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高三教案 第332期

Pirates are back (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. From the first four paragraphs, we can conclude that _____.
A. where there’s fortune, there’s greed
B. pirates in Somalia only attack ships that carry arms
C. the pirates issue has become serious in recent years
D. navies have been effective in getting rid of pirates

2. Which of the following is TRUE about piracy?
A. It was recorded that pirates started to attack ships in Somalia in the 13th century.
B. Back in the mid 18th century pirates did not appear so cruel as today’s.
C. Once countries established strong navies, pirates found a fighting strategy accordingly.
D. In the mid-1900s, pirates not only targeted treasures but also ships and their crew.

3. Unlike before, piracy nowadays ____.
A. has spread to all corners of the world
B. is more like terrorism and disturbs regional peace
C. has become a key business for some poor countries
D. has been involving large sums of money

4. The article is written to ____.
A. draw your attention to the long existing problem of piracy
B. analyze how and why piracy has changed these years
C. give you a timeline of development of piracy
D. inform you of what has been done to fight piracy

1. 此题要求归纳总结几个段落总体的大意。从开始提到索马里附近的一片水域是最重要的商道也是最令人惧怕的—因为海盗经常出没,之后用具体的例子和数字说明了目前海盗的猖獗,所以C项正确。

Don’t follow stars without thinking (P2)
Choose the best answer:
1. At the beginning, the writer mentioned celebrity spokespersons to _____.
A. stress that they are to blame for misleading people to buy those problem products
B. call on us to think more about the product rather than the celebrity spokespersons
C. point out the ignored holes in current advertisement laws
D. warn us that we shouldn’t blindly copy our idols

2. From Paragraph 4, we can conclude that _____.
A. we should take media products only as entertainment
B. messages are hidden in media products and meant for us to find out
C. the media products are created with a purpose
D. when we receive information, we too often take it for granted

3. In order to train ourselves to think critically, we need to do the following EXCEPT ____.
A. analyze the intention of messages presented
B. make judgment about what we see and hear
C. make a decision after asking for others’ opinion
D. dig out the missing views behind the information

4. The passage is mainly about ____.
A. advertisement making B. hidden messages
C. mass media D. media literacy


Opening his eyes in Africa (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. The refugee children probably need _____ most.
A. clean drinking water B. a grass football pitch
C. necessities of survival D. a tent to sleep in

2. What can we know about McGrady from the passage?
A. Basketball made him what he is today.
B. He is an NBA superstar as great as Kobe or Jordan.
C. He didn’t show his talent for basketball as a teenager.
D. He taught children to play football in a refugee camp.

3. What does "removed" in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
A. different B. dismissed C. moved D. taken away

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. McGrady wanted to buy kids a grass pitch because he spotted a football genius among them.
B. McGrady left his comfortable life behind to visit Africa because he wanted to meet fact to face with the people.
C. McGrady was blamed for ignoring the kids’ real needs by offering something unnecessary.
D. McGrady’s future aim will be nothing but compete for an NBA Championship ring.

5. McGrady learned from his visit to Africa that ____.
A. he needn’t improve his basketball skills to reach the heights of his seniors
B. sport gave him a chance and means everything to him
C. people in hunger can never understand the importance of sport
D. What’s truly meaningful can be a world of difference to different people

1. 此题为推理题。文章第2段告诉读者一块草地球场不是“what the kids need”,联系文章关于非洲难民的描述,我们不难得出如下结论:如何生存下去才是非洲儿童目前所最急需解决的问题。选项A、D过于具体,失去了概括性。
2.作为一个少年就被NBA scouts发掘的篮球天才,篮球给了他机会和a handsome living,篮球也就是他生活的中心。所以是篮球使他有了今天。所以A正确。
3. “removed”在文中用来修饰McGrady的handsome living,这种生活和普通人的生活是 “very removed”,也就是相去甚远的意思。他的生活和非洲难民的生活现状更是天壤之别。
4. McGrady “stepped out of his mansion and flew to a place literally torn to bits by war and famine”,到饱受战乱和饥荒蹂躏的非洲,的确是把舒适的生活抛在一边,目的是要看看“the faces behind the statistics”, “see it for myself”,所以选项B正确。他想给非洲儿童买一个草皮球场,“Perhaps he sees a Ronaldinho”,但不等于是他真的发现了一个足球天才,真正的原因是他想“give these children some hope”,给他们一些帮助。 尽管他的帮助不是孩子们真正需求的东西,“no one should blame McGrady for wanting to buy the kids a patch of grass.”所以C项错误。
5. 此题为推理判断题。文章最后一段谈到McGrady 还没有获得“an NBA championship ring”,还没有 达到Kobe 和Jordan的高度,但是what is truly meaningful,能够truly make a difference in the world,却不仅仅是篮球,而是非洲之行教会他的对他人的帮助和贡献,所以选项A错误。选项B忽略了非洲之行给McGrady带来的变化。非洲的人们只是不把体育看成是生活的全部,“They don’t mistake it for life itself.” 却不能因此认定C项的结论,人们不理解体育的重要性。而此行令他明白了对于不同的人,什么是真正有意义的是多么的不同,所以D正确。

Two worlds come together (P4)
Choose the best answer:
1. What difficulties might early European settlers meet in America EXCEPT ______?
A. the fierce conflict with Native Americans
B. bad-tempered natives who enjoyed killing
C. unfamiliarity with a foreign land
D. lack of food in winter

2. Pocahontas saved John Smith twice because ____.
A. he was the first white man she had ever seen in her life
B. she wanted to become a Christian and marry an Englishman
C. she believed in general kindness even to people of a different race
D. she was on the settlers’ side and against her cruel father

3. Which is NOT an element to make Pocahontas a legend?
A. Her tribal background and her marriage to a white settler.
B. Her selfless help to people regarded as enemy of her tribe.
C. Her complicated life story different from common people’s.
D. The recreation of her life story in the 1995 Disney film.

4. According to the text, Europeans think Pocahontas _____.
A. was brave to break away from her own tribe
B. set a good example for other natives to accept the white settlers
C. was a selfless Christian who can love her enemy
D. was open to a more advanced culture

5. What can we infer from the passage?
A. The battles between early settlers and Native Americans resulted from their fighting for land.
B. The Europeans think the early settlers should have learned to adjust to the local cultures.
C. The creation of America is based on the settlers’ victory over the Native Americans.
D. People from different cultures can never really get along well with each other.

1. 本题总结了诸如John Smith这样的早期殖民者在北美大陆所遇到的困难,需要概括和推论的阅读技巧。从第1段内容可推出C,第4段和选项D有关,从Smith的经历可知殖民者和土著居民的激烈冲突,唯有选项D说土著嗜好杀戮,是对文章关于土著描述的误解,因此选B。
2.文章最后一段在谈到Pocahontas救John Smith时,就提到Pocahontas的“selfless love”,她救人没有其它企图,只是做了她认为的“the right thing”,而她的“right thing”就是 “people can be kind and loving even to people of a different race or culture.”。文章并没有把土著人放在邪恶的一边,殖民者也不代表正义,Pocahontas代表的是种族间的包容和融合,所以只有C正确。
3. Pocahontas作为部落酋长的女儿,却和白人殖民者结婚,无私帮助被视为部落仇人的殖民者,她的生活经历复杂与常人不同,这些都是构成她的传奇人生的要素。而95年版的Disney电影是记录她的传奇人生的产物,不是原因。
4. 欧洲人对Pocahontas的看法在最后一段提到。原句为:…many Europeans look at Pocahontas as an excellent example of how a minority can adjust into the majority.从这句可以看出很多欧洲人还是有偏见的,把土著人看成少数民族,认为别人应该都像Pocahontas那样为他们做出调整,向他们靠近。所以B正确。但是文中并没有说欧洲人认为自己的文化更高级,所以D错误。
5. 文章第5段谈到Pocahontas的父亲想杀John Smith的原因是“the Native Americans were very scared the English would try to take over their land”,说明土著人和殖民者的矛盾冲突的原因是对土地的争夺。所以A正确。Pocahontas受到白人推崇的一个原因就是她作为minority的一员很好地适应了白人这样的majority,可以看出白人在心理上的优势,认为土著该适应和融入欧洲文化,而不是B项中的白人适应当地土著文化。全文最后一句“This selfless attitude led to the successful creation of America.”可以判断C项的错误。

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