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初二教案 第680期





Feeling proud (P3)


I. Pre-reading

Have you ever won a prize at school? What did you do to win the prize?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. The writer got an award for _____.

A. performing well in psychology

B. getting a perfect score on a test

C. speaking perfect English

D. teaching her classmates Chinese


2. The writer felt nervous before she went onstage because _____.

A. everybody was watching her

B. she wasn’t as good as the other prizewinners

C. it was the first time for her to win an award

D. she had never been to the convention centre before


3. How did the writer feel about winning the award?

A. She thought she was the best student in her school.

B. She thought it was unfair to others.

C. She didn’t work hard enough.

D. She felt proud of herself.


III. Words in use


1. – One hundred is a _____ _____ (满分),  but it is very hard to get.

– Yes, it is.

2. It is absolutely normal to feel _____ (紧张的) when you speak in public.

3. You have every reason to _____ _____ _____ (……感到自豪) your country 

and nation.


IV. Post-reading

Have you ever received an award onstage? Please share how you felt about it with your teacher and classmates.



Cassettes coming back (P4)


I. Pre-reading

How do you usually listen to music?

Phone: _________                       mp3: _________

CD: __________                      Cassette: _______


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. How many tapes were sold last year, according to BPI?

A. 25,000.

B. 50,000.

C. 100,000.

D. 200,000.


2. When you listen to a tape, you _____.

A. can finish it all at once

B. can read a whole book

C. can’t skip any songs

D. can’t change the tape


3. According to Carey, listening to tapes helps us _____.

A. understand what the artist intends to express

B. sit down and rest while listening

C. protect our hearing

D. hear the song lyrics clearly and understand them


4. What might the author’s opinion be?

A. Tapes won’t be popular for very long.

B. He prefers to listen to music playlists.

C. Few people have time to listen to an entire album.

D. Listening to tapes is a good way to enjoy music.


III. Words in use


1.The bird will never _____ _____ _____ _____ (活过来) because it is dead.

2. I don’t have the ability to ________ (prediction) my future.

3. I would like to experience reading a book ____ ____ ____ ____ (从头到尾).

4. I ________ (original) thought I could finish the task all by myself.


IV. Post-reading

What is the difference between listening to cassettes and playlists? Which one do you prefer? Why?


Can music help us? (P6)


I. Pre-reading

Do you listen to music when you are studying? Why or why not?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The experiment shows that classical music _____.

A. can help people remember things

B. can improve one’s work efficiency

C. can help students get good grades

D. can encourage people to do hard things


2. What does Paragraph 2 tell us?

A. Music helps people perform better.

B. Listening to music hurts our hearing.

C. Most people like to listen to music.

D. Some people doubt if music helps with work.


3. What was the result of Becky Spelman’s experiment?

A. It doesn’t matter if we listen to music while we work or not.

B. Workers work more efficiently when it is quiet.

C. Workers who listened to classical music copied lyrics faster.

D. Workers cannot stay focused while listening to music.


4. What can we learn from the story?

A. Classical music can help us stay focused.

B. All types of music can improve work efficiency.

C. Music can be annoying sometimes.

D. Classical music can help us sleep better.


III. Words in use




2.蚂蚁作为一个群体工作 - 它们分享食物。


3. 乡村的夜晚宁静祥和。



IV. Post-reading

Different kinds of music affect people in different ways. How do you feel when you listen to the following types of music?

Rock: ________                                  Country: _______

Hip-hop: _______                                   Folk: ________










II. 1. B。根据第一段可知作者去年在中文考试中得了满分,所以在今年六月获得了 “Premier’s VCE Award”,故选 B

2. A。第三段提到 “the prizewinners got … People could watch the whole … I was nervous …”,可知作者是为观众的全程注视而感到紧张,故选 A

3. D。根据倒数第二段 “I reminded myself that I should be proud because of all the effort I put into my Chinese last year.” 可知,虽然作者在颁奖前十分紧张,但她仍为获奖感到自豪,故选 D

III. 1. perfect score  2. nervous  3. be proud of



II. 1. B。第一段提到 “… BPI recently predicted that music fans will buy 100,000 tapes … double the amount of last year.”“double” 意为使翻倍,所以可推测去年磁带的销量为 50,000,故选 B

2. C。由第二段 “When you listen to music on tape, you have to listen to the whole album from start to finish. You can’t skip between songs.” 可知,听磁带时无法跳过歌曲,故选 C

3. A。倒数第二段 Carey 提到 “With tapes … you’re hearing the album as it was intended to be, a story from start to finish,”,由此可推测正确答案为 A

4. D。最后一段提到 “With tapes making a comeback, maybe more people will learn to enjoy music in this way.”,可以推测作者对听磁带持积极地态度,故选 D。其余选项文中均未提到。

III. 1. come back to life  2. predict  3. from start to finish  4. originally



II. 1. B。根据文章第一段 “An experiment … found that listening to classical music at work can improve one’s efficiency by 15 percent.” 可知,实验发现听音乐能帮助提高效率,故选 B

2. D。由第二段 “Some of their bosses encourage them to do so, while others are against it, believing it hurts work performance.” 可知,音乐对工作效率有影响这一观点有些人持怀疑态度,所以英国心理学家Becky Spelman 才去做实验验证,故选 D

3. C。根据第四段可知第一组(无背景音乐)完成抄歌词的时间为2059秒,而第二组(有背景音乐)完成抄歌词的时间为1742秒,所以在音乐背景下工作的人效率更高,故选 C

4. A。根据文章最后一段 “In fact, as long as the music has a calm and regular beat … makes it easier for us to focus on what we’re doing,” 可推测,古典音乐可以帮助我们更加专注、提高工作效率,与首段的实验结果相呼应,故选 A

III. 1. I work more efficiently when I'm in a quiet area.

2. Ants work as a group - they share food.

3. The evening in the countryside is calm and peaceful.

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