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初三教案 第588期


Better school meals (P2)
1. Do you eat meals in your school cafeteria?
2. Do you like the food in your cafeteria? What is your favorite dish?
While reading
1. The story is mainly about a new regulation regarding _____.  
A. students’ eating habits
B. school principals
C. food safety in schools
D. parent-teacher relationships
2. The new regulation requires schools to _____. 
A. show the public where their food comes from
B. improve the conditions of their cafeterias
C. allow teachers and students to eat together
D. build more than one cafeteria
3. What do we know from Paragraph 3?
A. Teenagers should go home to eat meals every day.
B. Parents should play a part in improving food safety in schools.
C. Food safety problems can be easily solved. 
D. Parents are angry about food safety incidents in schools.
4. What do the last two paragraphs tell us?
A. The punishment for food safety violations is serious.
B. School principals nationwide are not doing their jobs well.
C. Food can get moldy more easily in the south than in the north.
D. School cafeterias often serve rotten food to cut their costs.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. These traffic laws won't _________ (生效) until the end of the year
2. She smiled at him in a friendly ______. (方式)
3. Conflicts can _______ (发生) when you and your teammates have different ideas.
Have a think:
1. What can cause food safety problems?
2. What should we do when moldy food is served to us?
Nice things to say (P5)
1. Do you like to be praised by others?
2. What kind of praise do you like to hear?
While reading
1. Which of the following is TRUE about kuakuaqun?
A. Kuakuaqun is a college study group.
B. People can receive praise in a kuakuaqun.
C. Anyone can join a kuakuaqun for free.
D. People can say anything in a kuakuaqun.
2. What did Lin Yingying say?
A. She is not good at sharing her feelings.
B. She believes that kuakuaqun are useless.
C. She prefers to praise other people in real life.
D. She understands why some people like kuakuaqun.
3. Paragraph 5 mainly tells us about _____.
A. how kuakuaqun came into being
B. why people like kuakuaqun
C. kuakuaqun spreading to other countries
D. foreigners’ opinions of kuakuaqun
4. What do we know about the author?
A. He is a huge fan of kuakuaqun.
B. He dislikes kuakuaqun very much.
C. He believes that kuakuaqun can be improved.
D. He thinks humor plays a key role in kuakuaqun.
Words in use
1. You shouldn’t p____ others too much. They might become overconfident.
2. If you make a mistake, just a____ to it.
3. He b_________ up after hearing their words of encouragement.
1. What do you think of kuakuaqun? Are groups like this helpful or harmful?
2. Would you join one of these groups if you were invited?
No doubt in his mind (P8)
1. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
2. When did he or she become famous?
3. What is his or her personality like?
While reading
1. What does Paragraph 1 tell us?
A. Confucius made many great achievements. 
B. Men don’t achieve anything great until their 30s. 
C. Zhu Yilong became famous at the age of 30.
D. Zhu Yilong believes in what Confucius said.
2. What does “this show” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Guardian
B. The Story of Ming Lan
C. Skynet Action
D. The Legend of Mi Yue
3. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?
A. What Zhu Yilong did over the past year.
B. How Zhu Yilong proved himself through his performances.
C. Why Zhu Yilong agreed to play three different roles on Guardian.
D. How Zhu Yilong tried to change his personality.
4. What do we know about Zhu Yilong?
A. He graduated from college in 2009.
B. He enjoys talking about his different roles.
C. He feels ashamed about being so quiet.
D. He has been acting for 10 years.
Words in use
1. 她终于实现了目标,当上了教授。
    She eventually ________ her goal of becoming a professor.
2. 此人名不见经传。
    He was not a _________ figure. He was a nobody.
3. 没有人怀疑他的能力。
    No one ________ his abilities.
What does Zhu Yilong’s story tell us about how to become successful?
1. C。从文中第一段最后一句With this in mind, the government has introduced a new food safety regulation (规定) that will improve nutrition and health standards in schools.可以得知这篇报道是关于学校食品安全的新规定。故答案选C。
2. A。由文章第二段最后一句Schools will also be required to make information regarding food sources and suppliers public.可以得知新规要求学校公开食品来源和供应商的信息。故答案为A。
3. B。从文章第三段第一句The regulation also suggests that parents should eat with students at school in order to provide advice on food safety and nutrition.可以得知新规还建议家长应该和学生一起在学校吃饭,以便就食品安全和营养问题提供建议,在改善学校食品安全方面发挥作用。故答案为B。
4. A。从文章最后两段The school’s principal was eventually fired.和the head of an international school in Shanghai was fired. 两个学校的校长分别被解职,可以得知对食品违法行为的处罚是很严重的。故答案为A。 
Word in use
1. take effect   2. manner   3. occur
1. B。 从第二段第二句It’s called “kuakuaqun” (“praise groups”), which refers to social media groups where people go to receive praise, compliments and encouragement.可以得知夸夸群是一个人们接受表扬、赞美和鼓励的社交媒体团体。故答案为B。
2. D。从文章第四段最后一句She thinks it’s easier for people to share their problems anonymously online.可以得知Lin Yingying觉得人们更容易在网上匿名分享他们的问题,因此她理解人们为什么喜欢夸夸群。故答案为D。
3. B。从文章第五段最后一句Perhaps that’s why more than 53,000 people have joined the Free Compliments group on Reddit. 可以得知大概这就是为什么超过五万三千人加入了Reddit上的免费赞美群体,说明人们很喜爱夸夸群。故答案为B。
4. D。 文章的最后一段That praise rings hollow, but the humor doesn’t. Maybe that’s the real value. A good joke can brighten anybody’s day.可以得知作者认为赞美听起来很空洞,但是幽默不会,这也许才是这个社交群体的真正价值。一个好笑的笑话可以使任何人的一天都充满快乐。故答案为D。
Word in use
1. praise   2. admit   3. brightened
1. C。文中第一段最后一句Chinese actor Zhu Yilong is rising to fame at this very age.可以得知孔子说“三十而立”,中国演员朱一龙就是在30岁时名声雀起。故答案为C。
2. C。从文章中第二段最后一句His new show Skynet Action came out on March 12. He plays a traffic officer on this show.可以得知第二段的“this show” 指的是《天网行动》这部剧。故答案为C。
3. B。从文章第五段第二句He said he would rather let his performances speak for him.可以得知朱一龙说他宁愿让他的表演说话。让表演来证明自己的实力。故答案为B。
4. D。从文章第三段第一句Zhu waited for 10 years to reach this level of fame.可以得知朱一龙通过十年的努力才达到这样的知名度,说明他的表演生涯已经有10年了。故答案为D。
Word in use
1. achieved   2. well-known   3. doubted

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