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初一教案 第672期


An easier journey (P3)
I. Pre-reading
1. Have you ever been abroad?
2. What is the most difficult thing about living in another country?

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. The four teenagers want to help ____.
A. local children learn about another culture
B. immigrant children learn about Dallas
C. children in Dallas learn how hard life is 
D. local children learn how to help immigrants

2. What do we know about the book?
A. The name of the book is Local.
B. It is black and white.
C. It is about cities in the US.
D. It shows how to immigrate to the US.

3. Children won’t find _____ in the book.
A. pictures and maps
B. non-profit services
C. ways to make money
D. works by local poets

4. Barron wants to tell us that _____.
A. people should work hard to live a better life
B. children should learn how to get help from others
C. city life is not easy for everyone
D. immigrants should keep hope in their hearts

III. Word in use
1. 我们已经通过电话联系上了。
     We ____________ each other by telephone.
2. 她研究过东方各国的文化。
    She has studied the _____of Eastern countries.
3. 他们已经开始环游世界。
    They set off on a _____ around the world.

IV. Post-reading
It is not easy to move from one culture to another. There are so many new things to learn. Do you know of any ways to make this easier to do?
What a strange way to sit! (P5)
I. Pre-reading
1. What is erlangtui?
2. Do you often sit in the erlangtui style?

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. When a person sits in the erlangtui style, he or she _____.
A. crosses his or her legs
B. sits normally
C. crosses his or her arms
D. puts two legs over something
2. What do we know about Erlangshen?
A. He built an irrigation project by himself.
B. He liked sitting in the erlangtui style.
C. He lived in Sichuan.
D. He built a temple for his father.

3. Why did Dayu always put one of his legs on top of the other?
A. Because it was more comfortable.
B. Because one of his legs was crippled.
C. Because it was more respectful. 
D. Because it was the right way for a god to sit.

4. Before the 1980s, the way that Erlangshen’s statue sat _____.
A. showed people’s respect to Dayu
B. taught normal people how to sit
C. was more normal than how he sits now
D. showed that he had stopped a flood

III. Word in use
1. The ______ (two) game starts at 8.
2. David 's father is a government _____(office).
3. They were welcomed in both places by their ____ (rule).
4. I dressed slowly, ______ (sit) on my bed.
IV. Post-reading
The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient architectural wonder. Li Bing designed it, while thousands of others built it. For many years, the dam has contributed to water conservancy efforts.
Choose the best drink (P6)
I. Pre-reading
1. What’s your favorite thing to drink when you’re thirsty?
2. Why is it your favorite? Does it help to get rid of your thirst?
II. While reading
1. What did the new study find?
A. Drinking too much water is bad for you.
B. Drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated.
C. Drinking too much water can’t help the body stay hydrated.
D. Drinks with a little sugar are more hydrating than water.

2. How does water keep you hydrated?
a. Water goes into the bloodstream.
b. Water enters your stomach.
c. The body is hydrated.
d. Water leaves the stomach.
e. The body’s fluids get more water.
A. b→a→d→c→e     B. b→d→a→e→c
C. b→a→e→d→c     D. b→d→a→c→e

3. Why can’t sugary drinks keep you hydrated?
A. Because these drinks can’t go into your bloodstream.
B. Because these drinks leave the stomach quickly.
C. Because it takes more water to deal with the sugar.
D. Because the small intestine can’t dilute these fluids.

4. Which of these drinks can hydrate you the most?
B. Water.   
C. Soda.              
D. Fruit juice.

III. Word in use
1. Everybody felt _____ (口渴的) and wanted something to drink.
2. Mix the butter and _____ (糖) slowly.
3. He came just as the bus was about to  ____    (离开).
4. Have a drink to settle your ______ (胃).
IV. Post-reading
When a person feels thirsty, a signal (信号) is sent by the brain. It tells that your body is short of water and that you need to make up for it. It’s important to have plenty of water in our bodies. 

II. 1. B。根据第1段they want to do something to help other immigrant children及第2段可知,他们想做些事情来帮助其他移民孩子,他们制作了一本名为Local的彩页书,以此来帮助这些孩子了解Dallas。故本题选择B。
2. A。根据第2段They helped to make a coloring book called Local. The book helps immigrant children get to know the city of Dallas.可知他们制作了名为Local的彩页书来帮助移民孩子了解Dallas.故本题选A。
3. C。根据第3段they drew pictures and maps for their book. The book tells readers about the services the non-profits provide, as well as has works by local poets可知,他们画了图片和地图,书中向读者介绍了非盈利机构提供的服务,当地诗人的作品。只有C未提及,故本题选择C。
4. D。根据最后段Barrron的话可知,无论身处何地都有希望,不论旅途多艰难总会有人相助,要心存希望。故本题选择D。

III. 1. got in touch with      2. cultures    3. journey

II. 1. A。根据第1句 Why do Chinese call sitting cross-legged  erlangtui? 可知,中国人把翘腿称之为“二郎腿” 。故本题选A。
2. C。根据答语第1段可知,二郎的父亲李冰是四川官员,父子一起修建了都江堰,人们修建庙宇纪念他们。答语第3段最后一句可知二郎神雕像的坐姿是对大禹的尊敬,因为李冰腿跛。只有C符合文意,故本题选择C。
3. B。根据答语第3段He worked very hard and became crippled. When he sat, he would put his crippled leg on top of his other leg.可知,李冰因为工作而腿跛,他坐着的时候会把跛腿放在另一条腿上。故本题选择B。
4. A。 根据答语第3段People made Erlangshen’s statue sit this way to show respect to Dayu.可知,雕像二郎神的坐姿是以示对李冰的尊敬,故本题选择A。
III. 1. second      2. official         3. rulers           4. sitting      

II.  1. D。根据第2段Water does a good job… drinks with a little bit of sugar, fat or protein can do a better job.可知含少量糖、脂肪和蛋白质的饮品比水补水更快,故选D。
2. B。根据第3段the drink leaves your stomach and goes into your bloodstream. There, it can dilute the body’s fluids and keep you hydrated. 可知当水进入胃之后,离开进入血流,在这里稀释了体液,身体得以补水。故选B。
3. C。根据最后一段they take more water from the body into the small intestine to help deal with the sugar.可知,含糖高的饮品需要更多的水来处理糖,故选C。
4. A 。根据文中用以说明的例子可知,牛奶含有一些糖、蛋白质和脂肪的饮品 ,比水更能够帮助身体补水,苏打水和果汁含有糖分更高是反例,故选A。
III. 1. thirsty    2. sugar   3. leave    4. stomach 

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