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高三教案 第313期

Protect your cell (P2)

Check your understanding:

1. With the example of Wang Guoqing, the author shows _____.

A. that we should hesitate before replying to a text message

B. what we should do to avoid junk messages

C. how junk messages ruin people's lives

D. that China Mobile is unworthy of trust


2. The word “vigilant” in paragraph 8 means _____.

A. certain B. careful

C. attentive D. concerned


3. To fight junk messages, we are advised not to do all of the following EXCEPT _____.

A. believe the so-called prizes offered by text messages

B. reply to doubtful text messages
C. sign up for short message services

D. give our cellphone numbers to unreliable organizations or websites


1. A 。第一段提到了“ But Wang Guoqing, from Hunan, said she would think twice before doing that now. ”下文具体说到了 Wang Guoqing 的遭遇,解释了她现在为什么回短信很谨慎。第四段又提到了“ Wang is not alone…. junk messages, a large number of which are frauds ( 骗局 ), have become a headache for many. ”可见作者以 Wang Guoqing 来说明垃圾短信之危害,同时提醒人们回复短信时需慎重。

2. B 。第八段提到了专家建议手机用户要对他们的个人信息 _____ 。第九段强调了要保护好手机号码不随意外泄。可见选项中 careful 为最佳选项, vigilant 表示“警惕的,小心的”。

3. C 。文中 Wang Guoqing 回复短信导致被骗定购了并不需要的短信服务以及第六段 Zhang Xinfeng 提到了人们容易被垃圾短信中提到的大奖所蒙蔽,可见我们不应该相信垃圾短信中所谓的大奖; 第九段中国移动一行政人员建议我们要保护好个人资料不随意外泄;同时不要回复垃圾短信,收到垃圾短信则举报到中国移动热线 10086999 ,因此 A 、 B 、 D 都正确; C 项不对,以偏概全,基本的短信服务还是可以申请的。


No break from scholarships (P4)

1. In the story, the author intends to _____.

A. give advice on how to apply for scholarships in America university

B. share with readers her experience of applying for scholarships

C. tell readers what to prepare before applying for scholarships

D. encourages readers to cherish time and be a responsible person


2. How did the author get to know about the University of California scholarship applications?

A. From newspaper.

B. From the school's scholarship bulletin.

C. From FastWeb.

D. Through a school college counselor.


3. What can we learn from the text?

A. The author thinks all her efforts on scholarships will be rewarded.

B. The author learned about the University of California 's scholarship applications by accident.

C. The author was dissatisfied with her paperwork for the University of California 's scholarship.

D. The author was confident that she would win a University of California 's scholarship.


1. B 。文中作者讲述了自己申请奖学金的经历,并没有具体给出什么建议,所以选项 B 符合题意。

2. C 。由文章倒数第二段“ I don't know what caused me to look at one of the old FastWeb messages in my inbox, but I did look. It was a reminder about certain University of California scholarship applications that happened to be due ( 到期的 ) that night. ”可知作者是在 FastWeb 网页上获得加利福尼亚大学奖学金消息的。

3. B 。由倒数第二段“ I don't know what caused me to look at one of the old FastWeb messages in my inbox, but I did look. ”可知作者是偶然获知这一消息的,故 B 项正确。最后一段“ Maybe not my best work, but they were done before the deadline. ”可知 C 项的 dissatisfied 不对; A 、 D 文中两项没有提及。


Satire is core of British humor (P4)

1. The word "dry" in paragraph 2 means ____.

A. difficult to understand

B. popular among children

C. dull and uninteresting

D. amusing without appearing to be so


2. According to Leo McKinstry, which of the following is valued most by the British?

A. Historic military victories.

B. Great works of literature.

C. Their unique sense of humor.

D. Their rich scenic landscape.


3. British humor has the following characteristics EXCEPT being ____.

A. negative B. arrogant

C. satirical D. self-deprecating


4. McKinstry mentioned Rolls-Royce to show that ____.

A. the British have good sense of humor

B. the British humor is difficult for foreigners to understand

C. the British are unfriendly

D. the British are not as funny as they think they are


1. D 。语境中流行于孩子中的笑话不可能是难懂的、无趣的,故排除 A 、 C ;文中以儿童笑话为引子,但不是所有的笑话都是在孩子中受欢迎的,故 B 项不对。 dry 在此用以形容英国幽默严肃,过于正经。

2. C 。由第三段 The famous British sense of humor has long been our most cherished national characteristic,” says the British journalist Leo Mckinstry. “We have valued it above historic military victories and great works of literature, above our rich scenic landscape and our talent for invention. 可知 C 项正确。

3. B 。由第四段第一句“ The British sense of humor differs from other countries because it is generally more negative. ” 第五段“ Popular British comedy shows such as Fawlty Towers, Blackadder and The Office are full of sarcasm ( 讽刺 ), teasing and self-deprecation ( 自嘲 ). It reflects the culture where mocking ( 嘲笑 ), moaning ( 诉苦 ) and ridicule is part of everyday life. ”可知 A 、 C 、 D 项正确。由第六段的 A recent survey found that most foreigners who visited Britain found that the British are “arrogant ( 傲慢的 ), unfriendly and have almost no sense of humor.” 可知 arrogant 是外国人对英国人的误解。

4. A 。由最后一段可知 McKinstry 认为英国人是幽默的,指责英国人没有幽默细胞就等同于说劳斯伦斯汽车是低档车, McKinstry 这一比喻实则强调了英国人就如同劳斯伦斯是世界名车一样,是有幽默感的。故 A 项符合题意。


King of technology (P6)

1. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. TRON is open to all its users for free.

B. TRON was invented more than 20 years ago.

C. TRON is more advanced than Bill Gates's Windows.

D. TRON is used in a wide range of products from cellphones to car engines.


2. It can be inferred from paragraph 6 that Sakamura ______.

A. has a bad sense of business

B. keeps a low profile in the public

C. is very strict with himself

D. is uninterested in doing business


3. The word “shuns” in paragraph 6 most probably means _____.

A. hunts for B. focuses on

C. keeps away from D. gives up


4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Sakamura highly values his operation with American companies.

B. Sakamura hopes to strengthen his cooperation with American companies.

C. The Micro Ubiquitous Communicator will be very popular in the future.

D. Ubiquitous helps build a society in which information can be accessed any time, everywhere.


1. C 。由第三段的“ TRON is an open and free of charge system, which means anyone can use it for free. ”可知 A 正确;由第二段“ TRON was invented by Tokyo University engineering professor Ken Sakamura in 1984. ”可知 B 正确;由第二段“ It is now widely used in electronic products such as digital cameras, cellphones, rice cookers, air conditioners, fax machines, karaoke machines and car-engine control devices. ”可知 D 项正确; C 项文中没有提及,而且这是两个不同类型的系统,没有可比性。

2. B 。第六段提到了 Sakamura 尽管在日本久负盛名,但处事低调,故 B 项符合题意。

3. C 。结合上文的“ few people outside the IT industry know about him ”以及下文的“ concentrates on his work ”可知 Sakamura 习惯于避开媒体,故 C 项为最佳选项。

4. A 。最后一段的核心句为“ but collaboration is the way ”,所以 A 项为最佳选项。 B 、 C 、 D 项无中生有。


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