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初三教案 第586期


Changes are coming (P3)        
1. Do you have your own smartphone? Are you allowed to take your smartphone to school?
2. What do your school uniforms look like? Do you like them?
While reading
1. What does Lei Yanqin think of smartphones?
A. They are necessary in schools.
B. They should be banned in schools worldwide.
C. They can help students take notes quickly.
D. They are causing lots of trouble in schools.
2. Most students don’t like their uniforms because of _____.
A. their color and style
B. their style and quality
C. their color and quality
D. their quality and price
3. What did the committee suggest about uniforms?
A. Students don’t have to wear uniforms in school.
B. Students can design their own uniforms.
C. The quality of school uniforms should be improved. 
D. Students should wear traditional Chinese clothing as uniforms.
4. Why was a rating system suggested for online games?
A. To protect teenagers from unsuitable games.
B. To stop teenagers from playing online games.
C. To make online games more competitive.
D. To limit the number of online games.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. Smartphones should be _________ (禁止) in schools.
2. Plants _________ (制造) oxygen.
3. It is believed that girls always like to ________ (炫耀) their new clothes, but that is not always true.
Have a think:
Do you think it’s a good idea to ban smartphones in schools? Why or why not?
Living on water (P5)
1. Have you ever traveled on a boat?
2. How did you feel about your trip?
3. What do you think about living on a boat?
While reading
1. What do we know about houseboats in Britain?
A. There are about 40,000 houseboats in total.
B. They are boats that are used as homes.
C. They are houses in the shape of boats.
D. They are designed for traveling on water.
2. People who live in houseboats _____.
A. want to get away from nature
B. need to make a living by fishing
C. prefer a slower way of life
D. enjoy living an easy life on water
3. Paragraph 4 is written to describe _____.
A. the best season to live on a boat
B. the difficulties of living on the water
C. the costs of living on water
D. tips for living on a houseboat
4. More people are choosing to live on waterways because _____.
a. it costs less than living in a house or flat
b. the government is promoting this idea
c. they are scared of living in cities
d. it provides a better sense of community
A. ab          B. ad          C. ac D. cd
Words in use
1. Please s_________ with me while you are studying abroad. (保持联系)
2. I don't know him ________. I met him yesterday for the first time.
3. Our class is m__________ 50 students.
After reading the passage, would you want to live on the water? Why or why not?
Women walk in space (P6)
1. How many astronauts do you know of? What have they achieved?
2. Do you know the woman in this picture? What did she do?
While reading
1. What does the “giant leap” in the first paragraph refer to?
A. NASA will send two female astronauts into space.
B. A team of all-female astronauts will take a spacewalk.
C. Female astronauts will replace batteries on the ISS.
D. NASA astronauts will set a record of the longest spacewalk. 
2. According to NASA, how many women have gone into space?
A. About 22.          B. Around 55.
C. About 213.         D. More than 500.
3. According to Forbes, women may be better able to work in space because _____. 
A. they are more willing than men to become astronauts
B. they work well with others
C. they do not get sick easily
D. they have certain physical advantages
4. What do we know from the story?
A. The two astronauts will arrive at the ISS on March 29.
B. It is more dangerous for women to work in space.
C. Female astronauts have taken spacewalks before.
D. Women started to take spacewalks in 1998.
Words in use
1. 我们应该控制我们的习惯。
   We should ______ our habits.
2. 他们的婚礼将在下周举行。
    Their wedding will ________ next Sunday.
 3. 我们如何处理我们的问题呢?
    How do we ________ our problems?
1. Do you think men and women are treated equally?
2. What are some examples of gender differences?
1. D。从文中第三段第一句Lei Yanqin, a deputy () of the National People’s Congress (NPC, ), suggested that smart phones should be banned at schools nationwide.可以得知她建议在国内学校禁止手机而不是在国外的学校,所以B选项错误。第三段第二句 She said that listening to music and playing games in class not only bother teachers, but also make it difficult for students to concentrate.,可以得知她认为手机给在校的学生和老师带来了很多问题和麻烦,故答案选D。
2. B。由文章第四段第二句 ...as they think they are old-fashioned and of poor quality.
3. C。由文章第五段,第二句 The committee said the new design could feature more elements of traditional Chinese culture 和第三句 They added that better quality fabric should be used to make the uniforms so that they will be more comfortable to wear. 可以得知该委员会建议改善校服的材质提高穿着的舒适度,并增加传统文化的元素,而不是建议学生穿传统的中国服饰。故答案为C。
4. A。从文章的倒数第二段,最后一句 However, some games have violent or vulgar content that might not be suitable for young people和最后一段第二句All games would be sorted into age groups according to their content.可以得知建立rating system的目的是要针对网络游戏的一些暴力和粗俗内容进行限制和筛选。故答案为A。 
Word in use
1. banned   2. produce   3. show off
1. B。从第一段第二句 there are over 30,000 “houseboats” – boats that people use as homes.和第三句 Around 10,000 of them are located in London.可以得知在英国有30000多艘船被用来作为人们的家,而不是用来旅行。故答案为B。
2. C。从文章第二段 Houseboat communities are typically made up of people who are looking for a slower way of life and who want to be in touch with nature..可以得知人们选择在船上生活,是为了追求一种慢生活和亲近大自然。故答案为C。
3. B。从文章第三段最后一句but it is also hard work。和第四段的描述可以得知整个第四段都是在描述船上生活的不容易的一面。故答案为B。
4. B。从文章倒数第二段最后一句 This is not only because they like the idea of life on water but also because it is much cheaper to buy or rent (租) a boat than a flat (公寓) or a house.
及文章的最后一段There is a great sense of community on the waterways. Houseboat neighbors often become friends for life. 可以得知人们选择水上生活的原因一方面是因为热爱和生活成本低,另外一方面在于邻居间互相都是好朋友,有社区的感觉。故答案为B。
Word in use
1. stay in touch   2. at all   3. made up of
1. B。从文中第一段最后一句This will be the first all-female spacewalk in history.可以得这次太空漫步之所以会成为一次飞跃在于这一次所有的宇航员都是女宇航员。故答案为B。
2. B。从文章中第四段第一句According to NASA, fewer than 11 percent of the more than 500 people who have been into space have been female.可以得知在全部去过太空的500多名宇航员中不超过百分之十一的宇航员为女性。故答案为B。
3. D。从文章倒数第二段第二句和第三句 Women have certain advantages when it comes to working in space. They tend to be smaller, which means they take up less room and need less oxygen and food than men, Forbes said. 可以得知女宇航员在身体方面比男宇航员有着一些优势。故答案为D。
4. C。从文章第一段第二句话 If all goes according to plan, two female NASA astronauts will take a spacewalk on March 29. 和第四段的第二句During the 213 spacewalks that have taken place at the ISS since 1998, the astronaut teams doing the walks have either been all-male or male-female. 可以得知A,D选项错误,B选项在文中并没有提及。故答案为C。
Word in use
1. control   2. take place   3. deal with 

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