周末开展的活动;并列举了山东省内以及其他省学生对这一新规定的看法,所以 A 、 B 、 C 三项文中都有提及;但文中没有谈到这项新规定是否会在全国推广以及如何推广,故 D 项符合题意。

2. A 。由第八段可知 “I'm afraid it won't work for Senior 3 students. With less than three months left, students need guidance from teachers more than ever before,” said Lu Jinhui… 可知 A 项符合题意。

3. B 。由第五、六段“ Now, students at Gaoqing No 1 High School spend more time than before in libraries and some are busy establishing kinds of associations ( 社团 ) at weekends. ”以及第十段 “We've got more homework for evening classes and weekends because of fewer classes,” said Du in Gaoqing. 可知 A 、 C 、 D 项都是 Gaoqing No 1 High School 学生发生的变化, B 项无中生有。


Training patriots (P2)

1. What does “this” underlined in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The world growing smaller.

B. Terrorism.

C. The trend of living abroad.

D. A loss of the country's identity.


2. What does Goldsmith think of school children's taking an oath to the Queen?

A. It's a way to fight terrorism.

B. It's a way to boost children's national pride.

C. It's a way to inspire students to study hard.

D. It's a way to show respect for the queen.


3. It can be inferred from the text that _____.

A. American students have to do the ceremony twice a day

B. it's a duty for American students to take the ceremony

C. it has been 54 years since the ceremony started at school in America

D. the ceremony of the patriotic oath originated in Britain


1. D 。第一段提到了世界变小了之后的优点与弊端,弊端就是:随着越来越多的人定居国外,有可能国家失去其民族独特性。第二段说英国正在采取措施改善这一局面,因此 this 在这里指的就是上文的“ a chance countries can lose their identity ”,故 D 项正确。

2. B 。由第三段 “The plan is designed to help immigrants and citizens develop a ‘shared sense of belonging'… it could give children a better understanding of what it means to be British. 可以推知 B 项正确。

3. C 。由第五段“ Since 1954, American students have started their school days by standing, putting their hands over their hearts, and pledging allegiance ( 发誓忠诚 ) to the American flag. ”可知美国学生发誓忠于美国国旗的仪式开始于 1954 年,距今有 54 年历史,且学生只需在每天开始上课前进行这种仪式,每天应该就只有一次。由第五段“ This procedure is not mandatory ( 强制的 ), meaning it does not have to be done ”可知这种爱国宣誓仪式并不是强制性非做不可的;文中没有提及这种爱国宣誓仪式起源于哪个国家。因此只有 C 项符合题意。


Baseball is a home run in US (P4)

1. The text is written to _____.

A. tell us the development of baseball in America

B. explain baseball's characteristics and why it means so much to Americans

C. inform us of the differences between baseball and basketball

D. introduce the first Major League Baseball games played on March 15 and 16


2. What's the difference between playing baseball and basketball?

A. Baseball games have a faster pace.

B. Baseball players are usually stronger.

C. Baseball players are usually tall.

D. Baseball is more a part of American culture.


3. What can we infer from the text?

A. Autumn is the best time of year for playing baseball.

B. The author hopes for more baseball games to be played in China .

C. Watching baseball games is more exciting than watching basketball.

D. Women are not allowed to play baseball in America .


1. B 。本文通过与足球、篮球对比,描写了棒球的特征以及其与美国文化的紧密融合,因此 B 项为最佳选项。

2. D 。由第四段“ To play baseball you don't have to be tall like basketball or strong like American football. You just need to want to have fun. ”以及第五段“ Baseball games are not as fast paced as basketball so it allows the viewers to relax, talk and get to know each other. ”可知 A 、 B 、 C 都不是 baseball 的特征。由第六段“ Today baseball is not America's most watched sport but it is its most historical. It has gone past being simply a game and has become woven ( 织入 ) into the fabric of American culture. ”可推知棒球与美国文化联系更紧密,因此 D 项符合题意。

3. B 。由第四段“ Players are known as, “the boys of summer” because that is the time of year the sport is most often played. ”可知 A 项不对;由第五段“ Baseball games are not as fast paced as basketball so it allows the viewers to relax, talk and get to know each other. ”可推知 C 项不准确; D 项文中没有提及;最后一段“ But perhaps, they won't be the last games played. ”可推知作者期望还会有比赛在中国举行。故 B 项正确。


Tips for new shoes (P6)

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. Advantages of wearing running shoes fitting your feet.

B. Ways to get to know about the shape of the arch of your foot.

C. Advice on how to choose the right pair of running shoes.

D. Best time to buy a pair of running shoes.


2. If the arch of your foot looks like a “C” shape on the paper, you have _____.

A. a normal arch B. a high arch

C. a flat arch D. a low arch


3. The phrase "cave in" in paragraph 5 most probably means _____.

A. bend B. stretch

C. shake D. release


4. Why is late afternoon the ideal time to go shopping for shoes?

A. We are likely to be more patient in the afternoon.

B. Feet usually become larger late in the day.

C. The toes become longer late in the day.

D. The arch of our feet will be in best shape in the afternoon.


1. C 。本文主要是告诉读者如何选择适合自己的运动鞋,所以 C 项正确。

2. B 。由第三段“ If you see a “C” shape on the paper when you remove your foot, you have a rare high arch. ”可知 B 项符合题意。

3. A 。第五段最后两句话“ Finally, you squeeze ( 挤 ) the heel in both directions. A stable heel won't cave in. ”意思是:从两个方向挤压鞋后跟,稳定的后跟是不会被压塌的。因此选项里只有 A 项 bend (压弯)为最佳选项。

4. B 。由最后一段“ It's wise to hold off until the afternoon to make your purchase, to allow for any swelling ( 膨胀 ) that your feet do throughout the day. ”可推知下午是理想买鞋时间主要是因为一天下来,下午的脚可能会有所膨胀,这个时候去买鞋才会买到更合脚的鞋,故 B 项正确。

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