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初二教案 第667期

No odds are too big (P3)
1. Do you often complain about your school work?
2. Do you have a plan for the new semester? What do you want to achieve?

While reading

1. What do we know about Tim Bannon?
A. He likes recording videos.
B. He does not have arms.
C. He is a soccer player.
D. He has won many medals.

2. To take part in the triathlon, Bannon _____. 
A. runs 2 km every day
B. asked Serota to teach him how to swim
C. exercises with some special help
D. learned new swimming styles

3. How does Serota feel about Bannon taking part in the triathlon?
A. Doubtful.    
B. Surprised.  
C. Curious.  
D. Confident.

4. What can we infer about Bannon from the story?
A. He is a member of Serota’s charity group.
B. He prefers playing soccer over swimming.
C. He does not easily give up.
D. He doesn’t get along with others.

Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. Find a way to ________ (克服) these difficulties.
2. His _________ (伤残) prevents him from holding a job.
3. The project should be ________ (完成) within a year.

  What kind of inspiration does Bannon or people like him give to you?


Standing as a powerful symbol (P4)
1. Why are capital cities important?
2. Can you name some capitals?

While reading
1. Which country is to change its capital?
A. Indonesia.
B. Russia.
C. Brazil.
D. The UK.

2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A. What the word “capital” means in Latin.
B. Where a country’s central government is.
C. How a country’s capital is important.
D. Why leaders usually live in the capital.

3. Why was Kalimantan chosen as the new capital?
A. Because it is a beautiful city.
B. Because it is the country’s richest city.
C. Because it is far away from the sea.
D. Because it needs further development.

4. What do the last three paragraphs tell us?
A. The reasons for living in a capital.
B. The reasons for choosing a capital.
C. The advantages of becoming the capital.
D. The best-chosen capitals in the world.

Words in use
 1. Diet and exercise are o_______ important.
 2. We should pay more attention to n______ and international news.
 3. Most of us need to lead more b_______ lives to be healthy and happy.

1. What kind of problems do modern cities have?
2. How do they affect people’s lives?


Power of mom’s voice (P6)
1. Whose voice was the first voice you heard as a baby?
2. How does your mother usually speak to you? Is she gentle or does she sound strict?

While reading
1. What is the story mainly about?
A. Why we should listen carefully to our mothers.
B. Why we prefer to hear our mothers’ voices.
C. How we recognize our mothers’ voices.
D. How we respond to different kinds of sounds.

2. What will happen when children hear their mothers’ voices?
A. Many parts of their brains become active.
B. They will need time to recognize the voices.  
C. Their language skills start to improve. 
D. They will remember some bedtime stories.

3. According to Paragraph 4, why do children pay more attention to their mothers’ voices?
A. Because they can recognize their voices quickly.
B. Because their voices make them more comfortable.
C. Because they can get a reward for doing so.
D. Because they can get love from their mothers.

4. “Rewarding sounds” refers to sounds that _____.
A. we can recognize
B. we often hear
C. we hear as babies
D. make us happy

Words in use
1. 我去冲咖啡,您别拘束。
    Please make yourself _________ while I get some coffee.
2. 别在意他们所说的话。
    Don't pay any _______ to what they say.
3. 他向暗处走去,希望没有人能认出他来。
    He walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would ________ him.

Do you have any interesting stories about your mother? Can you share one of them with us?




1. B。从文中第一段第一句It’s difficult to be a star athlete , especially when you don’t even have arms. 成为明星运动员很难,尤其当你甚至没有手臂的时候。可以得知Bannon是没有手臂的。故答案选B。

2. C。 由文章第三段最后一句He uses a special three-wheeled bike and gets buoyancy while swimming by using a “dead man’s float”.可以得知为了参加三项全能运动会,Bannon使用一种特殊的三轮车,游泳时采用头朝下浮在水面的方式浮起来进行训练。故答案为C 。

3. D。从文章第三段第二句Keri Serota, the co-founder of a community charity group, said Bannon is very capable of completing the event. 可以得知Serota认为Bannon很有能力参加这项比赛,对他是有信心的。故答案为D。

4. C。从文章的第五段 “I’m not worried. I don’t care if I get sacked . I want to be a kicker,” he said. 可知,他无惧失败,只要认定的就会去尝试和争取。因此,他不是会因为有困难就轻易放弃的人。故答案为C。 

Word in use
1.overcome   2. disability  3. completed

1. A。 从文章第二段第一句Last month, Indonesia announced that the country will move its capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan on the island of Borneo, the BBC reported.可以得知上个月,印度尼西亚政府宣布将把首都从位于爪哇岛的雅加达迁至东加里曼丹省。故答案为A。

2. C。从文章第三段的从文章第三段的It is no doubt the “head” of a country.可以得知 capital 这个单词源于拉丁语意思是头,它对于一个国家而言就如同头部对于一个人来说一样重要,下面从不同方面证明了这一点。

3. D。从文章最后一段最后一句Kalimantan is an underdeveloped area. By becoming the new capital, it can expect faster economic growth. 可以得知印尼的新首都加里曼丹是个欠发达的地区,成为新首都后可以期待有更快地经济发展。故答案为D。

4. B。 从文章第五段第一句 Therefore, it is important to choose a good spot for one’s capital. 可以得知为自己的首都选择一个合适的地方是很重要的。接着便在三个段落中分别介绍了选择首都的三个原因:经济发达、战略安全和区域平衡发展。故答案为B。

Word in use
1.obviously   2. national   3. balanced 

1. B。文中第一段最后一句即为本文的主题句 Scientists have found that compared to other people’s voices, our brains greatly prefer the voices of our own mothers. 可以得知科学家发现,与他人的声音比,我们的大脑更喜欢自己母亲的声音。下文则从科学角度进行解释,

2. A。从文章中第三段第一句Hearing their mothers’ voices makes children’s brains more active.和最后一句many parts of the brain, including those in charge of reward and emotion, start to work as well.可以得知听到母亲的声音会使孩子的大脑更加活跃,大脑的许多部分,包括负责奖励和情感的部分也开始工作。故答案为A。

3. B。从文章第四段第四句This makes babies feel comfortable 和第五句The babies learn to recognize their mothers’ voices as a rewarding sound.可以得知妈妈的声音让孩子感到很舒服,婴儿学会识别母亲的声音是一种有益的声音。故答案为B。

4. D。从文章最后一段第一句话Some sounds are necessary for our survival or bring us pleasure. These sounds are recognized by our brains as rewarding sounds.可以得知有些声音对我们的生存是必要的或给我们带来快乐。这些声音被我们的大脑识别为有价值的声音。故答案为D。

Word in use
1. comfortable    2. attention   3. recognize




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