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初二教案 第641期


New winter coat rule (P2)
1. If you were asked to choose whether to wear expensive clothes or cheap clothes to school, which would you choose and why?
While reading
Choose the answer:
1. How might poor students feel when they see others wear expensive down coats?
A. They might feel satisfied.
B. They might feel left out.
C. They might feel angry.
D. They might feel warm.
2. Kids wearing expensive down coats may cause _____.
A. poverty-shaming                     B. equality
C. low incomes                    D. poor grades
3. Why did the school ban kids from wearing these coats?
A. To ask teachers to pay less attention to students' clothes.
B. To encourage parents to earn more money for their kids.
C. To help low-income students become more engaged in school.
D. To help high-income students become more confident in school.
4. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?
A. How the ban has changed students' lives.
B. Why some people don't agree with the ban.
C. What students should wear under the ban.
D. How many schools have made similar bans.
Word in use
Make some sentences using the following phrases :
ban from doing, left out, be engaged in, keep sb. adj.
1.The government banned people from using cell phones while riding their bikes.
2. Since nobody liked to talk to her, she felt left out in class.
3. It's very hard for them to be engaged in learning.
4. If you want to keep fit, you need to exercise more.
1. Some schools in the UK have even banned expensive pencil cases. Do you agree with this?
Music is for everybody (P3)
1. How often do you have music lessons?
2. What do you usually learn during your music lessons?
While reading
Choose the answer:
1. How often does the writer have music lessons?
A. Once a week.
B. One every other week.
C. Once a day.
D. One every other day. 
2. The writer might NOT _____ during her music lessons.
A. learn musicians' personal history
B. learn basic music facts
C. listen to many types of music
D. compose music
3. When students played percussion instruments at the concert, they felt _____.
A. nervous            B. scared              
C. boring              D. confident
4. What do we know about the author?
A. Music makes her more confident.
B. She likes classical music the most.
C. She likes music very much.
D. She can't play any instruments.
Word in use
Match the word with its meaning
1. instrument         a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music
2. musician            to write music
3. compose            feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful
4. confident           can be used to produce musical tones or sounds
1. If you could choose to play a musical instrument, which one would you choose and why?
Cooking at home for fun (P4)
1. Can you cook at home?
2. Is cooking good for you? Why or why not?
While reading
Choose the answer:
1. From the second paragraph, we know that _____.
A. it is easy to use the electric slow cooker to cook
B. it is easy to make too much food with the slow cooker
C. it wastes a lot of food when using the electric slow cooker
D. the writer doesn't know how to use the electric slow cooker 
2. When the writer uses his electric slow cooker, he prefers to _____.
A. spend a lot of time cooking
B. use different recipes
C. use certain ingredients
D. add more water
3. The writer thinks cooking is _____.
A. relaxing and enjoyable
B. difficult and satisfying
C. boring and complicated
D. interesting and time-consuming
4. With this story, the writer tries to _____.
A. teach readers how to use a special cooker
B. complain about how hard it is to cook
C. share his joy of cooking with readers
D. show off his cooking skills
Word in use
Make some sentences by following phrases :
too +adj+to do, on one's own, It is +adj + to do, be different from
1. The kids are too young to look after themselves.
2. You must finish your homework on your own.
3. It's very hard for them to finish work on time.
4. Life in China is very different from life in the UK.
Do you like cooking? If so, what dishes do you like to cook? How do you cook them?
Page 2
1. B. 文章第二段指出像加拿大鹅这种价格不菲的羽绒服只有富有的家庭才可以买得起,穷孩子会感觉被孤立,最后一句Poor students feel left out when they see others wear these coats 点明答案。
2. A. 由第一段和第二段可知,学校禁止学生上学穿昂贵的羽绒服,这样可以抑制贫困带来的羞耻感,This is to stop “poverty-shaming ” among its students
3.C. 第四段大意是大多数学生对学校的规定表示赞同。学校教育不应使学生因为贫富受到困扰,这一规定使得贫困生更多地投入到学习中。
4.B.第五段指出一部分人并不同意这一规定,他们认为人们有选择穿衣的自由,But some people don’t agree with it之后阐明理由。
Page 3
1. A. 细节题。第二段第一句We have music lessons once every week 可知答案。
2. D. 第二段 We not only listen to the music they composed , but also learn about their personal history可知在音乐课上,同学们不仅可以听到名家作曲还可以了解音乐名家的成长史。由此排除作者自己作曲选项。
3. D. 由第二段 It made me feel confident to be onstage可知,同学们在舞台上表演打击乐时会感觉自己像明星一样,这样会给表演者很强的自信心。
4. C. 关于作者的信息用排除法:A指的是作者的朋友;B 选项并未提及;D选项中文章最后一句说作者弹钢琴得了奖,所以她会演奏乐器。 C 选项是在最后一段叙述作者七岁就参加音乐节目,上个月在音乐竞赛中还获奖推断她是喜欢音乐的。
Page 6
1. A. 细节题。第二段中I recently bought an electric slow cooker. It’s very simple and easy to use 可知用慢炖锅做饭很简单。
2. C. 第三段描述作者做的饭并不同于典型的中式饭,而是用辣椒等一些特定的原料烹调,They use certain ingredients and spices - such as habanero peppers and paprika 由此判断答案 C.
3. A. 最后一段描述作者喜欢在家做饭,相比外卖即好吃又健康。I’ve found a lot of joy in cooking at home&it’s relaxing and enjoyable 由此推断答案。
4. C.这篇文章中,作者通过自己做饭的经历,喜好和感受目的是为了和大家分享做饭带来的愉悦。 所以答案C 符合上下文的表达。

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