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初二教案 第677期




Lasting friendship (P4)


I. Pre-reading

1. Do you know where Greece is?

2. How much do you know about Greek culture?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. Which part of the story was in the news recently?

A. Greek culture is an important part of history.

B. President Xi paid a state visit to Greece.

C. More Chinese people are traveling to Greece.

D. Greek culture is different from Chinese culture.


2. Who calculated the value of pi first?

A. Socrates.               B. Archimedes.

C. Zu Chongzhi.              D. Aristotle.


3. Paragraph 3 mainly shows _____.

A. how ancient China learned a lot from Greek culture

B. how ancient Greece and China had similar cultures

C. how ancient Greek culture was different from Chinese culture

D. how Greek culture developed earlier than Chinese culture


4. What do we know from the story?

A. Greek’s president will visit China in the near future.

B. Greece hasn’t joined China’s Belt and Road initiative.

C. Very few people know how to protect cultural heritage.

D. China will work together with Greece in the future.


III. Words in use


1. It is _____ _____ _____ (一个好主意) to have your cat checked twice a year. 

2. It is necessary to protect our _____ ____(文化遗产).

3. He will _____ _____ _____ (参加) an important race tomorrow.

4. I hope to have a ____ ____ (光明的未来).


IV. Post-reading

Can you guess what presidents do during state visits?







Visit one of China’s 'natural jewels' (P5)


I. Pre-reading

1.What is the capital city of Guizhou province?

2. Which ethnic group(s) lives in the province?

3. What does Guizhou food taste like?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What is Guizhou NOT known for?

A. Karst landforms.

B. Huangguoshu waterfall.

C. Natural jewels.

D. Having many ethnic groups.


2. In Guizhou, many people still keep traditional ways of living because _____.

A. people there don’t like change

B. they want to keep their culture

C. mountains have slowed down progress

D. ethnic groups prefer older ways of living


3. What else do we know about Guizhou?

A. The Miao are the smallest ethnic group in Guizhou.

B. Not many people like to try Guizhou dishes.

C. Guizhou is the most precious place in China.

D. Guizhou dishes are usually sour and spicy.


III. Words in use


1. Teachers ______ (称赞) students who perform well on their exams.

2. Sandstorms are not a  ______ (典型的) part of the summer weather in south China.

3. China has 55 _____ _____ (少数民族).

4. Cuisine and dining traditions are symbols of _____ _____ (地方文化).


IV. Post-reading

What is your favorite place in China? Why is it your favorite?






Sleep to stay sharp (P6)


I. Pre-reading

What do you do when you’re facing a difficult problem that you don’t know how to solve?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. _____ can help us solve problems, according to the study.

A. Music  B. Sleeping C. Memory D. Practice


2. What order should the following steps go in, according to the experiment?

Students listened to music while they slept.

Students were asked to solve puzzles while listening to music.

Students tried the unsolved puzzles again

Students left six puzzles unsolved.

A. ②④①③  B. ②④③①  C. ①②④③  D. ②①④③


3. The researchers found that ___ after sleeping.

A. students were more likely to solve the unsolved puzzles

B. students remembered the unsolved puzzles clearly

C. students forgot how to do some of the puzzles

D. students remembered the music they heard


4. What do we know from the last paragraph?

A. Listening to music can help us solve problems.

B. People can remember their dreams.

C. Sleep can’t help us solve anything.

D. Other researchers have studied sleep before.


III. Words in use


1. 等待不能解决所有问题。


2. 我在这个项目上花了三个月的时间。


3. 不仅我喜欢这部电影,我妈妈也喜欢。



IV. Post-reading

Do you know any other interesting scientific findings? Please share one with your partner.









II. 1. B。第二段第一句提到 “President Xi Jinping recently paid a state visit to Greece.” 可知习近平主席最近去希腊进行了国事访问,所以选 B。其余选项文中均未提到。

2. B。细节题。根据第三段 “Years after … Archimedes (287-212 BC) calculated the value of pi, Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi (429-500) made the value more accurate.” 可知是Archimedes更早地计算出了圆周率的值。

3. B。通过对苏格拉底与孔子的思想、阿基米德与祖冲之先后计算出 π 值以及亚里士多德与子思相似的中庸之道进行对比,可以反映中国与希腊文化的相似之处,所以选 B

4. D。文章最后一段提到中国与希腊之间的合作与发展,且最后一句说 “These two ancient cultures are joining hands and walking into a brighter future”, 可知正确答案选 D

III. 1. a good idea  2. cultural heritage  3. take part in  4. bright future



I. 1. Guiyang.

2. The Miao, Dong and Tujia.

3. Sour and spicy.

II. 1. C。文中第三段提到 “Guizhou is one of China’s ‘natural jewels’.” 句中之所以用引号,说的是贵州这个地方十分宝贵,并没有提到贵州这个地方因天然珠宝而久负盛名,所以正确答案为 C

2. C。根据第五段第三句 “Because of the mountainous landscape, modern life has been slow to arrive.” 可知是多山的地形减缓了这一地区现代化的步伐,所以正确答案为 C

3. D。根据最后一段第二句 “Chili chicken, Kaili sour soup fish … sour and spicy flavors are typical here.” 可知贵州菜的风味为酸辣,所以正确答案为 D。其余选项文中均未提及。

III. 1. praise        2. typical     3. ethnic groups      4. local culture



II. 1. B。根据文章第二段 “… researchers … found that sleeping is useful … This can help you solve problems.” 可知正确答案为 B

2. A。第一天,学生在音乐声中解答难题,最后剩下6道题没有解出来;当天晚上学生听着白天做实验时听到的音乐睡觉;第二天早晨,学生们尝试解决昨天剩下的题,他们解决问题的可能性提高了。故选A

3. A。第五段提到 “The next morning, the students tried the unsolved puzzles again. Researchers found they were 55 percent more likely to solve them.”学生解决问题的可能性提高,所以正确答案为 A

4. D。文章最后一段提到 “Former studies of both people and animals have shown that sleep can not only strengthen memory, but also help us organize and send information.” 可知正确答案选 D

III. 1. Waiting cannot solve every problem.

2. I spent three months working on this project.

3. It’s not just me who likes this movie – my mom likes it too.


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