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初一教案 第755期




A big step for women (P6)


I. Warm up

Look at the picture and answer the questions:


1. Who are they?

2. Where are they now?

3. What do you think of them?



II. Pre-reading

Look at the title and predict what we are going to read about.



III. While reading

Read Paragraph 1 and find out the answer.

1. How did Wang Yaping feel when she walked out of the station?

A. Cold.             B. Tired.

C. Great.        D. Scared.


Read Paragraph 2 and find the answer.

2. What can we learn about the spacewalk on Nov 7?

A. It was the world’s first female spacewalk.

B. It lasted about six-and-a-half hours.

C. Wang Yaping did the spacewalk alone.

D. It made Wang Yaping very sick.


Read Paragraph 2 and find out the answer.

3. What do they do during the spacewalk?


Read Paragraph 3 and find out the answers.

4. How many women around the world have done spacewalks?


5. What does Yang Yuguang think of female spacewalkers?


Read Paragraph 4 and find out the answer.

6. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Why Wang’s spacewalk is important.

B. When humans can live on other planets.

C. Why astronauts carry out spacewalks.

D. How female bodies change in space.


IV. Post reading

Do you think that female spacewalkers are important? Why


V. Words in use

Complete the sentences using the given words and phrases.

test;  safety;  exploration;  take part in;  adjust    

1. Her parents worried about her ______.

2. Underwater _______ is much cheaper than space flight.

3. It’s a good way to ________ the possibility.

4. I would like to  _________ the speech contest.

5. You can ________ the height of the chair to make yourself comfortable.


Complete the sentences.

1. My teacher gave me a second chance to ______(完成) the experiment.


2. You should put more e______ into your work.


3. S________ I will be a pilot.


4. Why does the boy _________ (招手) to me?


5. People should do their part to protect our ________ (环境).


VI. Language Points







1. Yang said that humans may live on other planets someday.


That 在这里引导的是宾语从句。


2. We need to study how female bodies adjust to the space environment.


how female bodies adjust to the space environment”在这里做 study 的宾语,是宾语从句。


3. That’s why Wang’s spacewalk is important, Yang told Global Times.


why在这里引导的是表语从句 Wangs spacewlk is important”。





III. While reading

Careful reading

1. C。解析:由第一段第一句可知,当杨亚平走出空间站的时候她说:“我感觉很棒。”因此答案为C

2. B。解析:由第二段第三句可知,此次的太空行走持续了6.5小时。因此答案为C

3. They adjusted the stations robotic arm. They also tested the safety of their spacesuits. 解析:由第二段第三句可知,他们调整了空间站的机器手臂,也测试了航空服的安全性。

4. 16 (Sixteen)。解析:由第三段第一句话可知,自从1984年以来,世界上仅有16名女性参与了太空行走。

5. Female spacewalkers are very important to space exploration. 解析:由第三段第二句可知,杨认为女性太空漫步者对于太空探索很重要。

6. A。解析:由第四段第二句可知,杨认为如果不让女性参加此次太空行动,我们的努力将会是不完整的。因为我们需要研究女性的身体是如何适应太空的。所以女性参加太空行走很重要。因此答案为A


IV. Words in use

1. safety

2. exploration

3. test

4. take part in

5. adjust


1. complete

2. effort

3. Someday

4. wave

5. environment


VI. Language points

space station

make history


space exploration

space environment



Beyond superpower (P8)


I. Warm up

1. Look at the picture. What kind of movie is it?

2. Do you like this kind of movie? Why or why not?



II. Pre-reading

Look at the title and predict what we are going to read in the article.



III. While reading

Read Paragraph 1 and find out the answer.

1. What does Paragraph 1 tell us about Mirabel?

A. She is 24 years old.

B. She is a Latin-American girl.

C. She is making a new movie.

D. She is a princess in real life.


Read Paragraph 1 and find out the answers.

2. Where does Mirabel come from?


3. When will the movie come out?


Read Paragraph 2 and find the answer.

4. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. What Mirabel is like.

B. What Disney princesses usually look like.

C. What superpowers Mirabel’s family has.

D. How Mirabel’s family gets in danger.


Read Paragraph 3 and find the answer.

5. What might we infer (推断) from Paragraph 3?

A. Smith wrote the songs for the movie.

B. Smith filmed the movie in Latin America.

C. The movie tells us that girls are good at singing songs.

D. There is more about Latin America in the movie.


Read Paragraph 4 and find the answers.

6. Is Mirabel perfect?


7. How did Smith feel to create such a character?


Read Paragraph 4 and find the answer.

8. What does the word “remind” in the last paragraph mean?

A. to make sb believe

B. to make sb think about

C. to make sb get away from

D. to make sb feel angry about


Read Paragraph 4 and find the answer.

9. What do Smith and Mirabel have in common?



IV. Post-reading

10. Which word best describes (描述) Mirabel?

A. perfect                     B. strict

C. brave                D. careful


What do you think of Mirabel? Do you like her?



V. Words in use

Complete the sentences using the given words and phrases.

come out; create; remind…of;  both…and; find out   

1. He is so excited to  ____ such perfect a character.


2. The cartoon will ______ this year.


3. ____ Lily _____ Lucy love playing the piano.


4. The picture ____ me _____ my days in Paris.


5. The young man wants to ______ the secret.


Complete the sentences.

1. The astronauts were given a warm  _______(欢迎).


2. ______ (不像) his father, the boy is too proud.


3. She showed great courage (勇气) in the face of d____.


4. I come from a m______ family, so I learned to play the guitar at a very young age.


5. She speaks ______ (完美的) English.



VI. Language points

Learn the following useful phrases.








Luckily, both Smith and Mirabel have tried hard to find out who they are and what they believe in.


whowhat在这里引导的是宾语从句,“who they are 和“what they believe in find out 宾语。





III. While reading

Careful reading

1. B。解析:由第一段第二句可知,Mirable是一名14岁的拉丁美洲女孩。因此选B

2. The new movie Encanto. 解析:由第三句可知,Mirabel来自于新电影《魔法满屋》。

3. On Nov 24. 解析:由第四句可知,这部电影将会在1124号上映。

4. A。解析:由第二段可知,本段介绍的主要是电影中Mirabel的形象,包括外貌、才能、品格等。

5. D。解析:由第三段第二句可知,这部电影赞美了拉丁美洲的文化,因此答案为D

6. No (she isnt). 解析:由第一句可知, Mirabel 并不完美。

7. Smith felt excited. 解析:由第二句可知, Smith 对于创造这个角色很兴奋。

8. B。解析:由第三句可知,这个角色让她想到她自己14岁的时光,那会儿她是一个尴尬的戴着眼镜有着一头卷发的孩子。

9. Both of them have tried hard to find out who they are and what they believe in. 解析:由最后一句可知,SmithMirabel都很努力去弄清楚自我定位和自己的信仰。


IV. Post-reading




V. Words in use

1. create

2. come out

3. Both, and

4. reminds, of

5. find out


1. welcome

2. Unlike

3. danger

4. musical

5. perfect


VI. Language points


wear glasses

most importantly

everyone else

Latin American culture

try hard to do

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