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初三教案 第569期


Losing our languages (P2)
1. Can you speak any languages other than Mandarin?
2. Is language a carrier of culture? In what ways does it do this?
While reading
1. How many languages worldwide are in danger of dying out?
A. About 2,580 languages.
B. About 3,420 languages.
C. About 4,300 languages.
D. About 6,000 languages.
2. According to the story, why might a language go extinct? 
A. Because no one speaks it in cities.
B. Because it is too difficult to learn. 
C. Because it is used less in daily life.
D. Because schools don’t offer lessons for it.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A. The learning of dominant languages.
B. The extinction of languages.
C. Action taken to save endangered languages. 
D. The movement of speakers of endangered languages.
4. What do we know from the last two paragraphs?
A. Languages are disappearing fast in New Zealand.
B. Maori lessons are already offered in all of the schools in New Zealand.
C. 130 languages are endangered in China.
D. Making recordings is a way to protect languages.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. I want to teach Gaelic so that it won't ________ (彻底消失).
2. It exists in dreams _________ (而不是) reality.
3. Nothing can _______ (阻止) us from winning now.
Have a think:
 What can we do to help protect endangered languages?
UK politics can get complicated (P5)
1. Are you interested in politics?
2. Do you know anything about UK politics?
While reading
1. How many Members of Parliament are there in the UK?
A. About 50,000.
B. About 650.
C. About 25,001.
D. About 24,999.
2. What do we know from the third paragraph?
A. There are 50,000 voters in each constituency.
B. Each voter can vote twice in the same constituency.
C. The party that gets the most votes is the winner.
D. Votes for the party that loses are kept for later use. 
3. In many people’s opinions, the “wasted” votes _____.
A. may have some potential value 
B. should be divided among all the parties
C. shouldn’t decide the seats a party can get
D. should belong to the biggest party
4. What’s the main idea of the story?
A. An introduction to UK politics.
B. The biggest parties in the UK.
C. Constituencies in the UK.
D. How voting works in the UK.
Words in use
 1. It will be easiest if we d_____ them into groups.
 2. Drain off any r _________ water.
 3. They finished first and second, r________.
What do you think about voting in the UK?
Forgive and forget (P6)
1. Do you easily forgive others?
2. Are there any things that make it easier for you to forgive others?
While reading
1. According to the researchers, most people _____.
A. will argue with their friends
B. tend to forgive others’ mistakes
C. are naturally good
D. like to make many friends 
2. What did the participants do in the experiment?
A. Shocked another person with electricity.
B. Made a deal with two strangers.
C. Judged the behavior of two strangers.
D. Recorded a performance of two strangers.
3. Why are people more likely to form a positive impression if bad people do good things?
A. Because most people are not confident enough.
B. Because bad people need to be encouraged.
C. Because its natural for us to see the best in others.
D. Because people believe what they see. 
4. What is the last paragraph trying to say?
A. Being forgiving helps us keep relationships.
B. Ending a relationship is not an easy decision.
C. Believing others is the basis of a relationship.
D. Judging strangers is not as easy as judging friends.
Words in use
1. 我不想考虑此事。
     I ______ not to think about it.
2. 她决定不接受这项工作。
     She decided not to ______ the job.
3. 入场券可能很贵。
Tickets are ______ to be expensive.
Do you have any experiences of forgiving others or being forgiven by others? What did you learn from them?
Please share with us.
1. A。从文中第一段第一句There are about 6,000 languages that are spoken around the world. But 43 percent of these languages are dying out可以得知全世界有大约6000种语言,但其中的43%正在消亡。故答案选A
2. C由文章第三段第一句In addition, the languages of dominant (占优势的) cultures may drive other languages into extinction.可以看出占主导地位的文化的语言可能导致其他语言的灭绝。因为日常生活中人们会更少使用非主导文化的语言。故答案为C
3. B。从文章第四段一句Once a language dies, it rarely comes back to life.可以得知语言一旦消亡,就很难复生。this指代的是语言的消亡这种情况。故答案为B 
4. D。从文章的最后段第一句China is also trying to protect its languages.和第三句the government started a project to record all the languages spoken in China可以得知除了新西兰,中国也在致力于保护语言。其中记录是保护语言的一种方式。故答案为D  
1. B从第二段第一句The UK is divided into about 650 constituencies (选区). Each constituency has one representative, or Member of Parliament (MP).可以得知英国被分为大约650个选区。每个选区有一名代表或是议员。故答案为B
2. C。从文章第三段最后两句Party A is the winner. All of the votes for Party B are wasted, even though they only had two votes fewer than Party A.可以得知A党派的选票最多,即使B党派比A党派只少2票,得票多者胜出。故答案为C
3. A。从文章倒数第三段 Many people think that we should use these wasted votes. You should get the same percentage of seats as people who voted for you.可以得知许多人希望这些所谓的废票可以发挥一定作用,也就是说它们具有潜在的价值。
4. D文章的第一段最后一句in UK politics (政治), if you come in second, you get nothing.第二段最后一句In each election (竞选), people vote for representatives from several different parties (政党).说明在英国的政治制度里,得票数第二的政党一无所获。在每次的选举中,人们从不同党派选出代表。所以文章主要说的是投票在英国是如何运作的。故答案为D
1. B。文中第二段第一句提到Researchers from Yale University, the University of Oxford and University College London have found that we tend to (倾向于) believe that people are good at heart, even when they have behaved badly.可以得知各大学的研究员发现人们倾向于相信人的内心是善良的,即使这些人有不好的行为,我们也能宽恕他人的错误。故答案为B
2. C。从文章中第四段第一句The participants were then asked to judge (评价) the strangers based on their decisions.可以得知参与者被要求根据陌生人的决定来判断他们的行为。故答案为C
3. C。从文章倒数第二段第一句Scientists believe that it is human nature (天性) to see the best in others.可以得知科学家们相信,看到别人身上最好的一面是人类的本性。故答案为C
4. A。从文章最后一段第一句This tendency can help us develop and keep healthy social relationships.可以得知人们相信人性本善,这种倾向可以帮助我们发展和保持健康的社会关系。故答案为A

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