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初三教案 第573期


More work choices (P2)
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. How can you prepare for your future career?
While reading
1. What does the report issued by Zhaopin.com show?
A. Most people still prefer to work as doctors or lawyers.
B. There are many new job choices these days.
C. There are 800 different jobs in major Chinese cities.
D. People make more money these days than before.
2. Which job has the best pay, according to the survey?
A. Lawyer.
B. Fitness coach.
C. Makeup artist.
D. Veterinarian.
3. Why are there many new jobs in the service industry?
A. Because people need more high-quality services.
B. Because they require less skill and knowledge.
C. Because there are no gender differences in this industry.
D. Because more people have started to raise pets.
4. What can we infer from the story?
A. Finding a job in big cities has become easier in recent years.
B. College degrees are a must for working in cities.
C. Women will be replaced by men in the child care industry.
D. Other new jobs may appear with people’s future demands.
Words in use
1. It is an i________ achievement.
2. The money is to be used for a s______ purpose.
3. By popular d_____, the play will run for another week.
Have a think:
     Did you change your mind about what you want to be in the future after reading this article?
Freedom and change for the future (P3)
1. How much do you know about slavery in American history?
2. Have you ever read the book The Longest Memory by British author Fred D’Aguiar?
While reading
1. The story of the The Longest Memory was based on _____.
A. slavery in the pre-Civil War US
B. the American Civil War
C. the first World War
D. the American Revolution
2. Chapel and the daughter of a plantation owner decide to go to the north because _____.
A. they want to go on an adventure
B. they want to make more money
C. they can get married there
D. they want to live with Chapel’s father
3. According to the author, why does Whitechapel report his son?
A. He wants to protect his son and the girl.
B. He thinks slaves should follow their master’s orders.
C. He is worried that his son will be punished by the owner.
D. He doesn’t want to be separated from his son.
4. Chapel represents people who _____.
A. want to live comfortably forever as slaves
B. start to make changes for the future
C. want to unite the north and the south
D. work hard and are respected by their owners
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
This novel tells us a love story in typical _________ (叙述).
Susan's a very bright and ________ (聪明的) woman who knows what she wants.
I didn't go in ______ (深入) into the matter with him.
What can we learn from pioneers like Chapel?
Getting rid of meat? (P6)
1. What are some of the main causes of global warming?
2. Are you surprised to hear that eating meat can lead to global warming?
While reading
1. According to the story, eating less meat can help us _____.  
     a. stay healthy 
     b. reduce waste 
     c. protect animals 
     d. slow down climate change
  A. a;b;c       B. b;c;d         C. a;b;d        D. a;c;d
2. Eating less meat can help protect the environment because _____.
A. there will be less animal-related waste
B. less livestock means less greenhouse gas emissions
C. animals are an important part of the environment
D. people will plant more trees around their houses
3. How much less meat should people eat to influence the climate?
A. 63 percent.          B. 70 percent.
C. 75 percent.          D. 90 percent.
4. What is the main idea of the story?
A. Why Westerners eat less meat these days.
B. What people will eat in the future.
C. How eating less meat influences the environment.
D. What the major cause of global warming is.
Words in use
1. 积习难除。
     It is difficult to _________ deeply-rooted habits.
2. 充足的睡眠在人们的生活和工作中扮演
     Getting a good amount of sleep ____________   
     in our life and work.
3. 先给他退热再说。
     First, _________ his temperature.
Would you be willing to change your diet if you knew it could prevent global warming?
1. B。从文中第一段最后一句there are many more choices (选择) than just these that are available today.和第二段最后一句These jobs include early childhood educator (早教师), fitness coach and makeup artist.可以得知智联招聘发布的报告显示现在除了传统的工作如医生和律师之外还有更多工作选择,比如早教师、健身教练、化妆师等。故答案选B。
2. D。 由文章第三段第二句The top-paying job is veterinarian (宠物医生)。可以得知根据调查宠物医生的薪酬最高。答案为D。
3. A。从文章倒数第二段第二句Economic (经济的) development means people have more money to spend and are in greater need of high-quality services。可以得知经济的发展意味着人有更多的钱花,更需要高质量的服务。故答案为A。
4. D。从文章的最后一段最后一句The growing demand (需求) for animal care, therefore, has encouraged more people to become veterinarians.可以得知对宠物护理需求的增长鼓励更多人成为宠物医生。可以推断出随着人们未来的需求,会有更多新工作出现。故答案为D。 
1. A。 从第一段最后一句we can see what society looked like during the period before the American Civil War (美国内战).可以得知这本书的故事以美国内战前的奴隶制为背景。故答案为A。
2. C。从文章第二段第二句They decide to head to the north, where black men can marry white women.可以得知Chapel 跟种植园主的女儿决定去北方的原因是那儿允许黑人和白人结婚。故答案为C。
3. B。从文章倒数第二段Whitechapel teaches young slaves to obey their masters. Therefore, his own master respects him a great deal. He starts to think that slaves can live comfortably as long as they listen to the plantation owner.可以得知Whitechapel揭发自己儿子的原因是他一直教导年轻的奴隶要服从他们的主人,因为他的主人很尊敬他,他认为只有听从种植园主的话才能过上舒适的生活。故答案为B。
4. B。文章的最后一段第四句He represents change for the future可以得知Chapel是代表那些开始为未来做出改变的人。故答案为B。
1. D。文中第一段第一句People in Western countries are eating less meat these days, whether for their health or because they want to protect animals.和第二段第一句Eating less meat can help to prevent climate change可以得知少吃肉可以保持健康、保护动物,还可以防止气候变化。故答案为D。
2. B。从文章中第三段最一句Seventeen percent of greenhouse gas emissions (排放) come from livestock farming可以得知17%的温室气体排放来自于畜牧业。故答案为B。
3. D。从文章倒数第三段第二句people in Western countries will need to eat 90 percent less meat than they do now in order to have an impact (影响) on our climate.可以得知为了对我们的气候产生影响,西方国家的人们需要比现在少吃90%的肉。故答案为D。
4. C。从文章第二段第一句话Eating less meat can help to prevent climate change。可以得知本文的主旨是少吃肉是如何影响环境的。故答案为C。 

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