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高三教案 第317期

Fashion can be cheap and good (P3)

Check your understanding:

1. The passage is written ____.

A. to introduce the economic recession

B. to show what people suffer from price hikes

C. to inform us of the hot fashion trends for this spring

D. to attract teenagers to buy some sporty and athletic styles for this spring


2. The phrase “in style” in paragraph 8 most probably means ____.

A. fashionable B. unpopular

C. inexpensive D. expensive


3. All of the following are hot trend for girls EXCEPT ____.

A. light wash jeans B. sporty styles

C. skirts D. denim minis


1. C 。由第二段“ And understanding spring fashion trends can help guys and girls make smart and stylish choices. Here's what to buy this season ”可知本文主要介绍了在中学生中流行的春季时尚,故选 C 。

2. A 。上文介绍了 Light wash jeans 非常流行,然后说到如果没钱买这类牛仔裤也不用担心,因为 darker wash jeans 也仍然很流行。因此 in style 在文中表示“流行的 (fashionable) ”。

3. C 。由第三段“ Expect sporty and athletic styles to be huge for both boys and girls ”以及倒数第二段“ Light wash jeans are another hot trend for both boys and girls. ”可知 A 、 B 项都是现在的时尚趋势;由最后一段“ Skirts, however, won't be as popular as dresses or shorts. One exception is the denim mini ( 牛仔迷你裙 ), which Burke said can be paired with leggings. ”可知 skirts 不是那么地流行,而 the denim mini( 牛仔迷你裙 ) 搭配紧身裤是例外,很流行。故选 C 。


Capturing the memories (P5)

1. What does the passage mainly focus on?

A. The characteristics of MySpace.com.

B. The members who set up MySpace.com.

C. The differences between MySpace.com and a yearbook.

D. The introduction to yearbooks.


2. All of the following will be included in a school yearbook except ________.

A. some interesting stories of famous actors

B. a picture of classmates

C. an activity of playing table tennis

D. some significant successes


3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People keep a yearbook just for fun.

B. The yearbook follows the example of MySpace.com.

C. A yearbook can help you remember the great moments you shared with classmates.

D. The yearbook is more popular than MySpace.com in American high school.


4. The word "captures" in the last paragraph most probably mean _____.

A. arrests B. gains C. preserves D. films

1. D 。根据全文可得知,本文介绍的重点为 yearbooks 的定义、内容、作用等方面的情况。

2. A 。根据第二段“ In this book you will find a picture of all my classmates. ”第三段的“ Next to the quote and your photo is a list of your school and sports activities. ”以及最后一段可得知 B 、 C 、 D 均有提及。只有 A 未被提及。

3. C 。由最后一段的“ a yearbook captures these special moments in our lives and holds on to them forever so that we may never forget ”可知 C 项正确。 A 项 just for fun 不对;由第一段“ It is modeled after high school yearbooks. ”可知 B 项不对,是 MySpace.com 借鉴了纪念册的风格;文中没有提及两者对比,故 D 项也不对。

4. C 。根据此句意思“年鉴保存了我们生活中的特殊时刻”,可得知 C 项为最佳答案。


Growing up too fast (P5)

1. The passage aims to _____.

A. tell us Rebecca's troubles during the process of growing up

B. give teenagers some advice on how to relieve pressure

C. introduce what are most popular among British teenagers

D. inform us that rising numbers of children are suffering from mental health problems


2. Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A. Rebecca may not be satisfied with her figure and weight.

B. There are many more violent crimes in the UK than ever.

C. Teenagers nowadays spend less time talking face to face with their friends.

D. The study shows the small number of friends online probably upsets a teenager.


3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Most British teenagers are sophisticated.

B. The Internet is a useful and convenient tool for teenagers.

C. The Internet may increase pressure on children

D. Teenagers learn of much information from the Internet.


1. D 。本文主要是介绍了最近的一项研究表明,越来越多的英国青少年由于心理压力过大导致心理问题,因此 D 项为最佳选项。

2. B 。由第一段“ The 18-year-old British girl felt she had to be thin and attractive, have a boyfriend and appear popular. ”可知 A 项正确;由第四段“ Whereas in the past teenagers might have had a close group of friends, they are now being given the message that they are not a whole person unless they have 392 friends online. ”可知过去青少年有一个亲密的朋友圈,而现在的青少年花更多的时间在网上与朋友交流,如果网上的朋友少,他们就会感觉到很不自在( not a whole person );故 C 、 D 正确。 B 项文中没有涉及。

3. C 。文中最后一段谈到了学生在学校犯的令人尴尬的小错误可能在网上传遍世界,因此他们必须小心翼翼,可见 C 为最佳选项。

Calling from above (P6)

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The use of a cellphone is banned in flight.

B. A new technology helps planes fly more safely in flight.

C. Making cellphone calls will be possible in flight with the help of a new technology.

D. Dangers of making cellphone calls in flight.


2. Sept 11 terrorist attacks are mentioned _____.

A. to remind us of the destruction caused by the terrorist attackers

B. to act as a proof to convince us that making cell phone calls has long been technically possible

C. to tell us how the attacks happened

D. to inform us that the mobile technology isn't mature


3. What's the author's attitude towards the new technology?

A. Pessimistic. B. Optimistic.

C. Indifferent. D. Anxious.


4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Francois Germain's test wasn't very successful.

B. The cellphone call services in flight will start as early as this summer in Europe and Asia .

C. All Europeans appreciate the convenience of making cellphone calls in flight.

D. According to the new technology, cellphones on the plane directly connect to the base stations on the ground.


1. C 。本文主要集中介绍了一项新的通迅技术,它将使得乘客能在飞机飞行途中利用移动电话和地面进行通讯的愿望得以实现,故 C 项为最佳选项。

2. B 。根据文章倒数第二段“ It has long been technically possible for travelers to make or receive cellphone calls below a certain altitude. ”和全文分析可知 B 项为答案。

3. B 。由最后一段“ It will just be a matter of time before the new technology gets mature. ”可知作者的观点。尽管这项技术还不是十分成熟,但作者相信这只是一个时间问题。这足以证明他对于这项技术的实现充满了乐观情绪。

4. A 。由第一段“ The results last week were not quite as he had hoped. ”可见这项试验并不尽如人意,故 A 项正确。 B 项以偏概全,文中只提及 some European and Middle Eastern carriers 将提供这类服务; C 项文中没有提及;由第七段“ Meanwhile, there's a control unit on the plane, which ensures that cellphones do not connect to any base stations on the ground. ”可知 D 项不对。

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