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高三教案 第315期

Sports go extreme (P1)

Check your understanding:

1. The purpose of writing this article is ____.

A. to help you learn about the X-games

B. to explain about the Olympic spirit

C. to tell you that the X-games have come to China

D. to introduce to you the sport of BMX cycling


2. The second sentence in Paragraph 1 means that ______.

A. the Olympics newest sport is not only fun to watch, but also teaches you a lot

B. BMX cycling, a newly added Olympic sport, is a good representation of the Olympic motto

C. no other sport shows the Olympic motto better than BMX cycling

D. you don't need to watch any other sport other than BMX cycling


3. From the text, we can see that _____.

A. snowboarding does not belong to the X-games

B. X-gamers are mostly young people who follow the mainstream

C. if you want to participate in the X-games, you have to accept professional training

D. one of the reasons for the X-games' popularity is that its culture appeal to certain group of people


1. A 。第二段的最后一句“ With the success of snowboarding, which attracted large audiences of younger viewers to this past Winter Olympics, people are beginning to see the influence of the X-Games (Extreme Games). ”是过渡句,上文以 BMX cycling 为话题极限运动的引子,下文则主要谈论了极限运动的由来以及特点等,因此 A 项为最佳选项。

2. B 。这句话的意思是:八月份的奥运会观众将可以在这项奥运会的新赛事中体会到这条格言。句中的难点是 no further than , will have to look no further than… 表示“不必再往远看了,仅仅在……中就能看到”。因此 B 项符合题意。

3. D 。由第二段的最后一句“ With the success of snowboarding, which attracted large audiences of younger viewers to this past Winter Olympics… ”可知 snowboarding 是奥运赛事之一, A 项不对;文章提到了“ Fans of the X-Games have rejected the mainstream ”,可见极限运动应该是反主流的,故 B 项不对;由第三段可知极限运动并不要求选手参加专业培训,所以 C 项不对;由第五段“ But the X-Games are more than sports. They have become a culture. Fans of the X-Games have rejected the mainstream. ”可以判断出 D 项正确。


Singapore a great place to relax (P3)

1. Which of the following is NOT true about Singapore ?

A. It is known for strange laws.

B. It has a warm and wet climate.

C. It's a country with a majority population of British.

D. There are a lot of shopping centers.


2. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is _____.

A. Shanghai enjoys cultural diversity.

B. Singapore has much in common with London .

C. Singapore has a mixed culture.

D. Singapore has the best food in the world.


3. We can infer from the passage that_____.

A. the English spring is warm and wet

B. the writer doesn't like Singapore 's climate

C. the life in Singapore is expensive

D. the author feels life in Singapore is more relaxed than in Britain


1. C 。由第二段的“ The place was Singapore, which is famously known as a country where it is illegal to chew gum and even jaywalk. ”可知 A 项正确;由第一段可知新加坡与英国一样都很整洁,由第四段的“ a diverse mix very similar to London ”可知新加坡与英国一样文化多样化,故 B 项正确;由第五段的“ by providing millions of shopping malls filled with the coolest clothes and shoes known to man ”可知 D 项正确;第四段提到了“ Originally a colony of Britain, the population is a blend ( 混合 ) of Indians, Chinese and Westerners – a diverse mix very similar to London. ”新加坡曾经是英殖民地,但是并没有提到各类人所占的比例,所以 C 项不对,属于想当然的推测。实际上,新加坡华人比例最大。

2. C 。第四段主要是讲新加坡的人口、文化多样化,所以 C 项为最佳选项。

3. D 。由第三段最后一句话“ especially since my wardrobe ( 衣橱 ) consisted of heavy coats to deal with the English spring (or should I say winter? It even snowed in England while I was away.) ”可知英国的春天很寒冷, A 项不对。由第五段的“ but the weather was not the only good part about Singapore ”可推知作者对新加坡的气候是欣赏态度的,故 B 项不对; C 项文中没有提及;文中结尾段原为“ Singapore was a great place to go – being able to relax and take a break from the stress of London life. And you know what the best part was? No litter! ”由于版面限制最后“ – being able to relax and take a break from the stress of London life ”被删掉,导致 D 项信息文中缺失。编辑之间没有及时沟通,疏忽之处敬请谅解!


Best time of the year (P4)

1. Many American high school seniors will do all of the following EXCEPT______.

A. prepare for the college entrance exam

B. perform in the “Senior Show”

C. go around and get their yearbook signed

D. prepare for the Senior Prom


2. American high school seniors suffer from "senioritis" because_____.

A. it is a common disease

B. they have already been accepted to university

C. they value friendship more than school work

D. they are too lazy to do school work


3. All of the following can be found in the yearbook EXCEPT ______.

A. the name of the best-looking female student

B. the picture of and quote from each senior

C. the name of school they will enter

D. some of their friends' signatures


4. Which of the following words can best describe the end of senior year for American students?

A. busy B. stressful

C. funny D. wonderful


1. A 。由第四段第一句“ Many schools have a “Senior Show”, in which only seniors are allowed to perform. ”第六段第一句“ The yearbook is an important part of high school for seniors. ”第七段第一句“ Of course during all of this time, seniors are preparing for the Senior Prom, which is an important moment in American culture. ”可知 B 、 C 、 D 项都是美国毕业班学生会做的事情,由第一段可知 A 项是中国毕业班学生忙于做的事情。

2. B 。有第二段的“ This starts in April when seniors find out where they have been accepted to university. ”可知 B 项符合题意。

3. C 。由第五段的“ The seniors also vote for one of their male and female classmates who they believe is the best-looking or funniest or most involved , etc. These are then published in the yearbook. ”以及第六段的“ It is usually dedicated to them and has all their pictures and a quote from them in it. Then seniors go around and get it signed by their friends so they can always remember their time together. ”可知 A 、 B 、 D 项都是 yearbook 涉及的内容, C 项文中没有提及。

4. D 。作者讲述了美国高中毕业生丰富多彩的毕业生活,因此 D 项为最佳选项。


Genetic advances (P6)

1. The word "induced" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. caused B. prevented

C. affected D. joined

2. According to John Burn, scientists created the human-animal hybrid embryos mainly to ____.

A. get some stem cells

B. learn more about various creatures

C. develop new medical treatments

D. better understand how an embryo grows up


3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. Britain is the first country in the world to create human-animal hybrid embryos.

B. The government is in favor of the embryo research.

C. It would be illegal to implant these hybrid embryos cells in a human.

D. Scientists in Britain would be allowed to grow the embryos in a lab for no more than two weeks.


1. A 。答词义猜测题时可以用替代法,即把选项中的词替换至文中,看看哪个最符合上下文,文中谈到了电击之后,混合胚胎生长,可见电击充当催化剂的作用,促使混合胚胎生长,因此 A 项最合适, induced 在此表示“使得,促使”。

2. C 。由第四段“ said the embryos had been created purely for research…What it does is give us the tools to find out the simple question: how can we better understand the disease processes by working with those cells in the body? ”可推知 C 项正确。

3. A 。由最后一段可知政府对混合胚胎研究持支持态度;由第三段“ The researchers said the embryos would never be put into a woman. ”以及倒数第二段“ According to HFEA, hybrid embryos have to be destroyed after 14 days. ”可推知 C 、 D 正确。 A 项不对,文中第一段只提及英国第一次成功创造了人兽混合胚胎,但并没有说其是世界上第一个成功的例子。


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