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高三教案 第328期

Who will be next? (P2)

Choose the best answer:
1. _______ makes the result of the election hard to predict.
A. Whether working class whites care about Obama’s inexperience
B. The economic trouble the country now faces
C. Who swing voters will finally decide to vote for
D. McCain being too old to govern the country

2. The appeal in Obama as a presidential candidate lies in ____.
A. his multi-cultural background
B. his belief in tradition
C. his inexperience in politics
D. his fantastic promises

3. The word “disown” in Paragraph 6 means closest to ____.
A. flee from B. turn his back on
C. not keep it private D. expose secrets about

4. The challenges that will face the new president _____.
A. are not mentioned in the text
B. include building a strong party and a friendly image
C. refer to the problems of immigrants and economy
D. refer to the problems of economy and international relations

1. C 。
题目问“什么使得选举的结果很难预测”。解题的判断依据在倒数第二段:So in the end, the election may hinge on several factors that are hard to judge. (选举最终所取决的几大重要因素都很难判断。)
A选项错在inexperience。原句Will working class whites …vote for Obama?并没提到白人工薪阶层对奥巴马在意的具体是什么方面。B选项在这段根本没有提到。在第二段提到了,但是这并不是影响选举的因素,只是讲目前美国的情况。C选项符合原句—这段最后一句And perhaps most important of all, will swing voters be more drawn to Obama’s vision or to McCain’s experience?所以这项正确。D项是麦凯恩的选举不利因素,但并不是这点使选举结果难测,也没有被作者列在选举所取决的几大重要因素之中。

2. A。
题目问的是奥巴马作为总统候选人的魅力在于什么。原文在第四段:His supporters say Obama’s childhood gives him the advantage to repair the recent damage done to America’s image abroad. 而他的少年时代是上一段提到的多文化背景(父母属于不同种族,离异后他又在印尼呆过一段时间),所以A正确。B项不符合事实(第二段a first-term senator promising change and new ideas),所以错误。C项是他的劣势所以要排除。D项—他的各种美好的承诺看似正确,但是每个总统候选人都要提出种种美好的承诺来吸引选民来投票,不一定能真正实现。而上面提到的第四段的原句说明了人们选择奥巴马的真正原因所在。
3. B。
该词所在原句:McCain could have been released if he disowned America but he refused and so was held for five years. dis-词缀表示否定、相反、反对,own表示所属关系,所以可猜测意思是“表明与…无关,脱离关系”。所以最接近的是”turn one’s back on”背弃。
4. D
文章最后提到的新总统将面临的挑战是呼应上文的第二段提到的美国的形势:both an economic downturn (国内at home)and international threats(国外abroad)所以D选项正确。本题要求学生注意上下文的呼应。

Young and rich (P3)

1. What does this passage talk about? (Please answer in less than 10 words)
参考答案:A New Jersey/(An American) teenager updating the high school yearbook
2. Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one? Suddenly Cook came up with an idea.
In that moment an idea occurred to Cook.
3. What do you think makes Catherine Cook succeed? (Please answer in less than 10 words)
Her creativity, hard work as well as her family’s help.
4. Catherine tried out her website at first by ______.
By testing how much the website could attract her schoolmates.
5. Translate the following sentence into Chinese.
With 10 million users, most under 18, the site is now earning more than $10m a year in advertising sales.

Adventurers have nothing left to do (P4)

Choose the best answer:
1. According to the author, the so called "record-breakers" _________.
A. do not benefit other people at all
B. inspire people to continue exploring
C. are boring and should be stopped by law
D. are usually not wealthy enough

2. What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. There are no high mountains for people to climb.
B. Nothing is left for people to explore in the universe.
C. It’s difficult for ordinary people to explore the unknown.
D. Human beings could fly around the world long ago.

3. Which would the writer probably agree with?
A. The British man should be encouraged to walk to the North Pole.
B. Australians don’t like to break meaningless records.
C. A helicopter trip to the North Pole would be highly popular among adventurers.
D. Some people waste a lot of time and money satisfying their need for adventure.

1. A。
从原文第一段最后的“…to do something that doesn’t seem to be very useful to the rest of us”可判断A正确。从总体看作者对这类成为“第一个…/最…的人”持反对态度,所以B错误。C项的后半部分 “should be stopped by law”错误,文中作者没说到采用法律手段制止这类行为,所以排除。文章说的是普通人,并没有说他们富有与否,所以排除D项。
2. C。
第二段主要说明现在的人没多少地方可以去探险,因为前人把可去的地方都去过了,而那些未知的探险处所都需要高科技。A项只提到高山,太局限。B项错在in the universe部分。D项不符合事实。所以只有C正确。
3. D。
后面两段说明作者很反对去北极的英国人的做法,所以A错误。文章没有说澳大利亚人是否喜欢破这样的记录,只是说澳大利亚人可能很烦去救这类破无聊记录的人,所以B错。文中提到作者愿意乘直升飞机旅游北极,但是没提去北极的直升飞机旅游是否会很受欢迎,所以排除C。澳大利亚海军被派去救这些人,花了大量的钱,作者认为应该这些人去买单,所以他们是浪费了很多钱,第二段的第二句Don’t they have better things to do with their time and money?也说明了D正确。

Image makeover (P6)

Choose the best answer:
1. From the first two paragraphs, we can see that _______.
A. men do not attach much importance to their appearance
B. men care more about their body image than women
C. a man who’s confident usually feels good about his appearance
D. there is no point for men to spend time in front of the mirror

2. We can infer from the text that a positive body image means ______.
A. being tidy, healthy and fit
B. being skillful, strong and sporty
C. having strength and all-around talents
D. being hardworking and talented

3. By saying "respect your body", the writer means _____.
A. wear clothes that show your body off
B. work out every single day
C. develop your unique talent
D. look after your body well

4. The purpose of this passage is to _____.
A. give men some advice on how to get focused on body image
B. give men some advice on how to build up one’s self-confidence
C. point out practical and useful methods for males to build one’s body
D. teach men how to improve one’s body image

1. C。
前两段作者在说明很多男性都很在意自己的外表—外在形象,而外在形象对人的自我感觉很重要,所以应该培养好的外在形象。所以A错,不是不重视。B错误,因为文章没有对男女进行比较。C正确,符合原文So how a guy feels about his body can affect how he feels about himself.。文章既然提建议来培养好的外在形象,D就是错误的。
2. A。
文章提的下面几项建议:1. 认识自己(身体方面)的强项,并发展它们。2. 锻炼、健康饮食 3.不做有害身体的事情,比如吸烟等。养成好的梳洗习惯,并且不过多重视外在。所以A正确。B的一个明显错误在sporty,因为原文第三段说到Or perhaps you have non-sports skills。C错在all-around全面的,原文同样是第三段,说的是不用全面,只要找出自己的长项。文章并没说你要有天才(talented),所以D错。
3. D。
4. D。本文是为男士提建议培养好的外在形象,所以D对。A错在get focused on(集中注意力于),这不是作者的意图。B把重点放在建立自信,而不是外在形象,所以错。C是说健身,所以也不对。

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