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高三教案 总第715期

Wildlife moves in (P4-5)
江苏省丁沟中学  吴璇

Lead in

Q1. What’s the influence of the virus on people’s lives?
Enormous economic losses have been caused worldwide.
People infected with the virus can get sick or even lose their lives.
People have to stay at home to keep safe and check the spread of the virus.
Q2.Have you ever thought about the influence of the virus on wild animals?
Maybe with people being caged indoors, wild animals have more freedom. 
Q3. When was the last time you saw wild animals not caged?
Rarely do we have chance to get close to wild animals.
Q4. Can you imagine wild animals wandering the streets in real life?
From a different angle
Humans→ in      Wildlife→ out


1. What’s your feeling toward this news?
I feel amazed because it offers me a different angle to look at a problem.
We should give more respect to wildlife and nature rather than take everything for granted.

Divide the article into three parts and find the topicsentence for each section:
Part 1 (Para 1-4):Nature seems to be taking back urban areas.
Part 2 (Para 5):Gradually, human beings came to lose their connection with nature.
Part 3 (Para 6-11):However, the recent lockdown of cities amid the pandemic“frees space for other animals”. We should reflect on our relationship with nature, according to AFP.


Would you like to recommend this article to your friends? What will you tell them about its conclusions?
It's time for human beings to reflect on their relationship with wild animals.
 Human beings should take the blame for what they have done.
 Human beings and wild animals are both the inhabitants of the Earth instead of the owners.

Language focus

1.retreat (P1)
v. /n. 退却;撤退;后退;隐退
Eg.The French, suddenly outnumbered, were forced to retreat. 
2.pandemic (P1)
n. (全国或全球性)流行病,瘟疫
联想:epidemic n. 传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行adj. 流行的;传染性的
3.habitat (P4) 
n. [生态] 栖息地,产地
Eg. Habitat loss and climate change will be the biggest reasons for 
 their extinction.
4. evolve (P5)
v. 发展,进展;进化;逐步形成;推断出 
evolution n.
5. jostle (P5) 
v. 推挤,撞;争夺
Desperation has driven women to jostle with men for limited relief 
6. flock (P5) 
n.(羊或鸟) 群; (特定类型的)一群人
v. 聚集;成群而行
Eg. A noisy flock of tourists came into the building.
Hundreds of people flocked to the football match.
7. unmowed (P5) a.未割草的 mow n. 草堆;谷堆;v. 割草;收割庄稼
8. lockdown (P6)n. 一级防范禁闭(期) 
9. amid (P6) prep.
( in the middle of or surrounded by )
10. reduce (P7) v. 减少;降低;使处于;沦为
11. avid (P7)adj. 渴望的,贪婪的;热心的
12. livestream (P8)
Eg. Some people certainly find this medium appealing, as online "livestreams" are becoming all the rage in China. 
13.quarantine (P8)
n.v. 检疫隔离
Eg. It is said that all ships coming from abroad should be quarantined. 
14. temporary (P11)
adj. 暂时的,临时的n. 临时工,临时雇员
15. live in harmony with (P5)与...和谐生活 harmonious a.和谐的
16. share natural resources, including sunlight, water, forests and land
17. (be) stuck indoors (P7)被困在室内
18. lock up (P10)锁起来,关起来 
19. as ...put it (P11)
Eg. True human happiness should be, as he put it, fulfilling. 

Let’s finish a peom!

Return the forest to deer.
Return______ to ________.
Return______ to ________.
Return nature to wildlife.


Recommend the article to your friends.

Today I read about an amazing article that you should not miss. It’s said that ____________
______________. It’s deep in my mind that we human beings __________________

Predicting what goes viral (P6)
江苏省宜兴第一中学 沈骏 

What are the most popular videos on social media recently? 
What are the most popular videos on social media? 
The #broomchallenge 
Cat videos 

It seems that the popularity of videos are random, but… 
What really makes a viral video?(爆款视频) 
Fast reading 
Skim the text for the main idea of each part. 
Part 1 (Para.1-2) 
Introduction to viral videos. 
Part 2 (Para. 3) 
Neuroforecasting can be used to predict the virality of a video. 
Part 3 (Para. 4-8) 
The findings of a scientific paper based on neuroforecasting. 
Part 4 (Para. 9) 
The aim of a future experiment. 

Detailed reading 
1.  Why does the author mention the recent broom challenge and funny cat videos in the text? 
To introduce the topic to be discussed. 
(Whether the virality of a video can be predicted.) 
2. What did scientists from Stanford University find?  
A. There are differences between viral videos in different cultures. 
B. People’s reported responses can predict the virality of a video. 
C. There are links between viral videos under different subjects. 
D. Viewers’ initial brain activity can forecast the popularity of a video.  
3. What was the brain’s response when viewers watched the most popular video? 
A. All four monitored areas displayed increased activity. 
B. Areas related to the feeling of uncertainty got more active. 
C. One area got more active while another became less active.  
D. The activity of areas related to the feeling of anticipation increased. 
4.  What can we conclude from Brian Knutson’s words? 
A. The participants’ choices to watch the videos helped them make the finding. 
B. How long the subjects watched the videos also mattered to their conclusion. 
C. Our brain activity can show something we ourselves don’t realize.  
D. When the video exceeds viewers’ expectations, it is generally more popular. 
5.  What is the aim of the team’s future research? 
A. Exploring the link between individual and general choices.  
B. Interviewing content creators on how they make videos. 
C. Applying their findings to shopping trends. 
D. Supporting more charity organizations.      

What did scientists discover from the fMRI experiment? 
The two brain regions - the nucleus accumbens and the anterior insula - are related to the feeling of anticipation we get when we’re not certain about something’s outcome.

Work in groups and share your ideas.
Do you believe that individual choice is consistent with the choice made by large groups of people? What other fields could the experiment be applied to in terms of public choices? Why?

Language focus 
In the future, the team aims to use this type of fMRI experiment to understand “whether processes that generate individual choice can tell us something about choices made by large groups of people”. 
① 本句的主句为:the team aims to use this type of fMRI experiment; 
② to understand …作目的状语,whether引导的从句作understand的宾语; 
③ 该宾语从句的主干为processes can tell us something;其中that引导定语从句,修饰先行词processes; 
④ made by … 作后置定语,修饰choices。 
1. go viral 
2. a wide range of 
3. the feeling of anticipation 
4. systematical deconstruction 
5. generate individual choice 
6. charity support 
1. 疯狂传播 
2. 大范围的 
3. 预期感觉 
4. 系统拆析 
5. 生成个人选择 
6. 慈善资助 

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