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初一教案 第657期


东城古城职业中学 汤红梅


Playing for big money (P3)


I. Pre-reading

Have you ever watched any video game livestreams?

What kinds of livestreams do you prefer to watch? Have you ever paid to watch one?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. Griffin Spikoski has earned a lot of money by _____.

A. livestreaming his daily life

B. watching video games

C. playing video games

D. talking with video game players


2. Paragraph 2 is mainly written to _____.

A. describe an average day in Spikoski’s life

B. show how Spikoski deals with his studies

C. describe how hard Spikoski works

D. show how popular Spikoski is online


3. What do we know about Spikoski?

A. He wants to be a professional livestreamer.

B. He does well in school.

C. Livestreaming uses a lot of his energy.

D. His parents stand by him.


4. What makes Spikoski an outstanding livestreamer?

a. He is good at playing video games.

b. He makes his videos interesting.

c. He is good at advertising himself.

d. He once beat a professional player.

A. abc       B. acd          C. abd       D. bcd


III. Words in use


1. 她的工作成绩远比其他人都好。 

    Her work ________ from the rest, as it’s easily the best.

 2. 她一下午都在花园里读书。

     She ______________________ in the garden.

3. 他找到了赚钱的好门路。

     He found a good way to _________.


IV. Post-reading

There are many websites where you can watch professional livestreaming gamers. Twitch is one of the biggest sites, with roughly 100 million unique viewers per month.




Off to work we go (P5)


I. Pre-reading

Have you ever been to your parents’ workplace?

How do you feel about their daily work?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What is this day mainly for?

A. To thank parents for their hard work.

B. To show children what working is like.

C. To show kids what parents do on weekends.

D. To encourage children to take part in more activities at school.


2. What does “job shadowing” actually refer to?

A. Visiting your parents’ workplace.

B. Visiting the White House.

C. Visiting a workplace.

D. Going to stores to make money.


3. What was the writer’s experience with this day?

A. He went to a music school to learn how to play the guitar.

B. He went to a musical instrument store.

C. He went to a local store to give a speech about music.

D. He started a special activity and helped other students.


4. From the story, we know that _____.

A. parents don’t like this day

B. this day is also called Thanksgiving

C. it is a day for primary school students

D. not all students spend this day with their parents


III. Words in use

Fill in the blanks with the proper form:

1. Tom spends most of his weekends  ______(play) football.

2. April is the _____ (four) month of the year.

3. He borrowed a book ______(call) “Notre-Dame de Paris” from the library.

4. These people are just ________(interest) in making money.


IV. Post-reading

What kind of work do you want to do when you grow up? Is there any particular workplace you’d like to visit now?



Food from far away (P6)


I. Pre-reading

The Silk Road was a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Many kinds of food came to China through this route. Do you know what they are?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The Silk Road passed through all of the following areas EXCEPT _____.

A. Rome                          

B. America

C. ancient Dayuan      

D. ancient Persia


2. During which period did spinach come to China?

A. 206 BC – AD 24

B. 206 BC – AD 220

C. AD 24 – 220

D. AD 618 – 907


3. Which of the following foods is native to China?

A. Grapes.        

B. Walnuts.

C. Cucumbers.

D. Chestnuts.


4. What is the story mainly about?

A. How silk came to Europe.

B. Why the Silk Road was important.

C. How different foods came to China through the Silk Road.

D. The foods that were eaten during different ancient dynasties.


III. Words in use


1. Sick people should be careful about their _____ (饮食).

2. Chinese is my ________ (本国的) language.

3. There were ten people, ________  (包括)


4. The stories developed from ______ (古老的) myths.


IV. Post-reading

The Silk Road was not only an international trade route, but also a cultural bridge linking the cultures of China, Central Asia,  India, Persia, Arabia, Turkey, Greece, and Italy.





II. 1. C。根据文中第一段可知,Spikoski通过直播自己的线上游戏赚得了大笔的收入,所以正确答案是C

2. A。根据文中可知,Spikoski 一天的安排是:上午参加网校课程,下午直播游戏,晚上把游戏放在网站上。通过三个时间段的安排描述了他最普通的一天。

3. C。根据后两段可知,网络直播会占用很多的精力,如果Spikoski是读高中的话会有些应接不暇,其它选项文中未涉及,所以正确答案是C

4. C。根据…be really good at playing video gamesyour videos have to be interestingSpikoski won many fans after beating a professional Fortnite player可知,abd符合文中表述,所以正确答案是C

III. 1. stands out  2. spent the whole afternoon reading   3. make money



II. 1. B。根据文中可知,有的孩子去父母工作的地方近距离了解他们的日常工作,有的孩子去自己感兴趣的工作场所了解工作实际,由此可知此活动是为了让孩子们更好地了解工作日常,所以正确答案是B

2. C。根据文中第二段可知,并不是所有的学校都组织学生去父母的工作场所, job shadowing 项目中孩子们可以选择自己感兴趣的工作场所去体验,所以正确答案是C

3. B。根据文中最后一段可知,作者喜欢音乐,所以选择去一家乐器行体验,与那的工作人员进行了交流并且弹了差不多一天的吉他,所以正确答案是B

4. D。根据文意可知,在这一天,有的孩子参观父母的工作地,有的孩子自己去自己感兴趣的工作场所体验,所以正确答案是D

III. 1. playing  2. fourth  3. called   4. interested



II. 1. B。根据文中可知很多物品通过丝绸之路流通,例如Silk went west to Romegrapescame to China from Dayuan Spinach is native to ancient Persia,由此可知丝绸之路会途径这几个国家(ACD),所以正确答案是B

2. D。根据文中Spinach is native to ancient Persia (todays Iran). It came to China around the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 907)可知菠菜在唐朝时传到了中国,所以正确答案是D

3. D。根据文中最后一段可知,Rice, soy beans, chestnuts, Chinese cabbage and hawthorns等都是中国最先种植的,所以正确答案是D

4. C。根据文意可知,本文介绍了通由丝绸之路由各地传到中国来的食物,所以正确答案是C

III. 1. diet   2. native   3. including  4. ancient

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