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高三教案 第319期

Voting for London 's mayor (P4)

Check your understanding:

1. The author decided to vote because ____.

A. he wanted to support one of the candidates

B. he was curious about what voting was like

C. he considered the election an important event

D. he thought it was his responsibility to vote as he turned 18


2. Why did the author vote for Boris Johnson?

A. He was one of Boris Johnson's loyal fans.

B. He had no better choice within the two main candidates.

C. He thought Boris Johnson was funnier than Ken Livingstone.

D. He preferred the policies that Boris Johnson promised to enforce.


3. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The author is very enthusiastic about politics.

B. The London elections take place on May 1 every five years.

C. Boris Johnson's funny character helped him a lot to win the election.

D. Boris Johnson has prejudice against Jews and black people.


1. B 。 细节理解题。 由第二段最后一句话“ But given the fact that I was 18 and wanted to see what voting was like, I decided to give it a shot. ”可知作者决定参与选举主要是好奇心驱使,他想了解选举是怎么样的。

2. B 。 细节理解题。 由第四段最后一句话“ However, for me the election race seemed to be a choice between the lesser ( 较次的 ) of two evils, as both of the main candidates had quite serious holes in their policies. ”可知作者对两个主要候选人都不是特别满意,只是在两个中选一个更为满意的。

3. C 。 细节理解题。 由第四段“ Many people based their vote on the character of the candidate rather than the policies that he promised to enforce. Therefore I wasn't shocked at all to find that “funny man” Boris Johnson won the election. ”可推知 C 项正确;由最后一段“ After all, politics is a dirty little game. ”可知作者应该不会热衷于政治; B 项文中只提到了选举日是五月一号,但是几年换届并没有提及;由第五段“ Ken Livingstone for slurs ( 污点 ) against Jews and the Holocaust, and Boris Johnson for his jokes against black and Chinese people. ”对犹太人有偏见的是 Ken Livingstone , Boris Johnson 则对黑人和中国人有偏见。


British men are encouraged to cry (P4)

1. What does the passage mainly deal with?

A. Impression of British men.

B. British men's dream of the World Cup.

C. Advice on how to control emotions.

D. Different attitudes British men have towards crying.


2. Which of the following concerning the British men is NOT true according to the passage?

A. They are supposed to easily control emotions over the centuries.

B. They are confident that they will again get successful in the World Cup.

C. About 50% of British men admitted crying before their mothers.

D. Nowadays, the male Briton's attitude toward crying is changing.


3. The word "contain" in paragraph 3 means ____.

A. store B. hold back C. include D. stir up


4. What does the author think of the British men's crying?

A. They should cry if hurt.

B. They should keep firm not to cry to show they are not wimps.

C. They should be brave in face of physical pain and cry if necessary when facing other problems.

D. They should "let it out" whatever problems they meet with.


1. D 。 主旨大意题。 全文主要讲述了英国男子在释放情绪——哭的现状以及人们对于英国男子哭的不同态度,文中主要涉及的都是英国人对这一事情的看法,故 D 项为最佳选项。

2. C 。 细节理解题。 由第五段“ Half of London males admitted crying in front of their mothers. ”可知 C 项不对,此处使用了偷梁换柱的手法,不是 British men ,而是 London males 。

3. B 。 词义辨析题。 根据上下文可判断出 95% 的英国人还在控制自己的情绪,故答案为 B 。

4. C 。 推理判断题。 根据作者引用的论据以及全文可得知作者对于这个问题抱着客观的态度——该坚强时坚强,该发泄时就发泄——哭。


Exhibition smells (P6)

1. What might be the best title of the passage?

A. The Reg Vardy Gallery

B. Egyptian queen Cleopatra's hair

C. A visit to a new exhibition

D. The scents of ancient Egypt


2. Visitors can enjoy all of the following scents at the Reg Vardy Gallery EXCEPT ____.

A. the scent of ancient Egyptian king Cleopatra's hair

B. the smells of charred material of the Soviet Mir space station

C. the scent of having a childhood vacation by the sea

D. the smell of the aftermath of the first atomic bomb dropped on Japan .


3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Visitors go to Reg Vardy Gallery to enjoy beautiful sights.

B. James Wong managed to remix the aromas by referring to some historical reports.

C. The exhibition will last until July 6.

D. The scents visitors will smell are found in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra.


4. In which session are you likely to read the passage in a newspaper?

A. Science B. Education

C. Entertainment D. Economy


1. C 。主旨大意题。由第一段“ Visitors to the Reg Vardy Gallery will soon be able to do just that. ”以及最后一段“ The exhibition runs until June 6. Fourteen extinct and impossible smells are on display. ”可知本文重点是介绍 the Reg Vardy Gallery 此次展览的新的特色,所以 C 项为最佳选项。

2. C 。细节判断题。由第六、七、八段可知 A 、 B 、 D 项正确,而 C 项所提只是一个列举的味道一个作用而已,并非陈列的可闻到的味道之一,故选 C 。

3. B 。细节判断题。由文章倒数第二段可知 B 项正确。 A 项不对,人们去 Reg Vardy Gallery 是为了体验不同的气味; C 项时间应该是 June 6 ; D 项不对,人们可以闻到古埃及皇后 Cleopatra 头发的气味,并不表示所有的气味都来自其坟墓。

4. A 。推理判断题。文章介绍了 Reg Vardy Gallery 展览通过特殊处理,让人们能够体验到现代生活中很难闻到的气味,并探究了这一技巧是如何实现的,而此类分析一项新现象新发明如何形成的文章通常是出现在报纸的科技版中,故选 A 。


No charge for love (P8)

1. The passage is written ____.

A. to compare the mother's bill with her son's

B. to show the boy's mother was smart and humorous

C. to criticize the boy that he shouldn't have asked her mother for money

D. to inform us that a mother's love for her children is great and unselfish


2. When the mother wrote "No Charge" on the paper, she really meant that ____.

A. her son doesn't have to pay her money        

B. a mother's love for her son is priceless

C. she had taken great pains to bring the boy up

D. she didn't know how much her son should pay her


3. Why did the boy cry when he finished reading her mother's words?

A. He loved his mother deeply.

B. He realized that he couldn't get money from his mother.

C. He was touched by how much his mother loved him.

D. He felt his mother was the greatest one in the world.


1. D 。主旨大意题。文章通过对比小男孩和妈妈的截然不同的账单,告诉我们母爱的伟大,因此 D 项为最佳选项。

2. B 。细节理解题。结合文章主题可知 B 项符合题意。

3. C 。推理判断题。由下文小男孩的所作所为可知他完全被妈妈的爱给感动了,因此选 C 。


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