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初二·教案 第679期





Cooking on her own (P3)


I. Pre-reading

1. Who usually cooks your family’s meals?

2. Can you cook anything by yourself?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. What do we know about Kiran Alwy?

A. She is good at playing games.

B. She loves eating lobster.

C. She is famous in Japan.

D. She won on a cooking show.


2. What made Alwy stand out on the show?

A. Her well-practiced skills.

B. Her life experience.

C. Her confidence.

D. Her ability to improvise.


3. From Alwy’s experience, we know that _____.

A. she learned cooking all by herself

B. she started cooking at an early age

C. she is creative in many areas

D. she used to cook beef for her father


4. What do we know from the story?

A. Alwy won’t go back to school.

B. Alwy makes a living from cooking.

C. Alwy loves cooking very much.

D. Alwy likes to teach others cooking.


III. Words in use


1. Learning to _____became Jane’s favorite hobby. She enjoyed watching _____ shows in her spare time. (cook)

2. David _____ a free journey to Sweden, as he was the first-place _____. (win)

3. Robert improves his English by _____ (practice) his pronunciation.


IV. Post-reading

Do you want to learn how to cook? Why or why not? Tell us your reasons.







Do you wonder where your products come from (P4)


I. Pre-reading

1. Where does your family usually buy food, drinks and clothing?

2. What do you think about when you are buying things?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The Fairtrade Foundation protects _____.

A. people who buy products

B. poor farmers and workers

C. people in rich countries

D. big companies


2. What do people think about free-range farming?

A. It’s too cruel to animals.

B. It’s a cheaper way of farming.

C. The products are healthier.

D. The products are tasteless.


3. The last part is mainly about _____.

A. people’s concerns about environmental pollution

B. people’s concerns about how clothes are made

C. how to choose clothes online

D. how shoppers sell clothes


4. What is the main idea of the story?

A. Britons want to help the poorer parts of the world.

B. Britons pay more attention to living a healthy lifestyle.

C. Britons care more about environmental problems.

D. Britons want to know more about what they buy.


III. Words in use


1. To _____ _____ _____ (赚更多的钱), my dad has to work extra hours every day.

2. When you arrive at a new company, you should try to fit into the _____ _____ (工作环境).

3. Would you be _____ _____ (感兴趣) joining their club?

4. _____ _____ (散养) food is usually healthier.


IV. Post-reading

When you shop online, how can you choose your purchases (购买的东西) more wisely?







Lucky cat gets sight (P6)


I. Pre-reading

Who is more likely to get cataracts (白内障) – a young person or an older person?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. Linghan had an operation on his _____ recently.

A. brain

B. leg

C. mouth

D. eye


2. A cataract operation can help patients _____.

A. see things in the dark

B. see things clearly

C. move quickly

D. live longer


3. What do we know about the surgery?

A. It replaced Linghan’s lens with another animal’s.

B. Linghan suffered during the surgery.

C. A Japanese doctor operated on Linghan.

D. It will bring Linghan’s eyesight back soon.


4. From the story, we know that wild snow leopards are _____.

A. valuable

B. dangerous

C. strong

D. blind


III. Words in use


1. 我希望世界上不再有战争。


2. 如果你有白内障 (a cataract),你就不能清楚地看事物了。


3. 更多的人会通过这个手术 (surgery) 恢复视力。



IV. Post-reading

China has made some efforts to protect wild animals. Do you know how? What has China done?









II. 1. D。第一段提到 “Kiran Alwy, 13, recently went home with ... in prize money after winning on Food ... cooking show in the US.” 可知她在一个烹饪节目中获奖,所以选D

2. D。根据第二段 “Her ability to improvise (即兴创作) helped make her a winner.” 可知是她即兴创作的能力让她在比赛中脱颖而出,故选D

3. B。根据第四段 “Alwy learned her kitchen skills ... when she was 8.” 得知她很小就开始学习烹饪,同时还可知她并非自学。文中并未提到她在其它领域的创造力。第七段提到的 “If we had ground beef ... I knew ...” 只是一种假设并非事实,故选 B

4. C。最后一段介绍她在厨房之外的生活,提到 “She hangs out with friends, gets good grades and watches TV – mostly cooking shows.” 她喜欢看的电视节目大多数是烹饪节目,由此可以看出她非常喜欢烹饪。

III. 1. cook; cooking  2. won; winner  3. practicing



II. 1. B。文中第二段提到 “The Fairtrade Foundation ... helps farmers and workers in poorer parts ...” 说明公平交易基金会是保护贫穷的农民和工人的,所以正确答案为 B

2. C。由第三段 “Some experts say ... it is less cruel and the animals are healthier. Many people also think that free range food tastes better and is more nutritious” 可知放养模式对动物不那么残忍,动物更健康,食物味道更美更有营养,故选C

3. B。文中第四段多次提到 working peopleworking environmentpeople ... interested in where …who …and in what environment 说明人们越来越关心他们的衣服是怎样制作的,包括制作地点,制作人以及制作环境,故本段主旨为B

4. D。文中第一段提到 “Many people in Britain want to know more about the products they buy.” 许多英国人想更了解他们买的产品。后面三段就产品由谁制作、制作过程、制作环境进行详细阐述,故选D

III. 1. make more money 2. work environment 3. interested in 4. Free range



II. 1. D。根据文章第一段 “He was almost blind ... But now he can expect a brighter future after a successful cataract operation (白内障手术) on Nov 28.” 可知这只雪豹眼睛几近失明但将要恢复是因为接受了白内障手术,故答案为D

2. B。根据第三段第一句可知白内障是眼睛晶状体内的一块浑浊区域,“If you have one, you can’t see things clearly.” 如果有白内障,你会看事物模糊,故选B

3. D。第四段“... Linghan will be able to see clearly...” 可知这只雪豹可能很快会恢复视力,所以正确答案为D。雪豹移植的晶状体是人造晶状体而非其他动物的;第二段提到“... Chinese veterinarians did the surgery ...” 是中国兽医做的手术而非日本医生;Linghan 是否在手术中蒙受痛苦并没提到。

4. A。文章最后一段提到 Snow leopards ... Class A protected animalvulnerable 可知雪豹是一级保护动物,是易危动物且数量不多。故选项A,珍贵的,为正确答案。

III. 1. I hope there will be no more wars in the world.

2. If you have a cataract, you can’t see things clearly.

3. More people will recover their eyesight with this surgery.



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