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初一教案 第686期



Know what you’re up against (P4-5)

I. Pre-reading

How much do you know about the novel coronavirus pneumonia(新型冠状肺炎)?


II. While reading

1. Virus

Small_______ particles

Making humans, animals and plants _____ .

Having _____or ____and a coat of ________.

Hijacking the _____ to make more of themselves.


2. Which one is NOT true about the virus?

A. The first virus was found by the electron microscopes.

B. The first man to find virus was a Russian doctor.

C. No one knows the exact origin of viruses.

D. Scientists have already found the fossils of viruses.


3. Read the chart carefully and write “√” or “×” in the form.

III. Word in use


1. 那个小妹妹两天前病了。
That little girl _________ two days ago.

2. 你长大了想成为什么人呢?

What do you want to be when you _________?

3. 别总依赖父母,你可以独立完成的!
Don't always ________ your parents, you can do it yourself!

4. 她的比赛结果很糟糕。

She has a ________ of the competition.


IV. Post-reading

What can we do to protect ourselves better?


NBA superstar passes (P7)

I. Pre-reading

1. How much do you know about Kobe Byran?

2. Guess what these numbers mean to him?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. How many people died in the helicopter crash on Jan 26?

A. Seven.

B. Eight.

C. Nine.

D. Ten.


2. What do we know about Kobe Bryant,

according to this story?

A. He started to play basketball at university.

B. He was one of the best players in the NBA.

C. He had a black snake named Mamba.

D. He was aggressive in his daily life.


3. For Bryant, “Mamba Mentality” means that _____.

A. we can get better results by working hard

B. we should work hard without worries

C. we should learn from snakes

D. we should always be the best


4. The story is written to _____.

A. remember Bryant

B. explain Bryant’s dreams

C. explain the “Mamba Mentality”

D. show why people were sorry to hear about Bryant’s death


III. Word in use


influence       shocked          loyal          crash      


1. The driver was answering the phone while driving, so his car ______ into a river.

2. My mother was totally_______ when she saw I could handstand on the wall.

3. Smoking has bad________ on children.

4. He worked for the company for 15 years and he is a really ______ worker.


IV. Post-reading

What do you think of Kobe Byrant's philosophy, “Mamba Mentality” ? 


Ring in the holiday with rabbits (P7)

I. Pre-reading

What do people usually do on Lantern Festival?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The Lantern Festival is held to _____.

A. mark the end of the holiday

B. give workers a break

C. give meaning to the first lunar month

D. celebrate the first full moon of the year


2. Which of the following are popular things to do during the festival?

a. Making lanterns

b. Feeding animals.

c. Guessing lantern riddles.

d. Looking at lanterns.

e. Growing plants.

A. abc           B. abe          C. acd          D. bce


3. According to the story, why are rabbits a big part of the festival?

A. Because a rabbit lives on the moon,according to a Chinese folk story.

B. Because people want to protect rabbits on this day.

C. Because people love jade rabbits.

D. Because rabbits can see the lanterns on this day.


III. Word in use


1. Guess the ______(谜语),what is the longest word in the world?

2. One of the _______(轮子)of my father's car is broken and now he is fixing.

3. Do you know any______(民间的) stories? Tell me some!

4. The old man _________ his sixtieth birthday last month.


IV. Post-reading

Make a poster about Lantern festival!  






II. 1. living; sick; DNA; RNA; protein; cells

2. C。细节推断题。根据每段的细节可推断。A的选项从第4段可知,当时发现病毒的时候,电子显微镜尚未发明。B选项,发现病毒第一人是一名科学家,并不是医生。D选项,从最后一段可知如今病毒的化石尚未发现。可知正确答案为C

III. 1. was sick       2. grow up   3. depend on     4. bad result



II. 1. C。细节理解题。根据文意可知我们可以在事故中丧生还有另外7人,加上科比两父女,一共是9

2. B。细节推断题。根据表格的内容可知科比一生篮球竞技战绩赫赫,故正确答案为 B

3. B。细节推断题。根据第4段的内容,“Mamba mentality is youre going, youre competing, youre not worried about the end result, 曼巴精神是你一直向前,不惧竞争,不在意结果。故正确答案为 B

4. A。推断题。根据“We’ll never see the Black Mamba play another game.  But we’ll always remember how great he was. ”可知作者认为曼巴不仅只是一名篮球手,他还给予了人们很多鼓励与指引,故此写文章去纪念科比。答案为A


III. 1. turned out    2. in order to        3. took some time       



II. 1. D。细节推断题。根据第1  The holiday is held to celebrate the first full moon of the year. 正确答案为 B

2. C。细节理解。根据第2段内容,可知元宵节活动有做灯笼、观赏灯笼和猜灯谜,所以正确答案为C

3. A。细节推断题。根据最后段内容It might have something to do with a Chinese folk story about a jade rabbit that lives on the moon.可知正确答案为 A


III. 1. riddle    2. wheels       3. folk     4. celebrate

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