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初二教案 第748期


Wondrous waterway (P4-5)


What is the World Heritage Site?

How many sites in China are listed?

 (Name a few)

What are the six World Heritage sites on UN stamp series in 2021?


While reading

The Great Wall isn’t China’s only man-made construction  that has impressed the world. Another is the Grand Canal – the longest man-made waterway in the world.

impress [ɪmˈpres] vt.打动;给……留下深刻印象

常用短语:be impressed by ...所感动;

                      be impressed with 对…印象深刻

名词形式:impression[ɪmˈpreʃn] 印象  

                      give the impression of  留下...的印象






Recently, ... At nearly 3,200 kilometers long, the canal runs from Beijing to Zhejiang province. It is more than 2,500 years old. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), Han Gou, a canal was built in today’s Jiangsu province. It was then expanded into the Grand Canal during the Sui Dynasty (581-618).


1. What do we know about the Grand Canal?


The Grand Canal has had an important role in developing the countrys economy (经济) and keeping it stable (稳定的), according to the UNPA.

have/play a role in (sth./doing sth.)...中发挥作用

Everyone has a role in protecting the environment.


develop the economy 发展经济

keep sth. + adj. 保持(...的状态)

keep him awakekeep the classroom clean

according to 依据,按照


During the Sui Dynasty, for example, the southern part of China grew fine grain. But the capital was in Luoyang, Henan, where the grain should be kept. Thanks to the canal, they could send the grain to the capital more easily and quickly. When wars or disasters broke out, they were easier to manage.

grow vi生长;②vt.种植,grow fine grain 种植高粱

thanks to 多亏了,同owing to (to为介词,后接n.v-ing)

break out (战争,疾病等)爆发(break-broke-broken



Thanks to the canal, they could send the grain to the capital more easily and quickly. When wars or disasters broke out, they were easier to manage. Other products, like silk, tea and coal were also exchanged more easily.

2. What could the canal be used to do?


The canal, in fact, played a big part in building the Forbidden City during the Ming Dynasty. Bricks were sent from Shandong and Jiangsu, while wood was sent from Hunan.

in fact 实际上

play a big part/role in+n./v-ing  发挥重要作用


while [waɪl]



n.一段时间once in a while 偶尔;for a while一会儿


The Great Wall symbolizes the firm backbone of China, while the Grand Canal is the bloodline that flows through the hearts of Chinese people,” said Shan Jixiang, former directorof the Palace Museum.

3. What did Shan Jixiang mean by his words?


4. Why did the writer write the passage?


Further reading

  Read the passage and answer the questions.

  China's taijiquan, also known as tai chi a major part of the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and practiced by a great number of people worldwide was added to UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity(非物质文化遗产名录)on Thursday.    

  Taijiquan, which originated(发源)during the mid-17th century in Wenxian county in Jiaozuo, Henan province, is practiced throughout the country by people of all ages and ethnic groups.

  Influenced by Taoist(道家) and Confucian(儒家) thought and theories of traditional Chinese medicine, the practice has developed into several styles named after a master's personal surname, such as Chen style or Yang style.

  "A successful bid (申报) is not our final goal," said Yan Shuangjun, a taijiquan researcher from the folk artists' association of Jiaozuo. "How to pass it down is the key. We'll be able to work more closely with scientific institutions to discover the connection between taijiquan and people's physical and psychological health."  


1. Taichi played an important part in the grand ________________________________ and practiced by many people all over the world.


2. What had a big influence on the development of Taichi?

3. What is the key mission(使命) of Taichi rearchers?



Design a postcard and introduce it to your friends. You may include:

* History

* Influence

* Significance                           



1. I was very i_______ by one little girl dancing on the Teachers’ Day.

2. We should take care of our parents when we ____up.

3. She has very good social skills and is able to ____ a team.

4. Parents must be ____(严格的)with their children.


deal with, play an important role, according to, break out, thanks to, in fact

1. A severe pandemic _______in China in the year 2019, which made us re-examine the relationship with nature.

2. China _______________ in keeping the peace of the world.

3. ________ the technology, we can have classes online during the horrible Covid-19 epidemic.




1. At nearly 3,200 kilometers long, the canal runs from Beijing to Zhejiang province.

2. When wars or disasters broke out, they were easier to manage.

3. The Great Wall symbolizes the firm backbone of China, while the Grand Canal is the bloodline that flows through the hearts of Chinese people



1. It runs between Beijing and Zhejiang province.



2. Ship grains.

Exchange goods.

Support the capital.

注:无线索体现大运河可用来抵御战争。文中“when wars... 是紧跟上一句“有了大运河,从南方运输谷物到京城(洛阳)就更方便了”,强调战时的粮食供给因运输便利无后顾之忧,而不是用运河本身抵御战争。manage应对,管理。


3. The Grand Canal is an important cultural symbol.

while比较法,把长城比做firm backbone中国坚实的脊梁,(firm坚实的,严格的);把大运河比做bloodline,流经中国人心脏的血液,可以看出单霁翔给与了大运河最高的评价,是和万里长城具有同等地位的中国文化象征。


4. To introduce the Grand Canal.

写作意图判断,属于对文章主旨大意的考察,需结合标题、首尾段及每段中心句综合得出。标题Wondrous waterway神奇的水路,就是对文章内容的高度凝练。另,首段通过类比长城,引出了Grand Canal话题,中间段落分别从大运河的悠久历史、重要作用、历史和现实意义等方面逐一介绍,故可以看出是对大运河的介绍。而大运河荣登2021年联合国文化遗产系列邮票,一是引出下文,二是突出大运河的重要性,而非介绍邮票本身。



1. opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

2. It was influenced by Taoist and Confucian thought and theories of traditional Chinese medicine.

3. To study how to pass down Taichi.



1. impressed  2. grow    3. manage   4. firm



1. broke out   2. plays an important role   3. Thanks to



1. 大运河全长近3200公里,从北京绵延至浙江省。

2. 战时或爆发灾荒时,他们更容易应对灾情。

3. 长城象征着中国的坚实脊梁,而大运河则是流经每个中国人心脏的血液。


Grow with the climate (P6)


What are the main causes of floods in Henan and typhoons in southeast China?

How do people cope with the high temperature in summer and freezing cold in winter?


While reading

When you hear the word shapeshifting(变身), you may think of sci-fi (科幻) movies, and not the climate (气候). But thats what animals are doing to deal with climate change.

1. Why do animals “shapeshift” according to the text?


When you hear the word shapeshifting(变身), you may think of sci-fi (科幻) movies, and not the climate (气候). But thats what animals are doing to deal with climate change.

think of 想起      think about 考虑    think over 再三考虑

deal with 处理,应对(强调方式),常与how搭配

How do you deal with the situation?你如何应对这种情况?

do with 处理某事(强调内容),常与what搭配

What should I do with the lovely dogs?



A new study shows that some animals are gradually

(逐渐) growing larger beaks, legs and ears. In this way they can lose heat (热量) more easily to cool themselves down as Earth gets warmer.

in this way 通过这种方式      in a ...way 通过某种方式

She smiled in a friendly way.

on the way to  ...途中        by the way 顺便说一下

cool down 冷却,冷静   as 由于,引导原因状语从句。



A lot of the time when we talk about climate change, we ask ‘Can humans overcome this?’ or ‘What technology can solve this?’ But we should know that animals also have to adapt to these changes,” said the study’s author, Sara Ryding, from Deakin University, Australia.

overcome [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] 克服,战胜 overcome the difficulties

solve [sɒlv] 解决,处理 solve the problems

adapt (sth) to (使)适应

翻译:College students should adapt themselves to the new life in campus.

overheat 过热    over-(prefix)过度, 超过


I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow

fail to do 未能(成功)做某事。failure(n.)失败


2. What might happen if animals cannot control their body temperature?


In one example, the beaks of some Australian parrot species (物种) have grown 4 to 10 percent larger since 1871. The study says its closely related (相关的) to rising summer temperatures over the years.

species[ˈspiːʃiːz] 物种,种类,单复同形



The classroom is twice as large as ours.


The classroom is twice larger than ours. 



over the years  多年以来


Similar examples include wood mice. They have longer tails. Masked shrews (假面鼩鼱) are getting longer tails and legs, and bats in warm climates have bigger wings.

similar [ˈsɪmələ(r)] adj. 相像的,类似的

be similar to ...相似        in a similar way 以类似的方式

masked戴面具的,假面的,由n.+ed转换而来,表示具有...的特点。如manned spaceship(载人的)宇宙飞船;strong-minded意志坚强的;blue-eyed蓝眼睛的

3. How are bats in warm climates changing themselves?


Although the changes are still small, Ryding said they could be more obvious as the days become hotter. “Body parts like ears are predicted to be bigger, so we might end up with a live-action Dumbo [big-eared elephant from a Disney cartoon] in the near future,” Ryding told BBC.

4. What does Sara mean in the last paragraph?


What other changes will climate change bring

Please write them down.

critical thinking思辨能力考查


Referencesflood disaster and extreme weatherrising of sea level destroy of habitat for animals and plants migrationetc.


Further reading

Read the passage and answer the questions.

  A body part adaptation refers to a body part of the animal that has changed over time to better suit survival in the animal’s environment.

  A common animal adaptation is a giraffes long neck. Giraffes have adapted in many ways for life in the grasslands of East Africa. Their long necks allow them to reach leaves from high branches, and their spots(斑点) are an example of a body covering adaptation that helps protect them from being hunt by predators(捕食者).    

  Similar to camels, giraffes have also adapted to life in a region where there is little water. They can go weeks without water and also consume most of their water from morning dew(露水) and the plants they eat.     


Further reading

1. The giraffes’ long necks can make it easier for them to   _____________________. 


2. The ____ are an important body covering adaptation for giraffes to avoid being hunt.


3. How do giraffes survive in regions where there is little water?




Suppose you’re a member of the migrating elephants and deliver a speech. You may include:







1. F_____is the mother of success.

2. We should try to practice more to  o______ the stage fright and find better ways to  s____ the problems when there is an emergency.

3. The twins have very ____(相似的) interests.

4. A____ the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm.




adapt... to, in a friendly way, think of, end up with, cool down, deal with


1. I entered the competition with no hope, but I ___________a gloden prize!

2. It always takes time to _____ ourselves _____ the new environment, but we need to face it bravely.

3. Quarrels even happen between close friends. Both should try to cool down and talk with each other ____________ in order to keep a long-lasting friendship.

4. We need to ______ ways to improve our English.

5. The government has made a prompt(迅速的) action to ________ the flood in Henan.




1. If animals fail to control their body temperature, they can overheat and die.

2. Although the changes are still small, Ryding said they could be more obvious as the days become hotter.



1. To deal with climate change.

shapeshift 为合成词,这是由when引导的时间状语从句,指出人们一听到shapeshift一般会联想到科幻电影,而不会想到气候。第二句but转折,that代指shapeshiftwhat引导的表语从句点明其真正含义,即deal with climate change动物应对气候变化的一种方式。


2. If animals fail to control their body temperature, they can overheat and die.

They might overheat and die.(细节题,寻找关键词,精确定位。)


3. They have bigger wings.(寻找关键词法,精确定位)


4. Elephants’ ears might grow bigger in the near future.

end up with ...而告终,live-action 实景真人的,Dumbo是迪士尼动画里的小飞象,耳朵很大,意为动画小飞象形象可能会成真,现实中的大象耳朵会因适应环境而变大。


Further reading

1. reach leaves from high branches

2. spots

3. They consume most of their water from morning dew and the plants they eat.



1. Failure  2. overcome; solve  3. similar    4. Although



1. ended up with   2. adapt; to  3. in a friendly way  4. think of  5. deal with



1. 如果动物不能控制体温,他们可能会因体温过高而死亡。

2. 赖丁称,尽管变化仍然很小,但随着天气变热,这些变化可能会更加明显。







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