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初三教案 第618期


Economy not in danger (P2)


What can you see in this picture?

What does the man wear on his face?

What is he doing? What is his job?


While reading

Complete the following tasks:

1. What is the authors purpose of writing Paragraph 2?



2. According to Tang Jianwei, will the outbreak affect the economy in the long run?




3. What percentage of food-producing and processing companies in China had started working again by Feb 10?




4. During the outbreak, you can turn to ____________ for online medical help.


5. How does Kristalina Georgieva feel about Chinas economy?




Words in use


1. All the schools in China have d_________ the start of the new semester.

2. As the second largest e______ in the world, China is confident that it will overcome this epidemic.

3. Many families c______ their family reunions for Spring Festival. 





1. How did you spend the winter holiday?

2. Can you tell us about how your schooling has changed because of the virus?





All of us make our sacrifices (P4-5)


1. How did you feel about this year's Spring Festival?

2. What did you do at home with your family?



While reading

Choose the answer

1. What do we know about Xin Jingrong?

A. Xin lives in Nanjing.

B. Xin is a quiet person.

C. Xins grandmother celebrated this Spring Festival alone.

D. Xins grandmother was unable to go back to her hometown.


2. According to the story, people are _____ about the inconvenience caused by the virus.

A. understanding

B. worried

C. doubtful

D. surprised


3. What amazing thing did Zhao Junyan do?

A. He traveled to Indonesia by himself.

B. He brought many masks back to China.

C. He worked as a volunteer in Indonesia.

D. He donated all of his masks to Wuhan.


4. What is the story mainly about?

A. What teenagers do to enjoy themselves at home.

B. What ordinary people can do to protect themselves.

C. How Chinese New Year was celebrated this year.

D. How ordinary peoples lives are changed by the virus.


Words in use

Fill in the blanks:

1. People who caught the virus have ___________ (隔离) from others in special hospitals.

2. The government _______ (呼吁) everyone to stay at home for another 2 weeks.

3. Most people will feel that life is __________ (不方便的) without their smartphones.







As students, what can we do to protect ourselves during the epidemic?



Celebrate pancakes (P7)


1. Do you know what a pancake is?

2. Do you know how to make one?


While reading

Choose the answer

1. What is Pancake Day called in France?

A. Shrove Tuesday.

B. Mardi Gras.

C. Big Carnival.

D. Fat Wednesday.


2. How do people celebrate Pancake Day?

a. By eating pancakes.

b. By joining in pancake races.

c. By throwing pancakes at others.

d. By wearing costumes with pancake patterns.

A. ab    B. bc   C. cd   D. ad


3. What does the underlined word it refer to?

A. the mixture    B. the butter

C. the pancake    D. the pan



Words in use



1. 把土豆和牛奶掺进去,直到混合物融合在一起为止。

    Work in the potato and milk until the ______ comes together.


2. 这种纸张手感平滑。

    This kind of paper is ____ to the touch.


3. 这里提供了很简要的说明。

    A very brief ________ is provided here.


 Have a think:

Is there any holiday related to food in Chinese culture?

Try to find one and give instructions for making the food.















  1. To show that some industries have been affected by the epidemic.

从第二段首句As China Daily reported, the epidemic has directly harmed some of China’s main industries.可知疫情已经直接影响了中国一些主要行业。由此,第二段展开举例说明,如旅游业和加工业,以此辅佐中心句观点。

  1. No, it won’t.

从文章第三段开头一句“Despite the temporary influence on the Chinese economy, the outbreak won’t affect the economy’s mid- to long-term fundamentals 可知尽管疫情的爆发对中国经济暂时产生了影响,但是它不会动摇中国经济中长期的基础。

  1. 94.6 percent of them.

从文章第四段第二句As of Feb 10, 94.6 percent of food-producing and processing ( 加工 ) companies in China had resumed work可知,食品生产和加工公司截至210日,复工率已达94.6%

  1. platforms like Tencent and Ali Health

根据文章第五段最后一句Platforms like Tencent and Ali Health are providing online medical consultation services to allow people to get medical help without leaving home.可知腾讯和阿里健康平台正提供线上医疗咨询服务,让人们足不出户就可以得到医疗帮助。

  1. Confident.

由文章最后一段“We are confident that China’s economy remains resilient,”可知中国经济将保持很好的适应性,对于这一点,Kristalina Georgieva很有信心。


Word in use

  1. delayed
  2. economy
  3. cancelled




  1. C。从第三段最后一句For the first time in years, Xins grandmother had to cancel her trip to Nanning and stay alone in her hometown.可以得知这些年来,Xin的奶奶第一次取消了来南宁的旅行,独自一人待在家乡。故答案为C
  2. A。从文章第四段最后一句 But despite the inconvenience, people are showing their understanding and cooperation. 可以得知尽管有这些不便,人们还是很理解也很配合。故答案为A
  3. B。从文章第七段第一句On Feb 3, Zhao Junyan, a Junior 2 student from Shanghai, brought 15,000 masks from Indonesia back to China,People’s Daily reported.可以得知根据中国日报报道,23日,来自上海的初二学生Zhao Junyan从印度尼西亚带回了15,000个面罩。故答案为B




Words in use

  1. been separated
  2. calls for
  3. inconvenient






  1. B。文中第一段第三句 In France, the US and other countries, it is called Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday. 在法国,美国和其他国家,它又被称作Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday。故答案为B
  2. A。从文章中第二段第二句 On this day, many people eat pancakes和第三句Another tradition in the UK is pancake racing. 可以得知人们主要有两种庆祝方式:吃薄饼和薄饼赛跑。故答案为A
  3. C。从文章倒数第二段第二句After one minute, hold the pan carefully and throw or toss the pancake in the air to turn it over. 可以得知一分钟之后,小心握住平底锅,将薄饼或扔或抛到空中,将它翻个儿。故答案为C



Word in use

  1. mixture
  2. smooth
  3. instruction


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