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初三教案 第622期


石家庄市第十七中学 康宏


To wear or not to wear masks? (P4-5)


Do you often see people wearing masks in China?

What do think of them when you see them?


While reading

Choose the answer:

1. Why don't healthy people in the West wear masks?

A. They don't think masks can prevent disease.

B. They think masks are for sick people to wear.

C. Only medical workers need to wear masks.

D. Wearing a mask looks funny.


2. Masks have been widely used in China since _____.

A. the invention of the modern medical mask

B. the pneumonic plague in 1910

C. Christos Lynteris wore one publicly

D. the outbreak of SARS in 2003


3. What does Lynteris mean in the last paragraph?

A. People have no sense of duty if they don’t wear masks.

B. Mask culture creates a sense of collective obligation.

C. Asian people are more united in the face of danger.

D. We are a community with a shared future for mankind.


4. The purpose of the story is to _____.

A. explain why Westerners don’t wear masks

B. prove the importance of wearing masks during an epidemic

C. how opinions about masks differ between different countries

D. explain the history of masks


Words in use


1.Wearing masks is a way to protect sick people and ________________ (阻止疾病传播).

2. The US surgeon general thinks that masks are ________ (更需要) in hospitals than by the general public.

3. The 2003 SARS epidemic ____ (导致) the wide use of masks as a form of anti-viral (抗病毒的) protection in east Asia.

Post reading

Discuss these two questions in groups:

1. Will you wear a mask when there is a viral outbreak? Why or why not?

2. What else can we do to protect ourselves from the novel coronavirus?


Safer ways to greet (P6)


What are some traditional ways to greet people in China and other countries?


While reading

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did people stop using traditional greetings during the outbreak?


2. The elbow bump has been used by_________________________________.

3. What did Brad Hazzard advise people to do in place of shaking hands?


4. Which countries have suggested avoiding kissing each other on the cheek?


5. What is the story mainly about?



Words in use


1. During the novel coronavirus epidemic, greeting others is becoming _______________(更令人困惑).

2. After all, close physical contact (接触) will increase _________ (.......的机会) spreading the virus.

3. He advised people to pat  each other on the back ___________ (代替) a handshake.

4._________ (面临) such changes, how should you go about changing the way you greet people?


Post reading

Discuss these two questions in groups:

1. How do you think the novel coronavirus will change the ways people greet each other?

2. What other social activities do you think will be affected because of the novel coronavirus?



Birth of the web (P7)


Do you go online often?

Do you think the words “internet” and “web” have the same meaning?


While reading

1. What do we know about the internet?

A. It came out later than the web.

B. It was invented by Berners-Lee in the 1970s.

C. It includes packets of information.

D. It delivers information between computers.


2. Berners-Lee invented websites to deal with the fact that _____.

A. cables couldn’t be used to connect computers

B. he couldn’t talk to others on his computer

C. the information he needed was not all in one system

D. common people didn’t know computer language


3. Which one came out most recently?

 A. Internet.  B. Websites.  C. Email.    D. Hypertext.


4. What is this story mainly about?

A. The development of the World Wide Web.

B. How to use the internet.

C. Basic computer knowledge.

D. The invention of the internet


Words in use


       invent      develop     use        build

1. One of the modern world’s most important _______ was created in March 1989.

2. The internet __________ in the early 1970s by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn.

3. But without the web, none of it was as _____ as it is now.

4. Two years later, in 1991, the world’s first website _______ at CERN.

Post reading

How can we make the best use of the internet?



To wear or not to wear masks?

While reading

1. B。细节理解题。文章第二段第一句In the West, people are taught to wear masks only when they get sick. 西方国家教导人们只有在生病时才戴口罩。故B为正确答案。

2. D。细节理解题。文章第四段最后一句The 2003 SARS epidemic again led to the wide use of masks as a form of anti-viral (抗病毒的) protection in China and elsewhere in East Asia.2003年的非典又导致口罩在中国和东亚其它地区做为防护病毒的一种形式而广泛使用。故选D。

3. B。段落理解题。整体理解文章最后一段  “Mask culture [in Asia] creates a sense of a fate (命运) shared, common obligation (责任) and civic (公民的) duty.” People wear masks “to show that they want to stick together” in the face of danger, Lynteris wrote.根据 Lynteris所说的话可知人们戴上口罩创造了一种集体的责任感,表现了人们的团结奋战。故选B。

4. C。篇章理解题。整体理解本文:文章讲解了东西方国家关于是否戴口罩的不同观点以及造成这种不同观点的文化背景。故C为正确答案。


Words in use

1. prevent the disease from spreading

2. more needed

3. led to


Safer ways to greet

While reading

1. Because close physical contact will increase the chance of spreading the virus.

文章第二段最后一句“After all, close physical contact (接触) will increase the chance of spreading the virus.”毕竟肢体接触会增加病毒传播的机会。

2. Political leaders, health officials and professional players

文章第五段第三句US Surgeon General Jerome Adams introduced the elbow bump, which has been used by political leaders, health officials and professional athletes.美国卫生局长杰罗姆亚当斯说撞肘问候通常被政治领导人,卫生部门官员和专业运动员使用。

3. He advised people to pat each other on the back.

文章第五段最后一句Brad Hazzard, a health minister in New South Wales, Australia, advised people to pat (拍) each other on the back in place of a handshake. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州的卫生部长加以人们互相拍后背代替握手。

4. France and Italy.

文章的第六段French Health Minister Olivier Veran has advised the public not to do this. Italian authorities (官方) have made the same suggestion.讲到在法国和意大利建议人们不要再互相亲吻脸颊了。

5. How greetings are changing due to the outbreak.

整篇理解文章,尤其是第四段Health departments (部门) in many countries have also suggested that people change their regular greetings to safer ones.很多国家的卫生部门建议人们把通常的问候方式改为更安全的。

Words in use

1. even more confusing

2. the chance of

3. in place of

4. In the face of


Birth of the web

While reading

1.D。细节理解题。第二段第四句It is basically a huge network made up of smaller networks of computers that deliver (发送) packets of information to other computers. 它是由电脑小网络构建成大的网络来向其它电脑发送大量信息的。故选D。

2.C。推理题。根据第五段Berners-Lee got very frustrated (沮丧的) at CERN because all of the scientists had different kinds of computers. You could connect the computers with cables (电缆), but they couldn’t “speak” to each other. 由于电脑系统不同导致不能互相传送信息,所以需要网络来解决。因此选C。

3. B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一句in 1991, the world’s first website was built at CERN得到答案。

4. A。此题为文章概述题。通过对整篇文章的阅读,可知本文按时间顺序讲述了互联网的发展。


Words in use

1. inventions

2. was developed

3. useful

4. was built

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